Suga Scenario: They Like to Spoil You (Series)

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Request: can I get a scenario of bts members spoiling you with expensive clothes or makeups or spending a lot on dates for you? thank you 😊😊

     A/N: It's your birthday for all of these scenarios.

     You woke up a while before Yoongi did, getting up to get yourself a drink. Today was your birthday but you weren't entirely sure that Yoongi remembered. He had worked super late last night and came in long after you had gone to bed. He didn't even eat the dinner you left for him last night so he must have been really tired. You don't really care all that much that he might not remember what today is. He has the day off and you just want him to relax. He's been working really late for the past few weeks.

     "Good morning, Jagi," Yoongi's sleepy voice comes from behind you, surprising you a little. It's still pretty early so you're surprised that he's awake.

     Yoongi makes himself from coffee and sits next to you on the couch, pressing a kiss to your temple. He's mostly silent for a while as you wait for the coffee to kick in and for Yoongi to feel more awake. He can be easily annoyed before he's fully awake. After a while, his arm goes around your waist and tucks you into his side. You lay your head on his shoulder.

     "We should get ready to go soon," Yoongi's lips press to the top of your head, his words slightly muffled.

     "Go?" Your tone is surprised," Go where?"

     "It's my Jagi's birthday. There's no way we can just stay home," You can hear the gummy smile in Yoongi's voice.

     "I wasn't sure that you would remember," You admit guiltily. He shrugs, moving your head a little.

     "I may forget a lot of things sometimes, but I couldn't forget your birthday. What kind of a boyfriend would I be?" Yoongi stands and offers his hand," Let's get ready to go."

     Once you're both dressed, Yoongi takes you out to go shopping, letting you buy whatever you want. Sometimes, you look at the price and try to discreetly put it back but Yoongi would stop you, saying that if you want it, you can have it. After you were done shopping and loading the bags into the car, Yoongi would drive you both home.

     "I know that it would be more traditional for me to take you to a nice restaurant for your birthday but would it be okay if I just cooked instead?" Yoongi's expression is almost shy as he asks this," I just want a quiet night in with my Jagi, if that's okay?"

     "Absolutely!" You can't help but smile at him. Yoongi doesn't get to cook for you that often since he works a lot so you can't help but feel special.

     Yoongi spends a while cooking while you put away your new stuff. Dinner isn't fancy but it's really good and it makes you smile. As the two of you sit down to watch a movie, Yoongi hands you a box. Inside is a simple but very pretty necklace that definitely looks like it was worth a decent amount of money.

     "It's not much but I didn't think you would want something too flashy," Yoongi chews on his bottom lip, searching your expression to see if he made the right call. You lean forward and kiss him, letting the kiss speak for itself.

Notes: As I continue to watch my Youtube videos.

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