Chapter 60

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You were working on your computer, finishing up another video. You had been married to Sean for almost a year now. Life was going well. Sean had been away a bit because of invites to other events related to your jobs, but he always made sure not to stay away for too long or too have you come with. Usually, the dogs came too, but when they didn't they stayed with the neighbors. 

As you worked, you suddenly felt a little sick. You had been feeling that way for a few days now. It wasn't anything alarming since Sean had been sick a few weeks before. You assumed you may have caught it too, but luckily it wasn't that bad.

You kept working. There was a knock on the door moments later. You turned as Sean came in. He smiled at you, giving you a kiss. 

"Almost done, love?" He asked. You chuckled.

"Almost. Sorry I've been taking a while." You replied.

"It's alright. Hey, I'll go make us some lunch and get the couch ready for a movie. Meet you there?" 

"Meet you there." You agreed. Sean left and you finished your video. You got up and headed to the bathroom for a quick pitstop. As you made it there to take some medicine for your moderate sickness, you felt dizzy. You quickly gripped the counter, stopping yourself from falling. There was a weird feeling in your stomach. You suddenly began to put the pieces together. 

"Oh my God..." You quickly shut the door and locked it. You went under the sink and dug around to find what you were looking for. When you found them, you quickly did your business and then, you waited. You held your breath, wondering how you were supposed to even feel about this if you were right. Were you ready for this? 

Soon, enough time had passed. You sighed and picked up the test. You were prepared for whatever answer you got.

Jack's POV

I was setting up the movie and I knew (Y/n) would be coming soon. I wondered why she was taking so long in the bathroom. The sound of closing doors kinda echoes in this house. I was just beginning to look through the movies when I heard the door open. I smiled as she came over to me. She sat down next to me and I hugged her.

"What do you wanna watch, hon?" I asked.

" can pick. I don't really have anything specific." I frowned a little. That was odd. Usually, she always has at least a general genre. I let it alone for now. I picked one of her favorites, The Greatest Showman. We began to watch it together and we ate our sandwiches. She only ate about 2/3's of her sandwich. Now I was concerned. She should've been hungrier than that from being in her recording room ever since having an early breakfast. 

"Hey, are you alright, (Y/n)?" I asked. She looked at me.

"I...y-yeah, I'm okay." She replied, looking away. I didn't really believe her.

"(Y/n), look at me." I told her, softly guiding her gaze back to me with my hand. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked her. She sighed.

"I'm just...not feeling too well." She admitted. I smiled understandingly at her. 

"You could've just told me that, sweetheart. Do you want me to get you anything?"

"An extra blanket?" She asked. I got up and grabbed a nice warm and soft one for her. 

"S-Sean?" I looked back at her. "Can we lay down together?" She asked, blushing a bit. I smiled and nodded. I laid down first, setting up the blanket and she came over and snuggled into my arms. I covered us up and she relaxed. "Sean?"

"Yes, angel?" 

"Can you...hold me?" I smiled. I pulled her in close to me, my hands resting right above her stomach. I leaned in and spoke softly into her ear.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now