Chapter 46

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Mark's POV

"Jack! Jack where are you!?" Ethan called.

"Jack! Come on! You can't do this alone!" Ashton added.

"Sean!" I yelled. There was no answer. "Where would he go? Where would Cindy and Blake go with (Y/n)?"

"The roof is our best bet. They can't go down because we'll catch them and hiding on the other floors isn't practical." Ashton explained.

"Then let's go." I said. We all kept going, following the stairs up toward the rooftop. On our way, we heard gunshots. They were coming from the other side of the building on the next floor up.

"That's gotta be them!" Ethan said.

"Come on!" I yelled and we all ran up the stairs and toward the gunshots. "It's this way-" I was suddenly hit hard in the face. I was knocked off my feet and I fell hard on my back. I groaned as my friends helped me up.

"Going somewhere?" I looked up and spotted Cindy. I glared at her.

"Yeah. How about you go fuck yourself." I growled at her. She chuckled.

"How rude. And I thought people called you hospitable." She snickered.

"Get away from us and leave our friends alone!" Ethan shouted. She looked at him and rolled your eyes.

"You all must be more desperate than I thought. You even brought the Youtuber copy tag along." Ethan glared at her.

"That's it!" Ashton shouted and attacked her. They two of them fought head-on. Ashton got his shoulder cut and we both hurried to step in. He slammed her against the wall, wounding her head. We tried to apprehend her, but she kicked us back and shot the support beam. Part of the floor above crumbled, blocking our way to her and to Jack. She laughed and ran off. "Damn it!" Ashton shouted.

"Come on. We know where they're headed." I said.

"What about Sean?" Ethan asked. I looked back toward where we had heard the small gunfight that had clearly ended by now.

"He'll be alright. I know it." I told him. We all kept going and I prayed my gut was telling me the truth.

Your POV

You were tied up on the roof. You couldn't get up and your body was throbbing and aching. The pain was too great. You could only put up a feeble struggle to get the rope off. Even if you did, you would have nowhere to run and little energy to even try it. Tears were in your eyes. You didn't know what to do. Blake and Cindy were ready and waiting for Jack. You would have no time to warn him.

You sat there, alone and afraid. You wanted to scream. You wanted to break free and stop them from hurting anyone else. You wanted to go you. You thought of Sean holding you in his arms. You wished the thought was real. You knew you would never let go of him again if it was.

Suddenly, you heard a creek. It came from the other stairway. You looked over and saw Sean. You had to think fast before Cindy or Blake noticed. 

"What did I ever do to you!?" You shouted at them. You hoped it would be a good distraction. They both turned toward you and you glared at them. 

"You left me and then you let me rot in that disgusting prison. It's time you paid the price for rejecting me." He growled.

"You abused me!" You shouted. Sean got the idea and he was able to sneak over to an air vent and take cover behind it without being seen as you continued to shout at the two. "And you! If you actually cared about Sean you wouldn't be doing this! You don't even know what loving someone means!" You shouted.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now