Chapter 32

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About a week had passed and you and Jack were now fully moved into your new home. You both loved it there. It was almost Jack's birthday. January had gone by fast with all of the packing and getting ready to move. You wanted to get a very special gift for Jack. You'd already been looking into it. 

To your luck, your next door neighbors had come over to meet you both, curious about who was moving in. They were very nice people and they were actually a pair of twin sister's living together with their boyfriends. They had told you that they were sharing a house until they could get better jobs and one of the couples could move out and get their own place. You had told them about Jack's birthday and the gift you had in mind. They were thrilled to help out.

You were going with Johnathan and Vicky while Pepper and Ashton stayed home and prepared for when you three got back. You arrived at the building and you smiled as you all headed inside.

"So, what were you thinking?" Vicky asked.

"I don't know. Whatever reaches out to me, I guess." You looked at your choices. You smiled when something caught your eye. Vicky and John noticed. 

"Which one?" John asked.

"I think I have a better idea." You replied.

Jack's POV

I was finishing up my recording for the day. I knew that (Y/n) had gone out to get some groceries, but she had been gone a while now. I wondered if she'd had trouble finding something or there had been a delay on the road somewhere. I don't know why there would be a delay on the small drive into the main part of town, though.

I finished up in my recording room and I walked out to see if she was home yet. I was a little worried when I saw that she wasn't. Then, I heard the front door open. I smiled as she came in with a few bags. 

"There you are. You've been gone for a while now." I said. She chuckled.

"Sorry. I got distracted by something." She explained.

"It's alright. I was just getting a bit worried. It's not like I know exactly where you are, I mean." I told her.

"I know, Jacky." She giggled. "So, got everything done for today?"

"Yeah. I sent the recordings to Robin already." I confirmed. 

"That's good because I want to have a fun day together! I'm going to have to blog a bit since I need my videos too, but that shouldn't be a big deal." She said. I nodded.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"How about we invite our new neighbors along for lunch out and then we go check out the beach? I know it isn't summer, but it'll be something fun to do." She suggested. I smiled.

"Sounds perfect, sweets." I agreed. She smiled excitedly and she told me to go put on something warmer so I wouldn't be cold outside. I knew I had to do it otherwise she'd fuss over me. I didn't mind her concern, but it could get to be a little much sometimes. It still had to make me chuckle, though. She really was just too adorable sometimes. 

After I changed, we both headed over to the neighbors' place. Our neighbors were really nice. (Y/n) rang the doorbell and Pepper answered the door.

"Hey, guys! What's up?"

"You four wanna come out with us?" (Y/n) asked.

"Sure! Are we just gonna do lunch?" She asked.

"No. We're going to the beach for shits and giggles afterward." I replied.

"Heh, why am I not surprised? Well, I'll go tell the others to get ready. You can come in and wait on the couch while you wait." We walked inside and relaxed on the couch. Pepper went to go get the others.

"This is gonna be fun!" (Y/n) said with a smile.

"I hope so, or you owe me one." I replied. We both chuckled together.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." She told me.

"Me too. I was just kidding." I agreed. I smiled at her with a happy sigh.

"What?" She asked with a giggle.

"You're just so cute." I replied. She blushed a bit, looking away with a smile.

"Jack...come on. Not here. I don't want the others to tease us." I chuckled, leaning in closer to her.

"Come on. They're getting ready. We're fine." I would usually restrain myself, but I wanted to tease her. It was funny when she got flustered.

"Sean." She protested lightly, leaning to the side to try and avoid it. I got an idea. I pushed her over and she fell onto her back on the couch with a surprised squeak. "S-Sean!" She exclaimed. I grinned as I hovered over her.

"Come on. It's fine. It's just me, love." I told her, cupping her cheek. Her face was very red and I couldn't keep the smirk of pride off my face. 

"J-Jack..." She said shyly. I leaned in and kissed her. Her eyes widened for a moment, but then they closed. I closed my eyes as well. It was softer and sweeter, but it still made my face go pink along with her own. I felt her fingers intertwine with my own. I had to support myself with one arm, but that was the thing farthest from my mind at the moment. Soon, I pulled away. 

"See?" I said with a gentle smile. She returned the gesture with the same smile. 

"Oh, Sean." I smiled. We kissed again and just as soon as it started getting to the good part, we were interrupted. 

"Not that this isn't adorable, but make-out on your own couch please." (Y/n), startled, quickly tried to sit up and we clonked heads. I pulled back by reflex and fell off the couch. I landed on my stomach with a thud, while (Y/n) sat up, her mouth hanging open from the shock of the situation. I huffed, annoyed.

"That hurt, you know." I muttered sourly. The four of them laughed and Ashton came over to help me up. I stood up and brushed myself off.

"You alright, Jack?" John asked.

"Yeah, yeah." I sighed.

"(Y/n)?" Pepper asked.

"I'm good...if that doesn't leave a bruise, that is." I chuckled a little at that, regaining my happy mood.

"Are we all ready to go now?" Vicky asked.

"Yeah. Let's head out!" (Y/n) said and I took her hand as we headed out. We were going to walk there since it wasn't too old out today and because it would be good for us to walk around. I smiled at (Y/n) as we left. She smiled back at me. We gladly followed the others as we headed out to have a good afternoon together. We certainly picked a good house and neighborhood. Things are getting better now. I'm glad everything is finally going great.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now