Chapter 17

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The next day the three of you posted your own videos to calm everyone down. Before you posted you'd looked up fan art and found a few pictures of all three of you together. It was so awesome! You loved art. Fan art was by far the coolest. You loved it. You looked through it and saw a fan art for the video you had done with Jack with the carving pumpkins. You looked at it and you were shocked. It was you and Jack, but.....he was dead. You'd obviously killed him. You knew that you had implied that (alter ego) had kidnapped him, but you didn't think someone would actually think you'd kill Jack. Anti yes, but you..... You felt something wet roll down your cheek. You realized you were crying. You didn't understand why this was getting to you. Was it simply the thought of you killing the person you loved most? Was it the shock that someone would take a prank video that far? You didn't know. Maybe it was both. Maybe it was simply the thought of Sean being dead.

Suddenly your door opened. You froze. You couldn't let him see this, but you also were too stunned and upset to move.

"Hey! How's it going in here? You've been in here for awhile." He said. You didn't answer. You only continued staring at the horrid picture. He frowned, concerned. "Hey, you okay sweetheart?" He asked. You just cried. He noticed and hurried over to you. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" He asked, still not noticing the screen.

"I-I wouldn't....*sniff* I-I'm not-*sniff* I d-didn't m-mean that." You cried staring at the screen. He looked at it and looked shocked. It turned into anger. He logged in as himself and commented on it. You watched confused.

'She would never hurt me! (Y/n) is sweet, kind, beautiful, and loves me too much to even let me get a bruise! She didn't mean that (alter ego) killed me! That was Anti and it wasn't even real!' He commented. You were shocked. He closed the tab and shut down your computer. He picked you up bridal style and carried you out of your recording room. You were confused and stunned. He laid you down on the couch and got you a blanket. You stared at him.

"Why are you-" 

"Shh, just relax. Forget about that alright. I'll be back in a sec." He said. You waited silently. He came back moments later. He had two cookies and a glass of milk. You stared at him. He gave you the cookies. You were shocked. He pushed you up and then sat down. He laid you back down. Your head was now on a pillow in his lap. You stared up at him. He smiled. "Go on and each you're cookies already." He said. You smiled. You bit into one and he ran his fingers through your hair repetitively. It was calming and comforting. You finished your cookies and milk and relaxed. He watched TV as you rested in his lap. Soon you'd fallen asleep.

Third Person POV

He wasn't happy about what had happened. That might've been fan art, but they'd taken it too far. That wasn't ok and it'd hurt her feelings. Jack looked down and saw her sleeping peacefully. He smiled. She's so sweet. I'm lucky ta have her. He thought. Soon he started feeling tired himself. Jack shifted her so that way she was laying on her side and wrapped up in his arms. He yawned and cuddle her as he slowly joined her in their nap. 

"Jack! Get (Y/n) out of here! We can handle them!" Jack acted on instinct and grabbed her arm. They ran. Gun shots fired behind them. (Y/n) looked back.

"We can't leave them!" She shouted.

"We've got no choice! We'll die if we try to help! We don't have anything to defend ourselves with!" Jack yelled. She looked back again. She looked angry.

"Yeah right." She hissed and pulled her arm free. Jack gasped.

"DON'T!" He screamed. Too late. She had grabbed a knife and attacked. Jack watched as she got hurt. He ran to help her. She was bleeding, but she wasn't going down. Sean saw a girl take aim at her. He gasped. "Look out!" He shouted. She turned and froze. Sean pushed her out of the way. The girl fired and everything went black.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now