Chapter 11

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A week later you were completely better from what happened. Sean had really helped you through it. Every time you were missed for a while he came to check on you. He'd even done it during his video's just to be safe. He'd have Robin cut those parts out. You'd told him not to do that, but he insisted. You were happy that he cared so much. You cared about him too. It was nice being with him throughout the week. You both just kept getting closer. 

One day you were watching TV while he recorded another video. You were wrapped up in a blanket snug and warm. You were watching some Anime and suddenly you heard a door open. Jack appeared and you smiled.

"Hi, Jacky!" You greeted like a child. You both used that kind of voice often now. He smiled.

"Hello!" He greeted just as happily. He sat down next to you. You snuggled deeper into the fuzzy (f/c) blanket. He chuckled. "Ya look like a little kid in there!" He chuckled. You smiled with a giggle as you dove deeper into the blanket. He poked and prodded you playfully. "Where'd ya go? Come outta there!" He said as you yelped and squirmed playfully. He laughed as you wriggled in your spot laughing. "Come on! Come out! MAM! STOP RESISTING!" He yelled. You yelped as he got slightly rougher. 

"Hahahaha! No!" You yelped from inside the blanket. 

"Then I must take drastic measures!" He yelled and tackled you. You squeaked in surprise as he started to unwrap you. You tried your best to stay inside the little blanket cave but uncovered the top of your body and your legs were poking out now. He had his hands on either side of you. You were now caged in between his arms. You smiled at him. His hair was messy now from the playfully wrestling. "I won." He teased. You giggled. You wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I know." You replied sweetly. He smiled warmly at you. You kissed him and he instantly kissed back. You felt tingly again. The feeling never got old nor went away. Suddenly his was beside you instead of above and you felt his arms wrap around your waist. Your heart started to beat faster. You were so happy. You both broke the kiss smiling.

"Never gets old." Jack said. You chuckled.

"No, it doesn't." You agreed. You both wrapped the blanket around both of you and continued watching your show. You both enjoyed commenting and reacting to it. Jack and you were always so engaged. You both rooted for your favorite characters and turned against the bad ones. Then it got to a cute scene. You both watched it wide-eyed. When it got to the sweetest parts you both went, 'Awww!'. 

Soon it was time to record another video. You had to get back on schedule. You left Sean to watch what he wanted. You went to play (f/g). You set everything up and started recording.

"(Intro) and welcome to (f/g). Now I've played this before, but I thought I'd record it this time! I hope you guys enjoy it!" You said and started to play. You had a lot of fun recording this one. It was awesome! Soon you were done and you just then noticed the date. It was almost October. You grinned. You had an idea. You quickly shut everything down and ran out to Jack. "Jacky!" You called. He looked over at you surprised.

"Woah calm down ya crazy. What's up?" He asked.

"I just got a great idea! You know how you did Anti last year for Halloween?" You said. He looked interested.

"Yeah." He said grinning.

"Well, what if I told you....I kinda have a dark version of myself too?" You said with a playful and evil grin. He looked shocked, but it turned into a grin just like yours.

"Interesting." He said walking over to you. You grinned.

"I wonder how the fans would react to (Anti and your alter ego put together)." You chuckled evilly. He grinned.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now