Chapter 26

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You and Jack were already preparing for your move. You both didn't spend a lot of time together, busy recording like crazy to get videos ready for the week off you were going to have as you moved. You both did your best to make up for it though. You'd cuddle when you got the chance and you would always promise to eat together. 

It had turned into a system. It had caused a bit of stress though. If one was done and the other wasn't, they'd be pressured to finish quick. It was beginning to cause problems. Both of you had been trying to hide that it bothered the other. Tensions were building and neither of you had been noticing the other was uncomfortable. One day, it spilled over.

You had been waiting for Jack to finish his recording and he had come out of his room. You had been waiting for him for an hour and you were not happy. He came and he instantly noticed your annoyed expression.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?"

"I thought you said that you would be done with the video at eight." You said. It was now 9:10 at night and you had been waiting to have dinner with him and then hopefully have time for a movie before going to sleep. Jack looked a little taken aback.

"" Now you knew something was wrong. 

"How many videos did you do?" You asked. 

"...." He said nothing, clearly guilty. 

"You recorded more than one didn't you?" You said, angry at him. You had both promised and you hadn't gotten everything that you wanted to get done today, but you still held up to your promise. He still wasn't answering you. "I can't believe you actually did more than one video! We both promised and I was out here on time, but I didn't want to interrupt you, so I never came to see! I trusted that you were wrapping up, but instead I sat out here for an hour while you were breaking the promise." That seemed to make him upset as well.

"You could've gone one night by yourself! You could've just gone back to what you needed to do! You didn't have to wait for me!"

"We promised to make time for each other! We both agreed to it! YOU broke it!" You snapped.  He growled angrily, but he turned around, not saying anything. He headed back to his recording room and that made you even angrier. "What? Not gonna talk to me now?" You shouted.

"Does that bother you?" He growled, looking over his shoulder at you.

"YES!" You shouted. 

"THEN FIND SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY CARES!" He yelled. You both froze for a moment. The look on his face. After those words left his mouth, his face had gone pale and he had that look on. It was the look of a child when they had gotten caught doing something completely unacceptable. It was the look of when you knew you had made a HUGE mistake. When someone made a face like that, you know that's when they're thinking 'Oh shit. I fucked up.' because there's no other way to describe it. 

You stared at him, too shocked to move for those agonizing moments of silence. Then, you finally came to your senses. The pain was too much. Those words had hit harder than expected. You whipped around, racing for the door. Sean tried to react fast enough, but the door slammed the moment he even got a word out. 

"(Y/n)-!" You ran. You didn't look back. You kept running and running and running blindly. You heard Sean calling after you, but you were much faster than him, your body pushing itself to it's very limit to get away. His voice was behind you as you rushed through the halls and down the stairs. "(Y/n)! Wait!" You didn't listen. You rushed out of the building. You ran faster than ever down the street and as far away as you could go. Your tears blinded you as you just kept running. You had no idea where you were going nor did you care. 

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now