Chapter 43

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Mark's POV

Jack passed out in his bed. I could see the bags under his eyes. We had gotten to his place about two days after he called me. I knew he had been paranoid and he was worried, but he was worse than I thought. I looked at Amy with a sigh.

"Are you sure he should come with?" She asked.

"He'll insist. We can't leave him here. I'm just worried about him. He's never been like this. He always did stay up and record, that was normal, but this...I've never seen him act like this. Not even for Signe. 

"It'll be okay, Mark. I know we can do this. I just hope we all get out unscathed."

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you, Amy. After all, you're my girl." I told her. She smiled and gave me a kiss.

"Thanks, Marky." I chuckled. She called me that a lot. I was glad that my name was easy for nicknames. It was fun. 

"Still here, guys." We both remembered that Ethan was also staying here. Bob and Wade were staying with the neighbors. They had been nice enough to help us. 

"Sorry, Ethan." I chuckled. We all left and we made sure the pups weren't bothering Jack either. They knew enough to let him sleep, luckily. They were very smart. 

We all went back to bed. As I did, I felt my fear rising within me. Amy was right. This was dangerous. Maybe we should've notified the authorities... I thought. Maybe it'd be better if they went in instead of us. Then, I remembered that they would need a fair reason for us to believe they were there. I knew this was the only way. I closed my eyes and relaxed my body. We have to do this. Sean will never be the same if we don't. It'll be fine. I have to have hope. 

*In the afternoon later that day*

We were going over what we were going to do. We were going at night so that way it'd be easier to sneak in. I was hopeful that our plan would work. John, Vicky, Ash, and Pepper knew the town the best, so they were going to lead the way to the building. No cars. It would whoever was in there. After that, we had to search the building for (Y/n). Stay hidden until we found her. We'd signal each other by flickering lights when we knew nobody that could be a threat was around. I hoped that would work. 

"So, the building is pretty big and it's next to one of our rivers. We can easily evade people in this building because it's an old apartment building. Find somewhere to hide and stay put if a threat is around. Don't shoot anyone unless it's life or death. Make sure you know who you're shooting too. We don't need friendly fire." Vicky explained. We all nodded, making sure to listen carefully. It was almost time to go. We had one hour left. Vicky finished retelling the plan and we all split up to prepare ourselves in the ways we needed to. I had a pistol along with Sean, Ash, Ethan, and Pepper. We all had the best aim. The others had either daggers and tasers. They were only stun-tasers, so it would only last a few seconds. We prayed that it would be enough.

I went over to Sean. He looked nervous but determined. I wanted to make sure he was alright.

"You ready, man?" I asked.

"I was ready from the start." He replied. "I'm getting her back. I don't care what I have to do as long as it isn't hurting one of you. I'm going to get her back. Nobody is going to hurt her or take her." He growled the last part. I knew he was angry, but I think his anger was mostly a mask for his overwhelming fear of what we were going to find in that building. 

"Don't worry. You won't have to make any choices, Sean. We'll do this together. Just like always, right?" I asked, holding out my hand. He smiled a bit. He shook it.

"Just like always, buddy." We hugged strongly for a few minutes. I almost didn't want to let go, afraid myself of what was about to happen. I think Sean did the same, afraid he'd somehow lose me too. This was it. The final stand. It was all or nothing. We had one shot. We have one chance to get this right. I could only pray that we wouldn't waste it. 

"Ready everyone?" Vicky called. We all looked at her. We nodded. 

"As we'll ever be." Tyler muttered. 

"We can do this, guys." I assured them. "Let's go." We all headed out, Vicky leading the way. We were staying in pairs as we went along. Always making sure that we didn't lose anybody was a key strategy and feat for all of this. 

As we ran through the streets, staying out of sight and taking back ways so we wouldn't draw attention, I felt my mind and heart racing. I was scared. I can't deny it. I was terrified. I had done shit like this in games, but...real life....damn. I never knew how fucking terrifying this could be. It's not like I ever guessed I'd been doing some crazy like this with half-assed tools and with a half-assed plan. I mean, come on. We had no idea what we were running into. If only we knew, we would've been ready. We wouldn't have rushed in like we were about to do.

The building came into view. We paused outside. I was holding my breath without knowing it. She's in there. I looked over at Jack. He looked hesitant. I couldn't blame him. None of us knew what we were going to find. None of us knew what we were doing. None of us had any clue what was about to happen. In those few seconds that seemed to last forever, I felt that feeling of a clam before the storm. A storm was an understatement. Then, Ashton spoke.

"It's time. Let's move."

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