Chapter 49

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Jack's POV

We arrived at the hospital and I stayed with (Y/n) the entire time. Even when they were operating, I was right outside. I wasn't allowed to be in the room with her during that time, but they said that I could stay anyway so they could do some tests with me. It was basically an advanced check-up.

As I waited, I wondered if this was meant to happen. I wondered if this was how everything was meant to be. Had I done something to be punished like this? No. This wasn't my fault. It was just two insane people trying to get what they wanted. This wasn't my fault. couldn't have been. 

I sat there in the hallway, alone and afraid. I was scared that the doctors would come out with their heads low and I'd have to face the worst. Peter was in there working too. I trusted him. He seemed nice enough and he really did seem to understand. I knew he would do his best, but would it be enough?

I had never had doubts like this before. I had always had hope for people to live, but this was so different. I felt like a part of myself was lost and dying. I felt incomplete. It scared me. I had never felt this way before. Not over a living person. When I was younger it made me sad and I felt a little lost. Now...I couldn't even begin to comprehend what I would do if anything happened to her.

I waited and waited for what felt like days. Then, the door opened. I instantly stood up, anxious to hear what they had to say, but also very afraid. I could almost hear them telling me that she had died, but it was only in my head.

"Mr. McLoughlin I presume?" The main doctor asked me.

"Y-yes." I was still in a state of shock after everything that had happened that night.

"She is stable and her wounds have all been cleaned and stitched up, but she has lost a lot of blood and we cannot transfer blood without knowing her blood type. Do you know what it is? It would make our job much easier." He said.

"I-I don't. I'm sorry." I said.

"It's alright, but that lowers her chances. We need to get blood in her body right away and we can't do that until the test comes back. If you like, you can go in and see her now. There is a nurse call button beside her bed if you need anything. We'll be back in about an hour or so with her blood test results and the blood she needs to stay alive."

"Thank you." I said.

"Of course. We'll leave you to it. I hope you can relax for the rest of the night." He said. I nodded thankfully and went in to stay with my girlfriend. I stayed next to her and I couldn't help tearing up again. She looked so frail and weak yet beautiful and peaceful at the same time. I wanted nothing more than to take her home and rest with her, but that wasn't possible. 

I brushed some of her hair out of her face again and I cupped her cheek. I couldn't stop staring at her. I wanted to see her beautiful (e/c) eyes and her amazing smile again. I hadn't seen it in days. I missed it so much. I could only wish to see it again.

"Come back to me..." 

The door opened soon enough. I turned, expecting to see the doctor, but I saw something completely different. It was all my friends. I smiled. "Guys." 

"Sean! You're alright!" Amy raced over and hugged me, being the nice person she was.

"We're glad you both made it here okay." Bob said.

"Yeah. The helicopter must've been quite a way to arrive." Ashton agreed. I smiled a little, but by now, I was so exhausted. I wanted to just lay down next to (Y/n) and go to sleep. I was about ready to pass out right there. The others must've noticed this. 

"Hey, let's get you home and into bed, okay buddy?" Mark suggested. I instantly pulled free of his grip, even if it wasn't that hard since he was being gentle with me.

"N-no...c-can't leave her." I said. I was so groggy that my sentences were even starting to become choppy.

"Sean, you need sleep." Vicky told me.

"B-but..I-I..." I looked at (Y/n) as they tried to pull me away. "N-no, I-I can't leave. I-I gotta...s-stay with her." I was only focused on (Y/n). The others knew I wasn't going to go willingly. 

"You can't stay here all night." John told me.

"Yes I can!" I argued, regaining a bit of my focus and a little energy.

"He's right. He can." We all looked toward the door and spotted Peter. "I talked to the doctors and they agreed you can stay in this room's spare bed for the night. You won't have to go anywhere." He said.

"Thank you, Peter." I said.

"Alright. We'll leave you here then. We've gotta get back to the houses so we have a place to stay too." John said. I nodded.

"Okay. See you guys tomorrow." I said.

"Take care, Sean." Pepper said.

"Get some good rest." Amy agreed.

"Stay strong, Jack." Mark told me.

"We're all here for you." Wade agreed before they all said goodnight to me and left. I sat down on the spare bed and I sighed. I didn't want to go to sleep. What if something happened to her while I was asleep? I just had to be there for her. I knew I couldn't stay up much longer though. Finally giving in, I laid down and covered up with the blanket Peter gave me. I looked at her on the other bed about 7 feet away from me one last time before finally closing my eyes and instantly falling asleep.

I woke up on a large crane. I looked down thousands of feet blow me. I latched onto the beam.

"OH SWEET JESUS!!" I looked around. I had no help and I was all alone. I suddenly heard a scream. There was another crane next to mine. I saw (Y/n) and it with Cindy. She was trapped on the end while Cindy was safe on a platform. "(Y/n)!!" She looked over.

"Jack!!" I looked around frantically. I saw a metal walkway connecting both cranes. 

"Hold on!" I called. I began to nauseously make my way over to the walkway. I felt sick with fear. I HATE heights. Ugh, I hate them so much. Even thinking about it makes me want to vomit. Still, my need to get to her was greater. 

I made it to the walkway. I walked a bit faster, but it was still so high up and the railing didn't look like the safest railing in the world. I suddenly heard a gunshot. I turned and saw that Cindy had shot (Y/n). She looked at me before her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she fell the entire way down toward the pavement below. I watched in horror.

"You think you can escape that easy? I'll hunt you both down until I can get my hands on you and make you watch each other suffer." I whipped around and Cindy was there. She stabbed me in the side. I froze. She ripped the blade free and pushed me over the railing.

"AAAHHH!!" I screamed in terror as tears poured out of my eyes. I shot upward. "NO!!" I gasped for breath, panting heavily. I looked around. The room was dark, but I could make out that I was still at the hospital. (Y/n) was safe in her bed and I was perfectly safe in my own bed. I sighed heavily. I groaned, rubbing my head, the stress eating away at me and making it hurt. There wasn't much I could do about it and I didn't want to call any doctors or nurses.

I laid back down on my side facing away from her and tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I opened my eyes again and sat up. I looked over my shoulder at her. I knew what I needed to do. I got up and walked over to her. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and  I held her hand again, kneeling down beside her bed. "I love you." I whispered to her, stroking the back of her hand with my thumb ever so softly. "I love you so much." I closed my eyes with a sigh and brought her limp hand to my lips, giving it a soft kiss. "I'm right here waiting for you. I'll stay here for as long as it takes, angel. I'm not leaving you again. Not ever."

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now