Chapter 58

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You woke up that morning, the sun shining in through the window. You smiled as you heard the birds singing outside. You heard a yawn behind you and you felt strong arms tighten around you.

"Mmph...heh, morning, love." Sean mumbled, kissing your exposed shoulder. You blushed, smiling at the gesture.

"Morning, Sean." You replied softly.

"Sleep well?" He asked, giving your neck gentle pecks. You hummed happily.

"Yeah." He kept kissing you softly.

" you know what today is?" You thought about it. Your eyes widened.

"Oh my God..." You heard him chuckle.

"It's today." He whispered, so much emotion in his voice that you thought even that small whisper would break it.

"Did we oversleep!?" You instantly began to panic.

"Shh, it's okay. We're fine. We have hours, honey. We're getting married pretty late, remember?" You relaxed again.

"How are you so calm?" You asked.

"Because I know you're going to be my wife. No matter what happens today, we're getting married. That's the only thing I have to worry about."

"Sean, what if something goes wrong?"

"With Pepper and Vicky handling things? Unlikely. Those two are taking this even more serious than you are." He joked. You sighed.

"S-Sean...w-what if I-"

"Hey," You stopped talking as he pulled you closer. "don't focus on the what if's. And if anything happens, I will be there. I don't care if you stutter or stumble. You're still going to be my wife. Nothing will change that. The only thing that would is changed your mind about-"

"Never." It was your turn to cut him off. He smiled.

"Then don't worry. It's gonna be okay." You smiled.

"Alright. I trust you." 

"I know." 

You both stayed there for a while until it was time to get up. You both shared a quick kiss before changing into actual clothes and heading downstairs to start getting things done. You fed the dogs and Jack made sure that you're recording camera was ready. You guys were going to record official moments throughout the day and you were also going to do some smaller fun moments on places like Instagram and Twitter, as usual. 

You were downstairs making sure Poppy, Sabrina, and Koda were all ready to go. You were taking them with. You were excited but pretty nervous. Your dogs kinda helped you calm your nerves.

You were also pleased to be meeting Sean's family. You had never really met them. You had spoken to them over the phone a few times, talking to them about the dates and such because they were invited and needed to know, but not much more than that.

You wondered if Sean was ready to head out. You were getting there early to help out. It was 1:00 and you still had a while, but you both wanted to make sure the place was ready. Your friends had already helped with certain arrangements. 

"Sean! It's time to go!" You called.

"Coming!" He called back. You got the dogs together and waited for him by the door. He came down quickly and slipped his shoes on. You smiled. You both left together. You opened the back door for the dogs and they all hopped into the car. You got in on the passenger side. Jack was driving. 

He looked over at you, placing his hand gently on your thigh. You looked into his blue eyes as he smiled comfortingly at you. "I'm a little nervous too. It'll be alright. We'll both be fine. I know it." He reassured. You smiled and nodded. He started the car and you both headed out.

As you drove along, you closed your eyes. You tried to relax as you headed to the place where everything was finally happening. You started to smile as you thought about what you both were finally going to do. It was finally time. There was no going back. You didn't want to turn back. You wanted to move forward with a smile. You wanted to move forward holding his hand. That was the only thing you wanted.

Once you got there, Vicky and Pepper were already there with Ash and John setting things up. You smiled as you both saw them. They spotted you two seconds later as you came in with the dogs.

"There you all are! John! Come here!" Vicky called. "Can you take the dogs, please?" She asked. He nodded and took the three of them for you.

"Have any of the other's arrived yet?" Sean asked.

"Mark and the gang are on their way." Vicky replied.

"That's good. We came early to help out as well." You explained. 

"Well, neither of you have to start getting ready just yet, so...if you could help us with some of the decorations. You go help Ash, Sean. (Y/n), come with me." You both gave each other one last hug before splitting up. You followed Vicky as she led you to another room. This room was clearly the room where people were going to be dancing and on the other side, you could see tables set up for people to sit at and eat. The food hadn't arrived yet since it could go could by the time you ate if it had.

"So, we need some table to be set yet and some of the flower decorations need to be placed as well. I'm going to handle checking the stereos and the music equipment. I also need to check the mics."

"Mics?" You asked.

"Well...yeah. Um, the bride is only the most amazing singer I've ever heard. I'm expecting a number from her." She said. You became very nervous.


"Come on! You've done this type of thing before!" She said.

"I can't. I can't do it in front of all those people that I know. What if I screw up and they judge me?"

"First off, even the best singers have incidents on stage. Second, you'll be fine because I believe in you and you have all the support in the world!" Vicky reassured. You sighed.

"I'll...think about it. Now come on, let's get to work." You said. She nodded and headed over across the dance floor. You went to start with the tables. As you worked, you could imagine all of the people gathered around and it brought a smile to your face. It's happening today. You thought with a smile as you closed your eyes and let yourself daydream with your heart thumping strongly and happily. I'm getting married to the most amazing man in the world today. You sighed happily as you opened your eyes. They're right, I have nothing to be afraid of. This is my day. This is our day. I'm getting married and nothing's stopping me. Today is going to be perfect. It's a day I've dreamed of since I was small. It might be different then what I've pictured, but it's still going to be the best day of my life.

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