Chapter 22

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You woke up from your dream and smiled as you felt Sean's arms still wrapped around you. It wasn't anything new, but you still couldn't help smiling. You took a moment to study his cute sleepy figure. He was truly adorable. You knew he'd argue that you were the cute one, but nobody could deny that he was just as adorable. You closed your eyes again, enjoying the moment for a minute or two, before he yawned and woke up too. His blue eyes met yours and he smiled at you.

"Mornin', sweetheart." He said.

"Morning, Sean." You replied. He sat up and you did too. 

"Sleep well?" He asked.

"As usual." You replied. "You?"

"Yep!" He replied, already full of energy. You chuckled. You gave him a hug.

"That's good, considering sleep is for the week." You teased.

"SLEEP IS FOR THE WEEK!" Jack said. You laughed.

"Well then everyone is because we all need it." You said. "Including you." You gave him a kiss on the cheek and got up. He suddenly pulled you back.

"Ah ah ah! Did I say you could leave?" He teased. You yelped in playful protest, wiggling to get free. He held tight. "I didn't! You're not going anywhere!" He said.

"Jack!" You laughed. Suddenly he pinned you to the bed and tickled you. You burst out laughing. 

"I got you!" He teased.

"J-Jack! Hahahaha! S-Sean! P-please! Hahahahaha!" You said, still laughing. You were almost crying from laughing so hard. Soon he stopped and you caught your breath. You sat up again and smiled at him. "Goofball." You said. 

"That's me." He replied. You chuckled. Your eyes locked and you couldn't help but smile back at him. His arms wrapped around you and he gently pulled you closer. You did the same as you both inched even closer. Sean leaned in and closed the gap between the both of you. You blushed but kissed back. You both moved in sync with each other until you had to part for air. You pulled back and smiled warmly at him. His blue eyes were shimmering with affection. He hugged you tightly.

"I love you so much." He said.

"I love you too Sean." After the warm hug, you both got up and got dressed. You both began packing up your things and soon enough you were ready to go. It was only 8:30 in the morning. You plane didn't leave till 12:00. 

"Alright! Time for coffee!" Jack said. You chuckled.

"You and your coffee. You'd date that if not me." You said.

"Coffee is amazing!" He said. You chuckled.

"Alright alright. If you say so. Come on, let's go." You said. You both walked out and went to the kitchen. You were greeted by Mark and you said hello back.

"Now where's the coffee!?" Jack said. You chuckled. Mark did too. Mark gave him a mug and Jack happily drank his coffee. You got your own and took a few swallows. 

"You guys ready to go back to your land of potatoes?" Mark joked.

"Yep!" You said.

"Always fun hanging out with ya Mark, but we can't stay forever." Jack said, giving him a side hug. Mark hugged him back.

"Yeah. It's always great having you guys over." Mark agreed. You all hung out for a little bit until the clock hit 9:30. You had to leave. You felt slightly sad leaving, but you knew you could still stay in contact with them. You both said goodbye and gave hugs as you left. 

"See ya guys!" You called as you both left.

"Have a good flight!" Mark called, waving goodbye. You smiled and took Jack's hand as you both left. 

When you arrived at the airport, you both quickly made your way to where you had to go. Once on the plane, you sat down together and you pulled out your phone for your music. Jack nudged you. You looked at him. He gave you a kiss on the nose. You smiled.

"Very clever." You said.

"Thank you." He replied. You chuckled. You kissed his nose back.

"Now we're even." You said. You relaxed, holding his hand and soon you were on your way home. You couldn't wait to get back. It would be so nice to get back to recording in your own recording room again. Back to the normal things. You loved the stay, but it was time to finally get back to your usual. You looked over and saw that Jack was already fully relaxed. You smiled. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.

"Come on, sis!" Your (sister or brother) called.

"Coming, (Sb/n)!" You called after them. You hurried to catch up and when you made it your sibling was already on the tire swing. You smiled.

"I wanna try!" You said. They nodded.

"Have at it, little sis!" They said. You climbed on, your sibling helping you up since you were only 8 years old and it was high-ish off the ground. Once you were on they pushed you and you squealed with joy as they did. 

"HIGHER!" You demanded. You were basically flying back on forth on the swing now. You loved it. Then your mother called you both in for dinner. You both hurried in and you went to the dinner table. You were having homemade (f/f) for dinner. You practically inhaled it and then you went to go play games with (Sb/n), after cleaning up of course. (Sb/n) came over and began playing with you. You were actually better because you played this game a lot more than they did. You soon stopped playing and went to your room. You doodled in your sketchbook until it was time for bed. 

The next morning when you woke up you were in your shared apartment with Jack. You smiled. You got up and looked around for him. You found him watching TV. You sat down next to him and he smiled and wrapped one arm around you. 

Suddenly you were sitting in a booth with him at the party you both had gone too awhile back. You heard a song start playing and you both got up and danced together. You smiled. You loved this. Suddenly you were dancing together at Mark's during the stream. After that, you were suddenly outside throwing snowballs next to Jack. Then it switched to eating ice cream while taking silly selfies. After that, you were opening presents under the tree and then you were playing games with the gang. You felt so happy. I belong here. I've always belonged here. You thought.

You woke up to someone gently shaking your shoulder. You looked over and smiled at Sean.

"Almost there?" You asked.

"Yep. Should be landing soon." He replied. He was right. 10 minutes later you were coming in for a landing and you instantly smiled seeing that you were back. You both soon left the airport and drove home. You got back and instantly collapsed backward onto the couch. He chuckled.

"Happy to be home?"

"You bet! Like I said, Mark's place is awesome, but we have our own setup here." You replied. He smiled and nodded. 

"Yeah, we do." He said. You sat up and he sat down beside you. You hugged and soon after you both went to unpack your things. You soon recorded a video together and titled it 'We're back!'. After that, you both went to relax and get settled again. You both had something to eat and watched TV together. You played some games, but then it was time to go to bed.

"Sleep, the way to get ready for tomorrow." You joked. Jack chuckled.

"Yeah. Back into the game." He joked along. You chuckled with him.

"Night, Sean." You said.

"Night, (Y/n)." He soon fell asleep. You smiled. You gave him a kiss on the nose, careful not to wake him.

"1 to 2." You whispered and then fell asleep.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now