Chapter 35

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You both let the puppies sleep in the dog bed you had for them in your room. The reason they were in the kennel in the first place was because neither of you wanted them roaming around freely when you weren't home. 

Now the three pups were curled up in your shared bedroom, sleeping soundly. Jack pulled you into a hug. He smiled at you.

"I can't thank you enough, (Y/n). You've done so much for me today and you always do things for me. I don't understand how you can do all this and not get sick of it. It's like you're taking care of me, even though I don't need it." You smiled at him.

"I don't get sick of it because I love being able to make you smile and I love that fact that you're willing to do the same for me. Sean, I have to be honest. I don't think I'm enough for you, so I want to try and show you how much I care and how thankful I am." You explained.

"You're more than enough for me, sweets. I love you so much. I didn't know that love could feel like this. I never felt like this with Signe. I'm not saying I never loved her because I did. But...she never made me feel the way you do." Jack told you. You kissed him.

"Then I guess I'm doing something right." You whispered before continuing the kiss. He kissed back, holding you close to him. When it broke, he picked you up bridal style and spun you around. You laughed a bit. He set you down after a moment and you both got changed into your PJ's. You both climbed into bed and cuddled. He kissed the top of your head. You smiled, content.

"Goodnight, beautiful." 

"Night, goofball." You both closed your eyes and relaxed together until you both eventually fell asleep.

As you slept, you felt at peace. Everything was calm. Even when you opened your eyes, you found yourself looking out at the ocean. Sunlight glittered off the water. You smiled at the beauty. You sat there and sighed happily. 

"I can't believe it. I'm in love with Jacksepticeye of all people, I've become a famous youtuber, I'm known all over the world, people everywhere love me, I'm living with the best boyfriend in the world, and I'm finally happy." You said to yourself. 

"You don't want anything else?" You turned. You were stunned. 

"Dad!!" You ran over to him and hugged him.

"Hey, sweetie." He said, hugging you. 

"You're actually here! Dad, I'm so sorry that-"

"Hey. What happened to me isn't your fault. It's okay." He told you. You smiled.

"I missed you." You said, hugging him.

"I missed you too. I'm glad you came to visit though. And I love that drawing, by the way." You chuckled.

"I knew you would." You replied.

"Now, I came here for a reason, (Y/n)." He told you.

"What is it?"

"I wanted to ask you if you're happy. Truly happy." He said.

"What? Dad, I'm happier than I've ever been in my life!" You said. He looked at you. You sighed.

"Okay, so, I'm a little scared about all this." You admitted.

"How come?" He asked.

"Dad...I've never felt like this. Sean is just so great and he's so...important to people. I know I'm becoming important and I'm actually a little over halfway caught up to Jack already, but this is insane! I'm...I'm afraid of what's going to happen to us. What if...what if something happens and we split up?" You asked.

"That won't happen. He'll always love you. That much I can tell. I'm a guy after all. I know that look in his eyes. I've been watching over you both and that man would go to hell and back for you."

"Really?" You asked.

"Yes, but are you willing to do the same for him?"

"What? Of course! I'd never let anything happen to Sean!" You exclaimed.

"That's what's gonna put you in danger." He said. You paused.


"(Y/n), nothing good comes easy. You need to be careful. You have to think of yourself as well. I can't tell you everything, but you need to look after yourself. Sean is strong, but you both are too worried over each other to notice what's happening." You grew afraid.

"D-Dad...what are you saying?" You asked.

"I told you, I can't tell you everything. I just need you to think of yourself as well. Please. Promise me you'll be careful. If you really want Sean to be safe and if you really want to stay with him, you'll be careful." 

"Dad, why can't you tell me the truth? What are you keeping from me?" You asked. 

"(Y/n), if it came down to you or Sean, who would you chose?" You froze. 

"Why are you asking me this?" 

"Who would you chose." He asked again. 

"I will not let anything happen to him." You stated. He sighed. He smiled at you.

"Then your choice is made. You've always been so brave. Don't lose that now. I know I'll be seeing you again soon. I have to go. Goodbye, my daughter." He hugged you and then walked away.

"Wait! Dad! Please! What's going to happen?" You called. He didn't answer. "Dad!" He kept walking and suddenly the ground fell out from underneath you. You screamed as you fell. You landed hard and you were now in a completely black world. There was nothing around you. You felt your heart pounding. You were something coming closer in the darkness. You ran as fast as you could to get away. Then, there was a bang and you felt a hint of pain before your body went numb and you collapsed, blacking out.

You gasped as you woke up with a start. You spotted Jack beside you, sleeping soundly. You sighed and laid back down. You cuddled up closer to him, tears now in your eyes. You tried not to cry in fear as you stayed next to him. You felt his arms wrap around you and you felt him pull you closer to him.

"Nightmare?" You said nothing. He kissed your forehead.

"I'm here. It's okay. Nothing is wrong and nobody is hurt. You're alright. You're perfectly fine and you're perfectly safe." Sean whispered. You relaxed and cuddled up to your boyfriend. "I love you, (Y/n) and I won't leave you." You smiled a little.

"I love you too, Sean. I'm not leaving you either. No matter what happens." 

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now