Chapter 45

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You heard a new voice as you leaned on Ashton. You looked past Blake and you saw him. You smiled, tears in your eyes.


"Duck!" He yelled. You all got down and he fired. Blake had hardly a second to dodge. He screamed in pain as the bullet went into his arm. "Come on!" He called. You followed Sean and soon enough everyone else started showing up as well. You were all together soon enough. You were all able to lose Cindy and Blake, but they were hot on your trail. Sean latched onto you.


"Oh, (Y/n). I thought I lost you." He whispered. "Are you alright?"

"Blake is stronger than I remember." You replied. Sean looked pretty pissed as he noticed all of the bruises and cuts on your body.

"Guys, we gotta move." Vicky said.

"Why? We can take them. It's two of them against all of us." Ashton said. Vicky pointed to wires on the ground. "So?" He asked.

"They're explosives." Pepper said.

"They'll take us down with them if we don't hurry." 

"Let's go!" Ethan said. You all hurried downward, but then you felt a blast of heat and you all were knocked over and sideways and every other direction. You coughed as you got up. 

"G-guys!?" You called. You felt someone grab your arm. You shrieked as their grip tightened. 

"You aren't getting away that easy." Blake hissed.

"(Y/n)!" You heard Sean calling out for you. You saw he was on the other side of the flames. Blake grinned at him.

"She burns with us, Irish boy! You want her? Come and get her!" Blake shouted and pulled you the other way.

"Sean!" You called out as you were dragged away.

Jack's POV

I watched as she was pulled the other way. The flames were growing and I had a choice to make. I looked behind me. Some of the others were injured by the blast and couldn't keep going. They had to get out. Mark rushed over to me.

"We gotta go! There's no way through!" I looked back toward where they had disappeared. I couldn't do it. I looked back at Mark.

"Mark, you're my best friend. Don't forget that." The color drained from his face.


"I can't leave her. I'm sorry. Get the others out of here safely. This is my fight." I said.

"Jack, don't!" He begged me. I ran at the flames and dove through them, sailing over the and tumbling onto the other side. I looked back and flashed him a smile before taking off. "SEAN!!" I didn't look back again.

Mark's POV

"He can't seriously think he can do this alone!" Ashton said.

"He doesn't care. He won't leave without (Y/n)!" Ethan exclaimed.

"We need to get Pepper, Wade, and John out of here!" Vicky said.

"Then that's what we're going to do. Vicky, Tyler, and Bob, you three help everyone down and out of the building! Ethan and Ashton, you two come with me after Jack!" I said.

"There's another stairway up on the other side of the building that's connected to all of the floors. Take it and find Jack!" Vicky said.

"We're on it." Ashton replied.

"Be careful." She told him.

"We'll try." Ethan replied. They all hurried off and we began to make our way to the other side towards the second stairway. You better stay alive, Sean, or I'll kill you again when I die.

Your POV

You struggled as Blake dragged you away. You kicked and screamed, but he kept his grip on your arm firm. You glared at him.

"Let go of me you monster!" You shouted.

"I'll let go once I've made sure that you'll never see that Irish idiot again." He growled. You made it to another floor. It was dark since the power had shorted out after the explosion. Suddenly, you heard a gunshot.


"GRAAH! Why can't you give up already!?" Blake yelled. He fired back and you screamed as you got down. Blake had released you momentarily so he could better aim at Jack. Shots fired relentlessly as you huddled down behind a desk. You were in a mini lounge area for people to come and relax in. There was normally one on every floor. Suddenly, you heard Jack scream. You gasped.


"And stay down, bastard!" Blake yelled before grabbing your arm again and dragging you up further. 

"Sean!" You kept calling out for him, wanting to race back and help him, scared that Blake had hit him in a vital area.

"Shut up, you little bitch!" Blake growled. 

"Blake!" You heard someone shout his name.

"Over here!" He called. Cindy appeared. You saw that half of her face was dripping with blood. There was a large cut on her forehead.

"Where the hell were you!?"

"Snatching this pest. What now?" He asked.

"Take her to the roof. If Jack wants to put up a fight for her, they can die together." Cindy hissed.

"You're sick!" You yelled.

"And you're gonna have a bullet in your chest soon." She snickered. "I'm curious. Should we let Jack watch you die and should we let you watch Jack die?" 

"Demon." You hissed.

"If I'm a demon, then let me escort you to hell." She growled with a sneer still plastered on her face.

"I don't think I was able to slow him down by much. We've gotta move." Blake said.

"Right." Cindy agreed. You shrieked and Blake pulled on your arm, aggravating the wounds on it. You tried to bite back your tears as you were dragged up to the roof. Sean, help me...

Jack's POV

My thigh stung pretty bad. The bullet had grazed my leg and I'd had to pause to wrap it up as best I could for the time being. I grabbed my gun and kept on their trail. I heard a shriek and I knew it was (Y/n). I kept going, determined to save her. 

"Just hang on, (Y/n). I'm coming. I won't let this be it. I promise. Just hang on a little longer."

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