Chapter 13

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Your communities were going crazy! It'd been a week since you both had started your Anti and (alter ego) videos. Mark's community was going nuts too. Today was going to be the first day you and Jack did it in the same video. You couldn't wait. You had a lot of ideas. Jack was excited too. You had a great idea that plenty of people would be doing fanart of. You both went to record Little Nightmares. You'd never played it before and you hadn't watched Jack's play through on it. You wondered what it was. You had a small description of it, but you weren't sure. You both got it set up and Jack sat down next to you in your recording room. You had a small love seat and a TV to hook up everything and play that way. You had a table in front of the love seat too. It had a vase with a single red rose. You turned on the camera while Jack finished setting the game up. It was ready moments later.

"(Intro) and welcome to Little Nightmares! Jack's played this before, but I have no idea what it is. I kinda know, but not really. We play as a girl named Six right?" You asked Jack.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see how you get past this stuff." He said. You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, let's do this!" You said and launched right into it. You watched the beginning clip and then started playing. "Aw, she's cute!" You said. Jack smiled. You kept going and you saw a little statue. You picked it up. "Uhh....what do I do with this?" You asked.

"Throw it." Jack replied. You did and it broke. 

"Oh, it's a collectible." You said.

"Yeah. I wouldn't try to get all of them." Jack said.

"Well, we'll see." You said. 


"UGH! This is hard!" You said. You were trying to get past the kitchen twins. Jack watched in amusement. "Jaaaaack! Heeeeeeelp!" You whined. He sighed. 

"Fine." He said, but instead of grabbing the controller he grabbed you and pulled you close. He gave you a side hug and you held up a peace sign just to be cute and silly. It was a perfect picture of both of you. You smiled at him. You knew you both had planned this. The thing was afterward you'd both get into the same position and Robin would edit it so that way it glitched and showed (alter ego) and Anti in that position for a second. "But first, lemme take a selfie girl!" Jack said in a weird girly teenage voice. You laughed. He always said the weirdest and funniest things. Then, Jack gave you a big hug. You smiled and hugged him back. He pulled away and gave you a little kiss. You knew the fans would go crazy, but neither of you cared. 

"Come on, let's get back to the game. I WILL DO THIS!" You shouted determinedly. He smiled.

"DETERMINATION!" He yelled. You smiled.

"Undertale references!" You laughed.

"YEAH!" Jack yelled happily. You both enjoyed it together. You made it past the kitchen twins 3 tries later.

"YES! VICTORY!" You yelled. Jack grinned. You knew what was coming. "Jack, no!" You said. Too late.

"ALL I DO IS WIN, WIN, WIN NO MATTER WHAT!" He sang. You burst out laughing. 

"WHY JACK!?" You yelled.

"CAUSE I CAN!" He yelled. You smiled.

"Of course." You said. He smiled. "Anyway! I think this is a good place to end the video! (outro)!" You said. After the video was over you both got dressed up and did the scenes you needed to. You did the picture pose and then the laughing and other glitches. You were really tired afterward. Jack noticed. He picked you up bridal style and carried you into your room. He laid you down and kissed your forehead. 

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