Chapter 5

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You were freaking out! The Prop Hunt video you'd posted had gotten 50,000 views so far! It'd only been a day since you'd posted it! It had 10,000 likes! What shocked you the most was that you now had 6,000 subscribers! At this rate you'd be at 10,000 in no time! You were so happy. Suddenly you got an email. You looked at it and gasped. 

'Miss (L/n) or (Yt/n),

You have been invited to a panel at Pax Prime! Your quick rise in subs and views has brought much attention to yourself including ours!' You couldn't believe it. You read through when and where and you were shocked. It couldn't was! That was Mark, Jack, Bob, and Wade's panel! You danced with joy. You quickly called Jack. You told him about it and he couldn't believe it either. He told you to start packing everything you'd need because he was leaving tomorrow. He said you could go with him. You got a plane ticket and started packing. This was going to be awesome! This year Pax Prime was in Seattle. You couldn't wait to go. 

(I don't know where this stuff is so don't yell at me if I'm wrong ;-;)

*The next day* 

You and Jack headed out. You both sat next to each other on the plane. 

"You excited?" He asked. You nodded happily. You couldn't wait. Mark, Bob, and Wade were meeting you there. You were all going to the same hotel. Bob, Mark, and Wade said they couldn't wait to meet you in person. You couldn't wait to meet them either. You were also going to meet Felix and Ken. Mark said Tyler and Ethan would be there too. It was a huge panel! You couldn't wait to meet them all. You pulled out your phone quick and put it on airplane mode. You listened to music through one earbud. Jack chuckled at you. You looked over at him.

"What?" You asked.

"You really like music don't ya?" He asked. You smiled.

"Yeah! Music is one of my greatest passions." You replied. You then got an idea. "You want to listen with me?" You asked. He looked surprised. Jack smiled.

"Sure!" You gave him the other earbud. You both listened to music. Soon you both fell asleep on the way there. 

*A few hours later*

"(Y/n), wake up!" Jack said. You yawned. He chuckled. "We're here!" He said. You looked outside your window and stared in awe. "Wow!" You breathed. Jack smiled. 

Soon you both got off the plane and you both saw Mark up ahead. He was waving to you. You and Jack hurried over. Mark gave Jack a hug and looked at you. He smiled.

"So, you're (Y/n). It's nice to meet you face to face." He said. You smiled and shook his hand.

"You too, Mark!" You said happily. He smiled. 

"Come on! Let's get to the hotel already!" Jack whined. You both giggled at his immaturity. You all left and Mark drove you there. Mark said that one or two people would have to share a room with you since they only had two rooms rented. Jack offered to stay with you. You smiled. You knew him the best so that'd probably be better.

When you got there it turned out Bob and Wade were gonna bunk together so Mark joined you and Jack. Mark and Jack said they'd take the double beds. You got the master bed. You said they didn't have to do that, but they'd said it was fine. You'd never had people be so nice to you when you'd known them for a few weeks at most. Not even that this time. You didn't know why they were so friendly to you this fast. You honestly thought Jack and Mark would've had a minor argument over the master bed, but no, they just let you have it. 

Anyway, later that night you'd gone into the bathroom to change into your PJ's. You had a (f/c) loose t-shirt on with (f/c) mixed with black and white loose shorts. They were both soft and very comfortable. They also breathed rather well. You came out and saw both of them on the bed in front of the TV watching Jurassic World. You chuckled. They both had popcorn too. They looked like children having a sleep over. They looked over as you came out. They waved. 

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now