Chapter 10

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You were writing a song the next day. You couldn't wait to record it. You thought of the next chunk of lyrics.

"And I....won't let it go.. I....don't want to lose what we have. What I" You sang. Jack was recording at the moment so he would hear you. You soon finished it and started to sing it all the way through. You were cut off by a knock on the door. Both you and Jack locked your doors when you were working. You got up and let him in. He smiled and you stepped aside so he could walk in. 

"You've been singing away in here I see." He said spotting your open music journal. You smiled.

"Inspiration strikes when it wants to." You replied. You nodded.

"It's nice to hear ya coming up with such good songs." He said. You smiled.

"Thanks, Jacky." You replied. He smiled.

"Don't thank me. You don't have ta thank me for something that's true." He said. You chuckled.

"Well, manners are important." You replied. He chuckled. 

"Yeah, that's true." He agreed. You smiled. You got an idea. 

"Hey, Jacky?" You asked. He looked at you. "You maybe to my new song?" You asked. He looked surprised. He smiled and suddenly you were in a dip.

"Start singin' then." He said. You smiled. You cleared your throat as he pulled you back up. 

"I never thought I'd find myself here. But I am. Yeah, I am." You said. He smiled as you sang while you both danced. "I never thought I'd make it all the way through. But I did. Yeah, I did." You sang. You did the dramatic pause before kicking it off. "And I'm gonna pull through again! I'm not letting what I have go for the world! I wouldn't let it go if it cost my life! I'd keep this life forever....because you're in it." Jack spun you around and you both danced together happily. "I have so much I thought I'd never get. I have so many things I've done wrong.... But I still got you! I don't care if it's two, or ten, or the whole world against me. I'll fight through it. Yeah, I'm gonna pull through again! I'm not letting what I have go for the world! I wouldn't let it go if it cost my life! I'd keep this life forever....because you're in it! Yeah, you're in it! Nothing....else....matters....! All I see! I'll hold onto this love with my heart, soul, and life. I'll hold onto you. I'm not letting you go for the world. I wouldn't let you go if it cost my life. I'd keep this life forever....because it's with you. No I....won't let it go.. I....don't want to lose what we have. What I" You sang. Jack seemed amazed by it.

"That's amazing." He said. You blushed.

"Well, you can thank a certain someone for the lyrics." You said.

"Who's that?" He asked. You grinned.

"You, ya dummy." You teased. He smiled happily. 

"So that's why it sounded somewhat like a love song!" He exclaimed. You laughed.

"Yeah!" You said. He smiled. 

"You're the sweetest." He said. You blushed.

"Thank you. You're sweet too Jacky." You replied. He looked shocked. He looked like he was checking his pockets.

"Oh no! It's a lie! I HAVE NO CANDY!" He yelled joking around. You laughed. He did too. It seemed your laugh made him laugh harder. After you both calmed down Jack asked if he could do a video with you. You nodded. You both set everything up and Jack picked Skate 3. You two were going to take turns playing. Jack let you design the character and name it since it was going on your channel. You were both ready to go so you did your intro.

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