Chapter 15

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Third Person POV

He waited for her at the airport. She said she would take a cab, but he insisted on picking her up. He was so giddy. He couldn't wait to see her again. He kept a look out for her since her plane would probably be landing any second now. About 10 minutes later he saw her. He smiled and ran over. He hugged her and she hugged him back. He gave her a short kiss and afterward another huge hug. 

"Welcome home!" He said. She rolled her eyes.

"I was only gone 6 days Jack." She said.

"Still! I'm glad you're back!" He said. She smiled. Then you both heard a girl shriek. You turned. She was looking at both of you. You both knew what she was. 

"Fan." You both said at the same time. She nervously walked up to both of you.

"H-hi!" She said. You both smiled.

"Hello!" Jack said.

"Heya." You greeted.

"I-I hope I'm not bothering you, but I just wanted to meet you." She said. You both smiled.

"It's fine! It's not like this is the first time." She said. Jack nodded. The girl sighed relieved.

"Good. I don't want to be disrespectful." She said.

"Aww, it's fine! I've said it a hundred times! I love meeting fans! It's nice to meet faces in the community!" Jack said.

"Agreed!" (Y/n) said happily. She smiled. 

"Awesome! I just wanted to say that you two are my favorite couple EVER! My sister should be coming soon and that's why I'm here. I just saw you both and wondered.....maybe if I could get a picture?" She asked. You both nodded. She looked so happy. The three of you took a picture together and then her sister came. Her sister asked if she could have a picture too. You took another one and they left saying thank you. You both left after that too. 

Jack drove them both home and when they got there he instantly gave her a passionate kiss. She kissed back. It broke moments later. She smiled.

"That's what I missed the most." She told him. He blushed. 

"Me too." Sean agreed. Then he realized something. "Hey, I never asked you about your trip. How was it?" She smiled.

"It was good! I mean....the funeral was sad, but that's kinda expected. You won't believe what I got, though!" She said. He watched, interested as she opened her bag and pulled something out. She hid it behind her back. He tried to see it. "Ah ah ah! Close your eyes, Jacky!" She said. He sighed with a smile and shut them tight. He heard a shuffle and then she said, "Okay! Open them!" He did and gasped. It was a stuffed whale. 

"Oh my god!" He said taking it and hugging it. "It's so cute!" He said happily. She smiled.

"And....I got my own matching one! Look! It's a (f/a)!" She said happily. Jack smiled wider.

"That's so adorable! I love it! You're the sweetest!" He said giving her a hug. She hugged him back. 

"You are the sweetest too ya know!" She replied.

"I don't're pretty sweet." He teased.

"Alright, alright. Come on! Let's go put them on our own shelves!" She said. He nodded and they hurried off. When they were done she told him all about her trip. 

"I'm glad you had a good time!" He said.

"Yeah! I saw all my old friends, went to my favorite restaurant, I got those two cute animals, I went shopping with my family, it was just so much fun!" She said happily. "I really did miss my old place, but I missed you more." She said blushing. He smiled.

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