Chapter 2

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Five days later you were working on a new drawing for your friend back in (where you live). (once again, pick another place if it's Ireland.) You suddenly got a text from someone. You picked up your phone. 

'Hey, (Y/n)! It's Jack! I was out of ideas for videos today so I thought, 'hey, why not?'. You wanna come play Little Big Planet 3 with me?' It said. You smiled happily.

'Yeah! I'll be right over!' You replied and got up from your desk. You grabbed your phone and headed to Jack's apartment. You knocked on the door. A few seconds afterward you were greeted by the green haired Irishman.

"Hey! Come on in!" He said. You walked in with a 'hello!' and he led you to his recording room. You looked around admiring it. He noticed and chuckled. "Pretty cool huh?" 

"IT'S AWESOME!" You yelled. He looked surprised.

"Jesus, I think I found my rival in loud outbursts." He joked. You laughed. He laughed too. Jack got the game ready and you two quickly got into the game. Jack turned on the camera. You were out of view for now. He did his intro. 

"*WHAPOOSH* Top of the morning to ya, laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to Little Big Planet 3! As you can see from my character standing next to the other one that I'm not alone today! Please welcome.....(Yt/n)!" He said. You sat down next to him waving at the camera.

"Hi, guys! Glad I could be here today!" You said, picking up the controller. "You guys can all call me (Y/n)!" You said.

"In case you guys were wondering, she is also my new next door neighbor! She moved in a few days ago and I had no ideas for a video so I decided, why the fuck not? Let's play some Little Big Planet!" He said. You chuckled. 

"Yeah! Let's do this!" You said happily. You'd already designed your character.

(You also have a zebra tail to represent a cat tail

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(You also have a zebra tail to represent a cat tail. That's what that black dot on the left is next to your hand.)

Jack was about to go into the controller when you got an idea. 

"Hey, Jack! Wait! I wanna show you something cool!" You said. He stood there.

"What?" He asked. You got close to him and slapped him.

(Just watch the slap, I couldn't find a good video. It's 7 seconds in.)

He looked shocked. "WHAT?!"

"A little trick I learned!" You laughed. He smiled at your playfulness. 

"I'll get you back for that later!" He said and went into the level. 

You both played for 2 hours. You had a ton of fun. Jack died a lot. You died too, but not nearly as much as him. You used to play Little Big Planet 3 all the time at your old home. You were pretty good at it. After you'd both completed another level Jack called it a day with this one. 

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now