BTS Reacts to You Calling Yourself Ugly

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Notes: You call yourself ugly in front of your BTS significant other.

1. Jin

Jin would be beyond upset when heard you call yourself ugly. The problem is, his anger would be split in three different directions: you, himself, and whoever made you feel that way. If it was just the two of you, then he would confront you immediately, but if you were around others, then he would probably give you a look and then confront you at home.

"Jagiya, you are not ugly. No matter what anyone else thinks, you are beautiful and that's coming from someone who knows how to appreciate true beauty so I know what I'm talking about," Jin gives you a sharp look, cupping your jaw and forcing you to look at him.

2. Suga

 Suga wouldn't necessarily be angry at you, just annoyed that you think of yourself that way, although it's hard to tell the difference. He might not necessarily confront you then and there, especially if you were around other people. He would want to think out his response to you very carefully, wanting to make sure that he informed you that he wasn't angry at you, just that he was mad at how you saw yourself.

"It's not true, Jagi," Before you could question him, he plunged on," You're not ugly, Jagiya, and you should shouldn't see yourself that way. It's not correct," His expression is completely serious as he meets you head on about the issue.

3. J-Hope

This little sunshine would be very unhappy with you. He knows what it's like to have people think that you are unattractive and the fact that you see yourself that way makes him feel like he's failed you in some way. No matter where you are, he would probably have some overzealous reaction. My first thought is that he might most likely yell no because he's shocked that you would ever say that about yourself.

"No! You are beautiful Jagiya, and you are not allowed to think otherwise!" J-hope's outburst surprises you considering he doesn't tend to get annoyed that easily," My Jagiya is beautiful and no one can tell me me your not, especially you," J-hope's expression is passionate as he says this. 

4. Rapmon

 Rap Monster would confront you then and there. As we all know, he is a very big advocate for everyone loving themselves so he is definitely upset. He wouldn't necessarily be angry with you, but with the idea that you feel like you have to match up to standards that are set by someone else and you feel like you're not good enough, he would not be happy.

"Jagiya, I'll say this as many times as you need to hear it," He grips your chin and meets your eyes," You are perfect and there is no reason for you to feel any other way."

5. Jimin

 Jimin is not happy. He knows what it's like to feel like you have to meet someone else's standards and struggling to meet those standards. Specifically, what meeting those standards can do to you. Jimin doesn't really consider himself attractive and he seems to boast about it a lot in an attempt to regain the confidence that was taken from him by specific fans that got upset at him for "weighing too much" and not having his abs anymore. It also affect himself to the point where he starved himself. He doesn't want you to do the same thing. He would confront you when you were alone.

"Jagiya, are you not satisfied with yourself as you are?" Jimin would ask quietly, his expression dead serious," The girl I see is beautiful and perfect, so please don't do anything that could hurt her, okay?"

6. V

V would be heartbroken. He would definitely be one to blame himself for you feeling inadequate in any way. He would be one to immediately pull you into a side room if you were with other people and talk about it then and there. He would start off by apologizing to you, confusing you even more. When you asked him way, he would explain himself.

"It's my fault you feel this way," Taehyung would say, despite your protests," But I will do my best to make up for it everyday. I love you Jagiya and you are beautiful. I'll make sure that you know that everyday, no matter where I am."

7. Jungkook

 Jungkook has heard you refer to yourself this way multiple times, but he didn't think anything of it at first. He thought maybe you were just joking around and not being serious. When it kept happening, he would realize that it's something that he should probably talk to you about. He would sit you down one evening, after he's thought about the best way to talk to you about it, and start the discussion.

"Jagiya. you know I think you're beautiful, right?" Jungkook wanted to ease into the conversation, not sure how else to start it besides coming right out and saying it. 

A/N: I'm totally okay with you guys making any requests you might have! If it's one I've already done, I'll just add it to the book :).

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