Chapter 40

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You opened your eyes and you found yourself laying down. At first, you felt relieved, thinking it was all a bad dream. But then, you realized that you were fully clothed, in a room you had never seen before, and the bed was not your own.

"W-where am I? W-what's going on?" You asked nobody in particular. You sat up and swung your legs out over the bed. You stood up and started to walk toward the door, but something pulled on your wrists. You were shocked to find yourself in handcuffs. You tugged and pulled at your binds, but they wouldn't budge. You looked around the room. It was brown, decaying slightly and very dusty. It looked abandoned. You walked over to the window and found yourself looking at the town below and in front of you. Where am I? I'm clearly in some sort of abandoned complex. But...why am I here? What's even going on? You had many questions and zero answers.

Then, the door opened. Your eyes widened. You knew this girl! You had met her once before. Your mind was racing with questions. You only remembered her name.

"Cindy?" You asked. You remembered this girl with short deep blue hair and silvery eyes. She wore a black tight form fitting t-shirt and skinny jeans with deep blue sneakers.

"Hey. Bet you weren't expecting me to show up, huh?" She said with a smirk.

"Um...we only talk once at a grocery store." You replied.

"Exactly. I convinced my friends to go shopping with me since I knew you were going to be there that day." You were getting more creeped out by the second. 

"Why?" You asked.

"Because I wanted to get to you. To find you. I would've caught you right then and there if it weren't for security cameras."

"What!?" You shouted. "Why!? What do you want with me!?" You exclaimed.

"You see, Signe did break up with Sean for a reason." She began. You were confused. You thought about it and then you were shocked as you put the pieces together.

"What did you do?" You asked, horrified.

"I told her that I would find her and end things myself if she didn't herself. I may have driven her a little crazy with my threats popping up out of nowhere. She was terrified of me. It was exactly what I wanted."

"Why? Why did you do that?"

"To have Jack for myself of course."

"Wait, what?" You asked.

"Sean is special. He's perfect. He's a gift and I have been looking deep into his life for a long time now. I want him for me. Then, you moved in next door and delayed my plans again. Since then, I've gone after you to get you out of my way."

"How did you follow us here!?"

"First off, you said you were moving to Brighton. Second, I just had to get here first and then follow you once you got off the flight. It wasn't that hard to follow right behind you and then keep driving, acting as if I lived around here. You both never even noticed."

"Well, stalker much?" You hissed.

"I'll accept that, but once Jack finds out that you actually ran off with your old boyfriend, I don't think he'll be too in love with you anymore."

"Wait, what? Old boyfriend?"

"You really don't recognize me, (Y/n)? I was shocked you fell for it. Then again, it was late and you couldn't see me all that well, could you?" You were shocked as a man came into the room.

"Blake..." It was your ex. Your abusive, obsessive, and demanding ex. He was another reason you moved away. He was American and inherited a mini fortune from his parents when they died and it gave him a very false sense of power, when he met you, you had been 19 and stupid. He made a move on you, and, taking a liking to his confidence, the fact that he had money, and the fact that he was charming, you quickly grew a liking to him. Eventually, he started getting a little too cozy too fast. When he tried to seduce you, you realized how in control he thought he was. You had broken it off quickly. Blake threatened to sue you for it, but you ignored his petty threats. He tried to get revenge, but nothing worked for him. Now, seeing him standing in front of you looking different and definitely stronger than before, you were afraid of what he had planned.

"You really have become ignorant. I can admit one thing, I'm not an actor, yet you fell for that."

"Maybe it was because I was more concerned with helping someone who had been shot! At least I have a heart, unlike you!" You growled at him. You couldn't show that you were wary of him. He'd exploit it.

"Having a heart may have just gotten you into this mess, princess." You wrinkled your nose at that name. He used to call you it all the time. You were his princess and he hadn't been a prince. He had thought of himself as a king. Your king to be specific. 

"Get away from me. Leave me alone! I did nothing! You abused me and thought of me as property! I was right to leave you! I wish I would've spoken up. You might have ended up in prison if I had." You hissed. He glared at you. He stormed up to you and you forced yourself not to flinch. 

"Watch it. You're mine now, precious, and if you think you're gonna get off scot-free again, you better think twice." You glared into his blue eyes. His eyes were dark and villainous, unlike Jack's happy and shimmering baby blue eyes.

"You won't get away with whatever you're both planning. I can promise you that much. You think Sean is going to stop looking for me?" 

"Oh please, (Y/n). Blake and I are counting on that fact. He'll find you, we will make sure of that. But he'll find you when we want him to. First, I think I'll let Blake have his fun. I've upheld my end of the deal, so he has no issue helping me out."

"What are you going to do?"

"We're going to stage it. Old Jack is going to find you and Blake together and I'll be the one playing the victim. Our plan is perfect. Jack will find me and then he'll find you two and he'll be compelled to take me in, sealing my plan forever."

"You can't make him love you and there's no way I'm going to go along with anything you say!" You snapped.

"You won't have to. Seeing you both together in the morning with clothes scattered on the floor will do enough. I'm sure we can make the scene look very convincing." Cindy chuckled.

"You're sick." You hissed, hiding your terror. They wouldn't. They can't possibly go that far. 

"Maybe. But it'll get me what I want. Nobody is going to get in my way again." Cindy said with a twisted grin on her face. 

"Fuck you!" You shouted. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm so insulted." She retorted without a care. "Blake, go ahead and have your fun with her. I don't care, just make sure she doesn't scream! nobody can hear her." Cindy said and turned to walk out of the room.

"Of course." He replied with a grin. Then, he turned to you. "Well, looks like you're all mine now." You took a step back.

"Back off." You growled.

"What are you going to do?" You kicked him as hard as you could in his special spot. He doubled over instantly. You swung your legs up and kicked him hard in the face. You knocked him out. Cindy heard the noise and came back.

"Holy shit! How the hell did you do that?"

"For me to know and you to never find out." He retorted. She glared at you. She struggled a little to get him out of the room.

"Believe me, you haven't won yet." She hissed before slamming the door. No matter how much you felt smug about taking down Blake in a matter of seconds, you knew she was right. You weren't free yet. Not by a long shot.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now