Chapter 25

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You were working on some artwork the next day. While you worked, you could hear Jack shouting at a game next door. You chuckled. You kept working on your stuff for about 2 hours. Then, Jack came into your room. You smiled at him.

"Hey, Jack." You greeted.

"Hey, (Y/n). I wanted to talk to you about something." You tilted your head a little, curious about what he wanted to talk to you about.

"What is it?" You asked. 

"Well...the apartment is feeling a bit crowded now and I was looking into some places we could live instead." He said. 

"You want to move?" You asked. 

"With you! Don't get me wrong! I'd never move away from you now that we're together. That's what I came to ask you. How do you feel about it?" You smiled.

"What did you have in mind?" You asked. He smiled and he led you to his recording room. You looked at the house he had found. It was in the United Kingdom in a city called Brighton. "You want to move that far?" You asked.

"I was looking into it for a little bit now and it seemed like a good option. I'm a bit nervous about moving out of Ireland because I've never done that before, but I feel like this will be a good option for us." He said. You smiled. 

"How much have you found out?" You asked.

"The house is perfect for us! It's a nice neighborhood too. I've honestly done a lot of looking. I've actually been uploading things I recorded days ago to give myself some time." 

"Then it sounds like everything is all figured out!" You said. "Plus, you have me now. I can help with moving and everything. I've done that before, after all." Jack smiled happily. The two of you worked out everything as to when you were going to move, making sure to give yourselves enough time to plan and prepare for it. After that, you both decided to go out since you had finished all of your recordings for the day.

You both went out to a local restaurant together. You got some food to eat and it came pretty quick since not many people were there on a weekday night. The food was great and you both left a tip for the waiter to be nice.

You both stayed bundled up as you then went and walked around for a bit together. Then, you both came to a park. You both grinned and went to fool around. It was late and nobody else was around. 

You both chased each other around like children and you eventually evaded him and hid in a little plastic cave. You covered your mouth snickering and also trying to silence your heavy breaths. You heard Jack looking around for you. You peeked out of the cave. He was just outside now. You decided to have some fun of your own. You quickly dashed out and tackled him from behind. He let out a startled scream as you both toppled over. You landed on top of him and you both laughed together as you collapsed into the snow. 

As you both soon came to a stop in your laughter, you both realized what position you were in and how close you were. Your faces, already flushed pink thanks to the cold, were now bright red. Jack seemed to have an idea as he began to lean in to kiss you, but you decided to tease him. You quickly pulled back and got off of him. He sat up, looking stunned. You laughed as you ran away from him. He got up and chased after you again.

As you both had your second round of chasing after each other, you ran onto a path in the woods nearby. Jack ran after you. 

"(Y/n)! Hey! Wait up!" He called. You were growing tired and you stopped. He caught up to you, panting himself. "W-we should...*huff* head back. It's getting late." 

"Have you ever seen this before?" You asked.

"Huh?" He looked around.

" I've never been down here before." 

"Let's explore!" You said, pulling out your phone and turning on the flashlight. Before Jack could protest, you were already marching forward.

"(Y/n)! Wait! We don't even know where this goes. We might get lost or something." He said.

"We'll be fine, Jack." You assured. "We can follow our footprints back, see?" You said, pointing at the ground. Your footprints were the only ones on the trail, so it would be easy to track them back to where you came from on the way back.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

"Let's just go a little way in, okay?" He sighed in defeat.

"Fine." He agreed. You both walked along, looking around. It really was beautiful. The stars shimmered above you and the icicles that glimmered off the light of your flashlight made sparkles appear on the trees, giving off a small fancy light show. Jack smiled, beginning to enjoy it as well. 

As you both walked along, you came to a huge tree. You hurried over to it. It had a treehouse in it! It looked like nobody had gone there in years. You began to climb the steps up into the treehouse. 

"Come on, Jack!"

"(Y/n)! This isn't ours! We shouldn't invade!" He called.

"Nobody's been here for years! It'll be fine!" You called. Jack followed after you, not wanting to be left alone or let you go off by yourself. You both reached the top and you looked around. It was really dark. You shone your light around and you spotted something. You walked over to it. It was a button. You pressed it with a shrug and suddenly, yellow Christmas tree lights lit up. They were strung up on the fence surrounding the main deck of the treehouse. You smiled. It was breathtaking. The branches of other trees surrounded the area above you, but directly above you were clear of branches, allowing an amazing view of the stars. 

"Whoa..." Jack breathed, clearly unable to say anything else, not that he needed to. 'Whoa' was a good way to sum up what you both were seeing.

You and Jack looked around, straining your necks slightly to look at the beauty above and around you. Then, you spotted something out of the corner of your eye. It was a rope ladder leading up to an overlook above you. You smiled. 

"Jack! Look!" He came over and smiled. You both hurried over. He let you go up first and then he followed after you. You both stood on the tower-like overlook platform and you couldn't even comprehend it anymore. You could see for miles and miles and the sky seemed to be the only thing around you other than the darkened tops of the trees meeting the sky around you. You were now above the trees. You felt a slight breeze blow past you turning your scarf into a small flag that was fluttering behind you.

You turned back toward the way you came and you gasped. Jack turned upon hearing the noise and his jaw dropped slightly too. You could see the town from where you were. You turned to him with a smile. He smiled back, clearly just as happy. You both stayed there, admiring the world around you. Jack wrapped an arm around you and you blushed a bit. You rested your head on his shoulder.

"This is amazing." He said.

"I didn't notice." You joked.

"I'm glad you didn't listen to me. We would've never found this place. I can't believe this is even here. It's like we're in a movie, heh." He chuckled.

"Yeah. One of those cliches, right?" You agreed.

"I guess it is real, huh?" He asked.

"Who knew?" You agreed with a chuckle. You both fell silent for a few moments. It was a comfortable silence. You enjoyed it while you could. The moment passed as Jack spoke again. You knew it had to end, but there was always the longing for just a second more. 

"I think it's time to head home. By the time we get back, it'll be really late." He told you.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." You both climbed down and you pressed the button again, powering everything off. You both followed your footprints back the way you came and then you began to make your way home. 

You walked home hand in hand, smiles on your faces. You stayed close to Jack and you gave a small but happy sigh as you closed your eyes, walking along with him. That was perfect.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now