Chapter 1

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You were just getting off the plane to Ireland. You were so excited! This would be awesome! You quickly got your things and left the airport. You were able to get a rental car and you drove for a few hours to get to your new home. You arrived there and quickly got everything set up. After you were done hauling your stuff to your apartment you collapsed on your new couch and took out your travel computer (chrome book) and instantly looked up Jacksepticeye videos. You LOVED watching him! He was so funny and his channel was AWESOME or in his words BOSSOME! You instantly saw that he had a new (fav game he's played) video out. You clicked it quickly and it played rather fast. 

"*WHAPOOSH* Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to-" The video was drowned out by someone yelling like crazy next door. You paused it and listened, stunned. A few seconds passed and everything was silent, but then you heard someone scream. You gasped. Your first instinct was to make sure they were ok. You got up and hurried to the door. You tripped on a box and fell face first into the carpet. You groaned in pain and then shook it off. You'd had worse after all. You walked out of your apartment and knocked on the door to the one next door. You heard footsteps coming toward it and soon the doorknob twisted and it opened. You were shocked when you saw who it was. It was HIM! It was Jacksepticeye! You couldn't believe it. You quickly shook it off and acted natural.

"H-hello, I just came to make sure everything was alright. I heard a scream and my first instinct was to come and see if everything was ok." You said quickly. He looked slightly surprised. 

"Aren't ya used to my yellin' by now?" He asked.

"I just moved in." You replied. He suddenly looked really happy.

"Oh! Well, welcome ta the buildin' then! It's nice to meet a new face! You wanna come in? I bet you don't want to stand in the hallway forever." He said. You smiled at him. 

"I don't want to intrude or anything." You said, trying not to be that person that just walks into somebody's place.

"It's fine! Come on in! What kinda neighbor would I be if I just turned ya around and told ya to shove off? Besides you seem pretty nice, coming to check on me even though you didn't know me and all." He said. You smiled with a tiny chuckle. 

"Thank you." You said and walked in. You were so excited! You were in Jack's apartment! Not even a full day in Ireland and you already met and been in Jacksepticeye's place! Best, day, EVER! You thought. He offered you a seat and you took it thanking him once again. You wanted to make sure you had all your manners in check. He sat down on the couch next to you. 

"So...I never got your name." He said. 

"Oh! I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)." You said. He smiled.

"That's a nice name! I'm Sean! Sean McLoughlin." He said. You smiled, already knowing that, but you went with it.

"Nice to meet you, Sean!" You said.

"You too, (Y/n)!" He said happily. Still energetic even outside the videos. Just the way I like it! You thought with a silent giggle to yourself. "So, what made ya move here?" He asked.

"I wanted to add some spice into my life so I packed up and got onto the next flight to Ireland." You replied. 

"Well, I dunno about spice but we got potatoes!" He joked. You laughed. "Where are ya from?" He asked after the laughter had died down. 

"(Where you're from)." You replied. 

(If you're from Ireland than I dunno pick some other place.)

"Neat!" He said. Then he got up. "Hey, you want somethin' to drink or eat?" He asked. You smiled. 

"It depends on what my options are." You replied. He chuckled. 

"Well, you can come and take a look with me." He offered.

"Thank you!" You said and followed him into the kitchen. You both ended up having milk and chocolate chip cookies. You both talked and laughed and had a good time. Then you made a mistake. You'd been laughing at one of his jokes and accidentally said,

"That was HILARIOUS, Jack!" You quickly covered your mouth at your mistake. He looked surprised. Then he sighed.

"Ya knew who I was this whole time, didn't ya?" He guessed. You nodded guiltily. 

"But I didn't lie about moving in and coming to see if you were okay! I honestly didn't know it was you!" You said quickly. He smiled forgivingly. 

"Calm down ye silly. I'm not mad at ya." He said. You sighed relieved. 

"Thanks. I love your channel though! It's the best channel ever! I don't think I'd be where am I now without you." You said. He looked interested.

"What do you mean? Are you a Youtuber too?" He asked. You shook your head.

"No. I have a few videos, but nothing serious. I'm more of an artist and a writer. I wanted to do Youtube, but I never really had the money nor the tech to get myself going." You explained.

"Well, then what do ya write about? Or draw. You said artist right?" He asked. You nodded.

"I draw stuff for my friends and myself. Pretty much what I want to really. And writing? Oh boy, where do I start?" You said, chuckling. He chuckled too. 

"The beginning might be a good place." He suggested. You smiled.

"Well then, I guess I started off with (I dunno you guys chose). I always loved that when I was younger." You said. He nodded.

"Nice. Out of curiosity, have you ever written something about me?" He asked. You shook your head. (I lie >:3)

"No, I thought I'd do better at other things." You said. He nodded. 

"Then why do ya say I helped?" He asked.

"You always gave me that push to keep going. You inspire a lot of people, Jack. You inspired me to keep doing, number 1: what I was good at and number 2: what I enjoyed doing. You've helped me through a lot actually." You admitted. He looked pleased.

"I'm glad I could be that person to help ya through!" He said. You smiled. "Hey, you said you had a few video's up. What were they?" He asked. You blushed embarrassed.

"T-they video's......." You muttered, suddenly very nervous and shy. He looked surprised.

"You play?" He asked. You shook your head.

"No, I sing." You corrected. He nodded.

"What were they?" He asked.

"One was I little song I wrote and the other was a revision of a song." You said. He nodded.

"Cool! What's your name on Youtube?" He asked. 

"(yt/n)." You replied.

"Nice! I like it!" He said. You smiled.

"Thanks." After you'd finished your cookies you thanked him again and he led you out. 

"It was nice meeting ya, (Y/n)! Maybe you could come hang out again sometime! We could play a game together if ya want?" He offered. You smiled. 

"They'd be awesome! Oh! I almost forgot! Since you said that then here!" You said, quickly scribbling down your phone number on a piece of paper. "That way you can contact me if I'm not home! Thanks again for the cookies! I'll see ya around Sean!" You said. He waved saying goodbye and closed his door. You walked the fifteen feet walk back to your own apartment and collapsed on the couch. You couldn't wipe the huge smile off your face. You fell asleep there, happily thinking about how great today had been.

(How was that for starters? Good? I hope so, but ANYWAY, this is Spiritwing howling a goodbye! Author AHWOOOOT!)

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now