BTS Reacts to You Doing Something Cute, So They Kiss You

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Notes: N/A

1. Jin

Jin was cooking dinner for everyone, completely focused on the task at hand. You had been trying to get him to sit down and relax all day. It was his day off, yet he was spending the entire day looking after the choirs that needed to be done in the dorm.

"Jin," you whine, wrapping your arms around him from behind.

"Jagi," he jokingly whines back, disentangling himself. You pout, crossing your arms and leaning against the counter next to him. He turns around to grab something, stopping when he sees your expression. That look melts his heart a little.

"You're so cute, Jagi," he murmurs, leaning closer to you. His lips claim yours gently as he softly touches your cheek," I love you."

2. Suga

 Suga comes home from the studio to find you napping on the couch. You had attempted to wait up for him yet again. He shakes his head, gently lifting you into his arms. He carries you to bed, tucking you into bed.

Not long after, he joins you. You shuffle into his side, your head on his chest. His arm goes around your waist, pulling you securely against him. You sigh softly as he looks down at your sleeping face, his expression melting.

"Aish, why is this girl so cute?" he murmurs sleepily. His lips brush against yours softly, his fingers stroking lightly up your arm. 

3. J-Hope

 It was his day off, and it matched up with yours. Since this was such a rare occurrence, you decided to go on a date. You had seen a movie, but now you were taking a walk in the park. Your fingers were intertwined together as he exaggeratedly swung your hands back and forth.

Suddenly, something hard hit the side of your head. It doesn't necessarily hurt but it does surprise you. J-Hope turns you toward him, his hand going to your head.

"Jagi! Are you okay?" his expression is concerned as he rubs the side of your head. You nod, turning to see a little girl picking up a Frisbee from the ground with a puppy running around her feet.

"I'm sorry," she says shyly, looking at her feet. You kneel in front of her.

"It's okay, accidents happen. You didn't hurt me," you say softly.

"You're not mad?" the little girl looks up.

"Not at all. Now, I think your puppy still has some play in it," the little girl looks down at the puppy, her expression lighting up. She takes off.

When you stand up, J-Hope turns you around and presses his lips to yours. After a moment, you pull back, dazed.

"What was that for?" you ask, looking up into his eyes. He grins at you.

"You're way too cute, Jagi. It's not fair," he murmurs, pulling you against his chest.

4. Rapmon

 Rapmon called you to the studio to hear some of the songs he was working on. He did this every once in a while when he wanted a second opinion. He was always excited to show you his work because your opinion mattered a lot to him.

He slipped the headphones over your ears as you closed your eyes. Your expression was intent as you listened. He watched you, smiling at the expression on your face. He secretly loved the expression you got on your face when you were enjoying his music.

The more he watched you, the more his urge to kiss you built up in him. He tried to resist so he wouldn't distract you, but his control broke when a small smile graced your lips. He grabbed your chin and pulled you into a warm kiss, the headphones falling from your ears are all but forgotten.

"You're so cute when you listen to music," he murmurs against your lips before deepening the kiss.

5. Jimin

 You were both supposed to have the day off today, but Jimin had gotten called in for a last minute dance practice. You had stayed the night at the dorm last night, and woke up well after all of the boys had left. Since they were usually tired and starving by the time they got done with practice, you decided to make dinner.

After a quick trip to the store, you spent the better part of the day cooking. You even took the time to bake cookies for dessert. Hours later, you collapsed on the couch, exhausted. You texted Jimin to have all the guys come back after rehearsal and then turned on the tv.

Jimin opens the door and immediately sighs in content at how good the dorm now smells. V rushes past him and heads straight for the dining room. The table is covered in food, causing V to bounce in place.

"Look at all the good," he practically yells. The rest of the guys trail past him to drop off their stuff. Jimin crouches next to you, looking down at your sleeping form. His hand brushes the hair out of your eyes.

"Who knew I'd get such a cute Jagi," he whispers, his lips just barely touching yours," Thank you."

6. V

You and V were on your first vacation together at an amusement park. V, as expected, wanted to ride every ride but you didn't really mind. It was a hot day, so after you ate lunch, you decided to get ice cream.

After waiting in line for about ten minutes, you walk away hand in hand while you enjoy your ice cream. You had both decided to get strange flavors you had never tried before for fun.

"Wanna try a bite?" You offer shyly. He nods eagerly, leaning over to take a bite.

"It's good. Try this one," he offers you a bite of his. When you lean toward him to get a bite, he taps it against your cheek, giggling. You pout at him.

He suddenly leans over and licks the ice cream from your cheek. You blush furiously as he pulls back, grinning. His hand goes to the back of your neck as he pulls you into a kiss.

"You're cute when you blush, Jagi," he he says casually, leaning back and taking another bite of your ice cream.

7. Jungkook

With the help of Jimin and Rapmon, you decided to surprise Jungkook while they were on tour. Watching the show from the audience was a thrilling experience, especially knowing how excited Jungkook would be to see you. You went back stage as they started their last song.

You waited off to the side as the staff helped to unmic him, waiting for him to notice you. Once he was done, Jimin nudged him in your direction. His expression lit up the second he saw you.

He rushes toward you, pulling you into a heated kiss. The guys wolf whistle in the background when you finally pull apart. He leans his forehead against yours.

"How do you keep getting cuter every time I see you?" he mutters, pressing his lips to your forehead and pulling you into a hug.

A/N: I'm finally getting into some of the more adorable reactions XD. I'm gonna try to get all the BTS ones done today.

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