Chapter 39

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(Quick note: I don't know time differences almost AT ALL, so Imma just say that it's late where Jack lives, but it's like a little after midday in LA where Mark lives. It's like...around 7 at night where Jack lives. Edit: Thank yals for telling my Brighton is 8 hours ahead of LA. It's fixed now, so continue.)

Mark's POV

I was relaxing on the couch with Amy. Chica was laying across both of our laps, sleeping soundly. Amy and I had fallen asleep while watching a movie on Netflix and now something random was playing. I pet Chica softly as we watched TV. Then, my phone started ringing. Amy woke up and so did Chica. Amy yawned.

"What time is it?"

"Like...3 in the morning?" I said.

"Who would be calling you right now?" I shrugged and paused the movie. Chica had hopped off so I could grab my phone and the remote off the table. I looked at the number and I smiled. It was Sean! It'd been a while since we'd talked with him and (Y/n) so busy with the move and now the pups.

I gladly answered the phone. I wish I had been prepared for what I was about to find out. I guess I can say I'm glad about how I reacted. If I hadn't...things might not have gone so well in the end. Still, the shock of something like this is something you'll never forget. 

"Hey, Jack! What's up?" I greeted my Irish friend with joy. His response, however, was far from joyful.

"M-Mark...someone took her. She's gone. S-someone kidnapped (Y/n)...." I froze in shock and horror. A million things began to quickly race through my mind. Why did someone do this? Why (Y/n)? Who would do this? How long has it been? Was she okay? And then the last and most dreaded question, was she still even alive? Not many kidnappings end with the victim freed. At least, not freed in the way many would hope. 

Like any normal person, I would've screamed 'What!?' if it hadn't been for Jack already seeming extremely shaken up.

"Sean, what happened? Maybe we can help you." I said 'we' meaning all of us. The people who he trusted and were his friends.

"I-I'm so scared, Mark. W-why did someone take her?"

"I don't know, pal. But we're gonna find her. I promise."

"What's going on?" Amy asked beside me. 

"Something serious." I replied quickly.

"Mark?" I heard Sean whimpered from the other end of the line.

"It's okay, buddy. We're gonna come to help you, okay?"

"B-but what if something happens to you guys too!?" He asked, clearly panicked.

"Sean, we're here for you. We're all here for each other. We're going to help you and we're going to save (Y/n). I don't care if I lose an arm, a leg, or my damn vision. I would give anything to help you. You're my friend. You're one of my best friend's and (Y/n) is important to you and to all of us too."

"Okay." He replied, seemingly calmer now. 

"You'll be alright until we get there, right?" I asked.

"Y-yeah...yeah, I'll get by." I smiled a little.

"It's gonna be fine, okay?"

"*Sigh*....Okay. I trust you, Mark."

"We'll be there soon, buddy."

"Thank you."

"Hey. You'll always have us, Sean."

"Heh...yeah. I know."

"Bye, Sean."

"Bye." I hung up after that.

"What happened?"

"(Y/n) is missing. Jack says she's been taken. We have to get to his place as soon as possible. Let's get moving."

"Should we bring Chica?" Amy asked.

"I....I don't know." I replied.

"Mark, it'll be fine." She said, hugging me. 

"I hope so. We have to contact the others. Sean is gonna need all the help he can get. Can you call Wade and Bob? I'll get Ethan and Tyler."

"Right. I will." She replied. She left to grab her phone while I called Ethan.

"Dude...why are you calling me so early...?" His voice came over the phone, sounding groggy.

"Ethan, we need your help."

"Jeez, Mark. Why are you so serious? What's going on?"

"(Y/n)'s been kidnapped. We're taking a trip to Brighton."

"....What....?" He sounded awake now.

"I know it's a lot to take in, Ethan, but Sean needs help. Can you call Tyler and tell him to come with too?"

"We're both in, Mark. Don't worry about us. We'll help any way we can." Ethan replied.

"Thanks, man. I...I honestly need help myself too."

"I think all of us are gonna be feeling like that pretty soon. I'll talk to you soon. I promise, okay?"

"Got it. See you in Brighton, buddy."

"Yeah. Meet you there, heh." 


"Bye." He hung up and so did I. Amy came back in soon enough.

"I contacted Bob. He said he'd tell Wade everything. They're both gonna start getting ready."

"That's good. I'm glad everyone is coming. Like I said, we're going to need a lot of help." 

"Come on, Mark. We better start getting our things together."

"Right. Let's get started. Come on, Chica!" I called, keeping my voice playful for my dog. She barked and followed after us. I hope we can find her sooner rather than later. This is serious. Nobody can argue with that.

Jack's POV

I hung up with Mark and I sighed. I heard the pups whimpering from the kitchen. I quickly went to check on them. I saw them pawing at the door and whimpering. I opened the door and the pups hurried over to me. Then nuzzled me and jumped into my lap. I smiled a little. They were trying to comfort me. I held the three of them and I felt a few licks on my neck. I didn't mind. I made me smile, even if my eyes still held tears.

"Thanks, guys. You're all good pups." I told them. I let them go and I allowed them to come upstairs and stay in bed with me. They all hopped up and they sniffed (Y/n)'s side of the bed. I frowned, but they starting whimper too. "You guys know when something is wrong, don't you. Well, at least this time it's not because of me. I just hope we'll be able to find her. If only you three could track her yet." They came over, yipping at me as they stood on the bed. I quickly got changed and then I joined them. They cuddled up close to me and I felt my body relax. I was happy to have the pups with me. An empty house would have driven me insane right about then. I pet the three of them one at a time until they were all asleep. I then closed my eyes and eventually I was able to fall asleep as well. (Y/n)....please, please, please be okay. I love you. Wherever you are, be safe and....try to sleep soundly for me.

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