Chapter 30

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You woke up to Jack shaking you a little bit. You opened your eyes and looked over at him. You smiled at your boyfriend.

"Heh, morning sleepy." He teased. You giggled a little. 

"Heya, Jack." You greeted. You rubbed your eyes a bit, still in the 'waking up' stage. "Are we almost there already?" You asked.

"Yeah. About 15 minutes or so, now." Jack replied. You nodded.

"Okay." You relaxed again, leaning back in your seat. You looked over at Jack. You saw a slightly nervous and concerned look was on his face. He seemed to be thinking hard about something.

"Sean?" You asked quietly. You didn't want other people around you to hear. He looked over at you. "You okay?" He looked away with a sigh.

"Just...thinking. It's hard not to wonder where we're gonna go from here, isn't it?" He asked. You gave him a kind smile. You leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"It'll be fine. We can have what we wanted in our new home. It'll be fine. I know it." He smiled a little.

"Fresh start, okay?" He asked.

"Sounds good to me, Jackaboy." You chuckled. You both held each other's hands as you waited for the plane to come in for a landing. A few minutes later, everyone was getting off. You and Jack made sure to stay together so you didn't lose each other. 

Once you were off, you felt a spark of excitement run through your body. You were actually there! You couldn't wait to get to your new place. 

Soon enough, you were in a taxi heading there. You couldn't wait to get there. It was in a smaller neighborhood, but that benefited you both. If Jack was going to keep shouting in his videos, then it would be best to be in a less dense area. Soon enough, you made it.

"It's a lot bigger in person

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"It's a lot bigger in person." You said.

"Well, at least it won't be crowded." Jack pointed out.

"Yeah. I still think it's perfect. We didn't want something too small anyway." You agreed.

"It's not too far from the main part of town either, so it shouldn't take too long going in and out when we have to." You nodded and you both finally made your way inside. You smiled as you looked around. Jack did too. You instantly started talking about where things could go and what colors you could paint the rooms that needed something different. Jack laughed at your excitement.

"What?" You asked.

"Just you." He chuckled. "You should know what to do, huh? I'm not artistic in the slightest. Are ya gonna paint all the walls with patterns?" He joked.

"You know, it would be fun to spruce up a room or two with something special." You said. "That can wait though. For now, let's focus on actually making this our home." He nodded.

"I can agree to that." He replied. You both headed up to your bedroom. You were going to change the room up once all of your stuff was there, but you at least had a bed to sleep in for now. You had bought the house with most of its furniture because it would've been way too much of an issue to bring all of that stuff with you. You both set your bags down near the wall for now. You suddenly felt Jack's arms wrap around you from behind. 

"Jack?" You asked. 

"I just...I want to hold you." He whispered softly. You blushed a bit, but you smiled. You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I have no issues with that, Jacky." He smiled and kissed you. You kissed back, your heart beating strongly in your chest. He pulled back.

"I love you." You smiled.

"Sean, I love you too, but is something wrong?" You asked. He frowned a little. 


"Sean." He looked you in the eyes. "It's alright. Just tell me." You said. He sighed.

"I just...I guess I'm still kind of feeling guilty over..." He paused. You frowned. 

"Sean, I said I forgive you for that. I'm not going to run off again, baby. I promise." He smiled.

"I know you aren't. I just don't want to lose you. Okay?"

"Okay. I understand, Sean. Just don't keep it from me. We both agreed to talk to each other, remember?" He nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know." He said with a small nod as you cupped his cheek. 

"It's in the past. It doesn't matter. I'm not holding onto it, so neither should you." He smiled.

"You're amazin' beyond belief, (Y/n)." He complimented, smiling warmly at you with his blue eyes shining with joy and love. 

"So are you. I know you think I'm amazing, but you're a hundred times better than me." You told him. 

"Once again, I say we call it a tie. This is the one time I don't mind a tie. I would let you win this one if ya weren't so persistent." He chuckled.

"Like you aren't stubborn, silly." You chuckled.

"And we have another tie. We're both determined, heheh." You chuckled.

"You're such a doofus, Sean." 

"I'm your doofus." He pointed out.

"Of course you are. I wouldn't have it any other way." You replied. He smiled and kissed your cheek before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.

"Neither would I, love."

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now