Chapter 21

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You woke up the next morning, but you soon realized Jack wasn't there with you. You wondered if he had gotten up early. You got dressed and brushed your hair before heading out. You looked into the kitchen, but you didn't find anything. You went to the living room and you were shocked. Jack and Mark were there, but they were both fully dressed and wearing Santa hats. Next to them was a Christmas tree with presents under it. 

"Merry Christmas!" They said. You had a huge smile on your face as you ran over and hugged them both. The others came out soon after and they all smiled too. You all began to open each other's presents that you'd given each other. You had gone back to your room to get the ones you'd gotten for everyone. You gave Jack his last. You hoped he'd like it. He opened it and his eyes widened. It was a picture of you and him together dancing at the party you went to. You, however, had made it yourself on your computer and then printed it out into a photo. You'd also made the frame yourself. You were quite the craftswoman. He smiled happily.

"It's amazing!" He said. You smiled.

"I hoped you'd like it." You said.

"Now it's my turn." He said. He gave you something and you unwrapped it. You were stunned.

It was a beautiful key necklace

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It was a beautiful key necklace. You took it out of the box and looked at it smiling.

"I love it." You said. He smiled.

"Good, cause if you have the key..." He said, pulling out another object from his pocket. You spotted a bracelet and smiled happily. "I've got the lock." 

"You're amazing

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"You're amazing." You said.

"I try." He said.

"Bragger much?" You asked.

"You said it first." He replied. You chuckled.

"Exactly." You then got an idea. You put it on and told Jack to put his on. He did and you pulled out your phone. You took a picture of you both together and posted it on Instagram with the words 'Best boyfriend ever!' on it. Jack smiled. 

"You're the best in my opinion." He said. You kissed his cheek. 

"I try." You said, copying him. He chuckled and you both went back to opening everything else. You all went through the gifts and you loved them all. You were glad everyone liked the gifts. You had always enjoyed getting them for people. Sometimes it was harder, but that didn't matter as long as you made them happy.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now