Chapter 7

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You were editing some digital art. You were listening to some music while working on it. You suddenly got a lot of notifications on Twitter. You went there and saw a lot of people asking if you knew if Jack was ok. It'd been three days since he posted anything. You hadn't seen him around either and he hadn't talked to you at all. You decided to respond to as many as you could.

'Hey (Yt/n)! I was just wondering if Jack had something going on? He hasn't posted in a while. I'm kinda worried about him.' One said.

'I'm not sure sadly. I'll try to talk to him, but I haven't seen much of him around lately. Maybe he's just been out or something, but I'll see what I can find out. I'm glad his community cares so much. You're a good person for asking so nicely. I'll see what's up soon.' You replied.

'WHAT'S GOING ON WITH JACK?!?!?!? DO YOU KNOW?!?!?!? TELL ME!!' Another one said. You hated people who demanded stuff like this, but you'd be honest with them.

'First of all, please don't yell at me. Second, no I don't know. I'll try and find out okay? Now please calm down. I'm sure something came up. That's probably it.' You told them. You looked through some others. You saw one from an old friend of yours.

'Hey (Y/n), remember me? I just wanted to ask what's wrong with Jack. We're all worried about him. This isn't normal of him to break his uploads for this long without telling us why. It just all stopped suddenly. Is he okay?' Your old friend, Carmin, asked.

'I'm not sure what's going on honestly. I haven't seen him ever since the diver and sharks video. I'll go check on him, but I have to reply to some people first otherwise people will be all like 'SHE KNOWS SOMETHING' when I don't. I'll see what I can do.' You replied. You got up to go see if Jack was okay. 

You knocked on the door. You hoped he was home. What if something happened? You became fearful. What if something had happened? What then? What could you possibly do? Call the police? Call an ambulance maybe? You prayed he was alright. You knocked again, more persistent this time. "Jack? Jack are you in there?" You called. Nothing. You grew worried. You then remembered his spare key. You quickly grabbed it and unlocked the door. You walked in and looked around. You didn't hear anything. You looked around, but then you saw him on the couch. He was asleep. You then saw a beer bottle in hand. You gasped. He'd passed out? From drinking?! What!? You quickly got to his side. You checked his pulse just to be safe and let out a sigh of relief. Normal. Good. You thought. He was laying on his stomach blocking his face from your view. You sighed. Something wasn't right. He didn't usually just chug down a beer bottle. Then you saw that there was more than one empty one in the same general area. You frowned. "Jack....what happened that you thought you needed to do this?" You questioned. Of course, no answer, but you couldn't help questioning him. You sighed and gently picked him up. He was heavy, but you were pretty strong. You carried him to his bed after taking the beer bottle out of his hand. You laid him down and covered him up. You went into his recording room and grabbed one of his Sams. You walked back and put it next to him under the covers. You saw him wrap his arms around it in his sleep. He clutched it rather tightly. You frowned. Something was definitely wrong. You left it alone for now. You went out and decided to clean his place up. You knew how it normally looked so you got to work.

You cleaned the kitchen, which was a huge mess! How much had he chowed down? A lot of things were dirty. You began to clean up the dishes and everything else. You gathered the empty beer bottles around the house and threw them out. You then started cleaning the rest of the dishes such as forks and knives. You came upon one that had ketchup stains on it. You looked closer. Your heart stopped. That. Wasn't. Ketchup. 

You ran back to Jack's room and saw him still asleep. You quickly and gently grabbed one arm and rolled up the long sleeves he was wearing. You froze. Two cut marks. You couldn't believe it. He'd cut himself?! You had to talk to him! This was not okay! You sighed and let him sleep. You went back to cleaning and thinking. You couldn't believe Jack had cut himself. You had no idea why either. You couldn't tell anyone about this. That meaning any of his fans and it wasn't your choice to tell his other Youtube friends like Mark and Wade and Bob and all of them. You heaved a heavy sigh. You were going to help him through this, whatever 'this' was.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now