Chapter 53

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Jack's POV

I cried there for a long time. I didn't want to let go of her. I had no idea what I was going to do. What was I going to tell the others? How could I make them feel like this? I was so lost and consumed in my grief...that I didn't notice her grip get a little stronger.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I heard a giggle.

"That's funny. I didn't know I was leaving." My head shot up and I saw her eyes were open and she had a tired smile on her face. "Heya, Jacky."

Your POV

You blinked open your eyes and you shut them again almost instantly. The light was blinding. I hate that they have to be so freaking bright. You grumbled to yourself. Then, you heard one crying. You opened your eyes and again looked over. You smiled a little sympathetically at who was there.

"I'm going to miss you so much." You couldn't hold back a tiny giggle of delight.

"That's funny. I didn't know I was going anywhere." Sean instantly raised his head, his watery blue eyes wide with astonishment. You smiled a little more. "Heya, Jacky." His smile got so big you thought he was going to break his jaw. He launched at you, hugging you so tight that you wondered if he was going to crush you. You didn't care. You hugged him back. You weren't that strong, so it was a bit feeble, but that didn't matter to either of you. Jack had broken out into a type of crying laugh that he couldn't stop. You were crying too, so happy to see him again for real. You decided it was best not to tell him about the whole ghost thing for now.

Suddenly, your door swung open. Three people came into the room and looked stunned. Two looked like doctors while the younger man looked like a type of assistant. They all began to smile.

"Well, all be damn!" The younger man said. "Pay up! I told you she'd live!" He laughed at the other two doctors jokingly. They both laughed along. Jack smiled at them before turning back to you.

"I thought I lost you." You kissed his nose.

"I promised. I don't break promises." You said. He kissed you and you gladly kissed him back. You were still weak though. The doctors gave you a check-up to see how you were doing and how it was possible you survived. You and Sean held hands the entire time, your smiles never faltering. Sean left for one minute to call the others and tell them the good news while the doctors requested if you could remove your gown for them so they could get good looks at your healing wounds. You agreed and Jack took the opportunity to call the others.

AS they checked you over, you wondered if you would always have the scars on your body, permanently reminding you of how close you came to dying that night. Soon, your gown was back on and Sean was allowed back in the room. He stood next to your bed, his hand once again holding your own. You both looked at the doctors expectantly, wondering what they were going to say. You now had enough strength to sit up, but you weren't going to try to stand yet.

"Well, the good news is that you're going to be just fine, Ms. (L/n)." He began. "The bad news is it's going to take time for you to regain your physical strength and your body will scar. You won't be able to get rid of the bullet wounds permanently. You should consider yourself a walking miracle though. You being lucky is an understate by far." He said.

"None of that matters. I don't care how long it takes or if she has a few scars. As long as she'll be okay, we're perfectly fine." Sean said. You nodded in agreement. 

"Well, she needs to be in a wheelchair for a few days. Help her around the house so she can start getting used to walking again. After that, regular exercise will help you get back to your normal healthy self. You've also lost a bit of weight, so bigger meals for a week or two would also be a good idea. Don't do it if you can't handle it though. And call the hospital if she has any weird pains in her chest of if something is wrong."

"Got it. Thank you so much." Sean said.

"Don't thank me. I have a feeling it was all up to her in the end. Congratulations you two. I'm glad you got a happy ending." He said and left the room to go get you a wheelchair. You looked at Sean. He smiled at you. He cupped your cheek and you leaned into his gentle touch.

"I never thought I'd get to see those beautiful eyes again, or that smile." He whispered.

"I told you. I'm not leaving." You replied.

"I love you so much, angel." 

"I love you too, Sean."

"I missed you." 

"Hehe, I missed you too."

"You did?" He asked.

"Of course!" You replied as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Well, I'm just so glad you're back, love." He said, sitting down next to you and kissing your neck softly. You blushed.

"S-Sean...n-not here." You said.

"Why not? You've been out for so long. I want to be with you for a bit." He whispered.

" long was I out." He frowned.

"Two and a half weeks." He muttered. You were stunned.

"Sean...oh my God, I'm so sorry. I..I never meant to-"

"Shh, it's not your fault. You couldn't control it, (Y/n). I don't blame you one bit." He told you with a warm and loving smile. It helped you calm down a bit.

"Thanks, Jackaboy." You said. He smiled.

"Anything for you, sweetheart."

"You have so many nicknames for me." You chuckled.

"And you deserve them all." He replied. "I love you." He whispered before kissing you with as much passion as he could. You kissed back, arms wrapping around him and your fingers playing with the ends of his hair. He held you close to himself, making sure that you were comfy and safely secured in his arms. When you pulled apart, you rested your head against his chest, closing your eyes as you relaxed in his arms.

"I love you too, Sean. I'll never leave you again."

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now