Chapter 42

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(WARNING! Violence up ahead!)

You were sitting in the room when your phone buzzed. You were shocked. I have my phone! Oh my gosh, I actually have my phone! You made sure neither Cindy nor Blake was coming or around. You took it out and looked at it. In your notifications, it said, 'Sean has looked at your coordinates.' You smiled, pleased. Yes! He knows where I am! This is great! He'll come to get me! You wondered if you should text him. You decided against it, knowing that Cindy probably had access to those types of things. It was clear she was a good hacker from the texts she sent. You decided to trick Cindy into thinking they were coming in a week. You opened up a fake texting app and began to type up a fake conversation between you and Jack. Cindy came in and saw you doing it, just like you planned.

"Hey!" She swiped the phone and you yelled at her to stop and to give it back. Hopefully, that was convincing. You prayed to yourself.  She glared at the phone. Then she smirked.

"A week, huh?" She asked. You swallowed hard. "Well, we have plenty of time to have fun with you then." You grew nervous. You prayed Sean would come for you sooner than that. Then, Blake came in. He took your phone and slipped it into his pocket. He made sure to keep it out of your reach. Then he chuckled.

"Mind if I start early?" He asked Cindy. She grinned. 

"Not at all." She cooed and left with a nasty smirk on her face. Before you could react, Blake tightened the chains so you couldn't move. You gasped. You remembered what they had said. You opened your mouth to start screaming, but Blake reacted fast, gagging you. You struggled hard, trying to break free in any way possible. You glared at Blake. He grinned.

"I remember when I wanted to do this to you every night. Guess I finally get my chance, huh, babe?" He growled darkly. Your eyes widened in terror. You struggled harder, screaming into the gag. 

"Relax. I want to play with you first. You'll learn just what you did to me when you left. You. Are. Mine~" You could do nothing as he ripped your shirt off of you. He pulled out a dagger. You gasped in horror. You ket screaming and struggling, but there was nothing you could do. You screamed in pain as he slashed your shoulder and your side. The cuts were surely going to leave scars. 

Blake chuckled as tears trickled out of your eyes. He lifted your chin up with his finger. You looked into his dark, heartless eyes. "You know, I might be persuaded to stop if you don't fight me, precious~" He cooed. You glared at him. He frowned a little. Then, he shrugged carelessly. "Fine. I'll just listen to you scream." He strapped a shock collar around your neck and you shook your head pleadingly. He shocked you and you kept screaming. He kept shocking you and slapping you when you tried to fight. Soon enough, your body couldn't take any more. You passed out. At that point, it was a sweet release. It was your only escape. This time, even darkness was welcome.

Jack's POV

I could hear her screaming. I could hear her crying. She was calling for help. She was calling for me. I wanted to run to her. She was so close. Where are you!? I thought in a panic as I raced around blindly. 

"(Y/n)!" I called out for her. I just had to find her. I kept running through this endless maze. I screamed out for her. I heard her scream back. She sounded like she was in so much pain. It drove me insane. I had to find her. I had to hold her and kiss her and comfort her. I had to make sure she was okay and she was safe. I couldn't stop running. This maze would never end. I felt like I was only getting further away.

Suddenly, there was a door ahead of me. I ran as fast as I could and practically broke down the door to get to her. My hopeful smile dropped instantly. She was on the ground in a puddle of blood. My hands were shaking. My hope had quickly turned to horror. 

"Too late, Jacky~" I whipped around.

"WHY!?" I screamed, but no one was there. 

"You won't love her much longer." I glared at the direction that voice came from.

"I will always love her! Leave us alone! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" Suddenly, I felt a knife go into my shoulder. I screamed in pain I fell to my knees and I looked up. Before I could make out who was over me, I felt a blade slit my throat. Tears rushed out of my eyes.

"You have no choice." Someone whispered behind me and I collapsed. 

As soon as my body hit the ground I woke up with a shout.

"NO!" I gasped and my head whipped from side to side as I realized I was in my room. The pups were all right up in my face, whimpering in fear and worry. I sighed.

"I'm sorry..." I said. "I-I can't handle this..." I choked out and the pups just kept trying to help me. I held them close to me, still crying. I bit my lips in an attempt to stop myself, but it only made the urge to cry stronger. I cried even harder, my body shaking with gaps and sobs. "(Y-Y/n)..." 

My door opened and I saw Mark there. Amy was with him along with Ethan. They must've heard my shout. You tried to hide that I had been crying, but they all knew instantly that I'd woken up from a nightmare. I was surrounded with hugs in seconds.

"Sean, it's okay. We're getting her back tomorrow, okay? Just wait a little longer."

"But what if they're torturing her!? What if they're going to kill her!? I have to help her now! I have to-" Amy hugged me.

"Sean, relax. You have to stop. You're only making it worse." She said softly. I latched onto her and I just kept crying. I had never felt so lost, powerless, and broken. Mark and Ethan hugged me again as well.

"It'll be okay, Jack." Ethan told me. I calmed down and I felt so drained of energy. I almost collapsed backward into my bed, but Mark caught me and helped me lay down.

"You need to rest, buddy. We're getting her back. We promise." I looked at my friends. I was able to smile for a second before passing out in my bed seconds later. I really did need the sleep.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now