Chapter 52

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Jack's POV

I was at home since I wasn't able to stay with her all day and night anymore. Peter had done his best, but he couldn't help me out with that any longer. I had gone back to caring for the pups. They were glad to be back home even if they were only about 15 feet away in a different house. I missed them too. I was glad they were there to keep me company.

I was playing with them in the living room with the three of them in front of the TV. It was playing a random show that I wasn't really paying attention to. I was having fun with them and it made me feel better about everything that was happening. 

Suddenly, I got a call. I looked at my phone. It was from the hospital. I answered it as fast as I could.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Sean, it's me, Peter." I could tell by how he was talking that something was wrong. 

"What's going on?" I asked, trying not to freak out.

"It's (Y/n)...she...she's under emergency care, but her heartbeat keeps faltering. We don't know if she'll make it." He told me. I felt my own heart stop. "You need to get down here."

"I'm on my way!" I answered. I hung up and I hurried as fast as I could. The pups tried to follow me, but I told them to stay. I called Pepper since I knew she was the only one home at the moment as I grabbed my coat and raced out to my car.


"Pepper! I need you to watch the pups! I'm going to the hospital!" I said.

"Sean? What's going on?" She asked.

"It's (Y/n). She's...she's on the line." She knew what I meant by that.

"Oh my God..." 

"Pepper, can you watch the pups?" I asked.

"Y-yes, of course. I-I'm heading over now." I pulled out of my driveway and started on my way there. "And Sean,"


"If...if it happens...I'm sorry." I froze for a moment.

"It won't happen." I said.


"It won't!" I shouted. " can't." She sighed.

"I hope you're right." With that, she hung up. I kept on my way to the hospital and once I got there I hurried inside. I went up to the front desk and the woman there knew who I was. She led me to her room and I hurried inside. There were two doctors in the room and Peter was also there. 

"Is she alright?" I asked.

"I'm afraid her immune system wasn't strong enough to withstand the blood transfusion. Her body isn't reacting properly and her heart is struggling to pump her blood correctly throughout her body. If we tried surgery...there is a high chance she would not survive." Every word hit me like a truck. Tears were already in my eyes. 

"S-so there's...nothing you can do?" I asked.

"No." He said sadly. "We don't know if she'll ever wake up and we advise that you...don't wait. It'll make things easier." He told me. I felt my heart starting to shatter.

"C-can I at least have a few minutes with her?" I asked, my voice shaking. He gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Take as long as you like." He replied. They all left and Peter mouthed an 'I'm sorry' as they walked out. I walked over to her. My feet seemed to way 1000 pounds each. I didn't want to say goodbye to her. I loved her. I would never stop loving her. I knelt down beside her bed and gently took her limp and cold hand. I let my tears fall.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now