Chapter 56

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You breathed in the fresh spring air. It was beautiful outside for once. You love it. You walked along with the dogs ahead of you. They had grown a bit over the past 4 months. Koda was slightly bigger than his sisters. Poppy and Sabrina were the same sizes as each other. They all came back to you when you whistled for them. You smiled and knelt down, petting each in turn. You turned as you heard footsteps behind you. Sean smiled as he knelt down too and pet the dogs.

"Time to go home?" You asked.

"I gotta head back with the dogs, but...I want you to stay here." You were confused.

"Why?" You asked.

"You'll see. Just trust me." You chuckled.

"Okay. Be back quick, alright?" You said.

"I will." He replied. He left with the dogs and you went to wait under the willow tree in the park. You had improved immensely from when you first came out of the hospital. There was one thing you couldn't change, thanks to the scars and where the bullets hit. You also had a few other scars on your body from the beatings, but they were minor. They would never go away, but...Sean actually commented that it made you a badass. He had been joking around, but once you asked him what he actually thought, he told you that they were reminders that you did it. You made it through. They were proof that you were stronger than any of them. 

Now, you were running and you were fit. You had been working hard to get your strength back up. Your subscribers and followers were all thrilled with each new announcement of improvement.

You thought about Blake. You remembered the look he had when Cindy turned on him. You wondered if there was still some good in him at that moment. You wondered if it had all been a trap. Cindy had never cared. You wondered if Blake had just been another one of her pawns. It didn't matter anymore though. They chose their paths and it led to their ends. There wasn't anything anyone could do to change that.

As you waited for Sean to come back, you looked around, admiring the beauty of the park before you. You smiled at it all. You felt at ease. You were proud of yourself. You might've gone to hell and back, but that was just it. You fought back and now you were here. You were healthy. You were alive. You and Sean were happy and you loved each other more than anything. Things were finally in your favor. You finally had taken your lives back. 

Sean had changed too over the past four months. He'd gone back to his natural hair color and you both had a great year so far. Many fun games came out like God of War and Detroit: Become Human. You both played your own playthroughs of the games. You'd had fun meeting Bryan and hanging out with him too. He and his wife were really fun. Jack had gotten the Connor jacket and you had actually gotten Kara's android outfit. Amelia and Bryan were able to convince the people that run the game merch shop to let you have an outfit as well. 

When you had taken the test, both you and Jack had come out as Connor. It had been pretty funny to everyone that you both got the same character. Bryan had made the comment that he felt like the whole world was becoming deviant one by one. It made you laugh. What nearly killed you was when he reenacted his whole...crab thing. You had nearly been crying with laughter by the end of it. Sean even had to ask if you were okay. You were fine after given a minute to breathe. You still chuckled at the memory. 

As you were lost in thought under the tree, somebody had crept up behind you. You jumped as Sean grabbed you. He laughed.

"I knew I could get you!" You sighed.

"Really?" You asked.

"Don't get annoyed. I was just teasing you. Come on, I had somewhere I want to take you." He said. You followed him with a smile as you went over towards the woods. You knew this path. You had almost forgotten about it. You knew where you were going.

"You're taking me to the tree house?" You asked. 

"You don't miss anything, huh?" He joked. You chuckled and kept walking with him as you both headed there. Once you arrived, you headed up and you were stunned when you saw the place. It was all completely fixed up. There was a table with two chairs waiting. There was a cooler next to the table and it all looked set up for a picnic. You were amazed mostly by all of the multicolored roses all around. They were in vases and intertwined into the railing as well. It all looked beautiful. Sean looked nervous.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Like it?" You questioned in disbelief. "Sean, this is amazing!" You said, latching onto him with a strong hug. "I...I don't know what to say." He smiled.

"You don't have to say anything. Come on." He invited. You sat down and he pulled out some drinks and sandwiches. You couldn't stop smiling.

" really did all this yourself?"

"Not all of it. The others helped. Vicky did the flowers." He admitted. You laughed a bit.

"Well, I'm still giving you credit for planning all of this." You said. He blushed smiling like an idiot while shyly avoiding your gaze.


"I'm hungry. Let's actually start eating. You said to bring him out of his embarrassment. He seemed thankful you did. You both ate and talked with each other for a while. Sean went quiet for a moment.

"I've been seeing a lot of Bryan and Amelia's wedding pictures on Twitter. They both looked really nice. I'm glad it's final." He said.

"Me too. They're a cute couple." You agreed. He looked nervous again. "Sean? You okay?" You asked.

"(Y-Y/n)...c-can I...ask you something?" You giggled.

"You can ask me anything, Jack." You replied. He still looked nervous. He breathed in and out to calm himself before looking you in the eyes.

"(Y/n), ever since you came home from the hospital I've been wanting to ask you this. I even thought about it a little before all of that shit happened. When I thought I was going to lose you, I realized even more just how true it was that I couldn't live without you anymore. You gave me everything I didn't know I needed. You're beautiful, smart, strong, and you're so sweet. When I kiss you, no matter how many times we do it, I feel like I'm going to melt. When I say I can't get enough of you, I mean it. So..." You were listening with wide eyes by this point as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black velvet coated box. You couldn't believe this was happening. Is this actually happening? "I guess what I'm trying to ask is if...I can have all of you, forever." He took another breath as he opened the box. "(Y/n), will you marry me?" 

You couldn't hold back your tears. Your cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. You felt like you were going to burst. You nodded, unable to speak. He looked thrilled. "Really!?" You both stood up and hugged.

"Y-yes!" You managed to say. He held you as tight as you could without squeezing the life out of you. He kissed you all over your face after wiping your tears away. 

"I love you so much, (Y/n)." He whispered with a few happy tears in his own eyes. You gave a light laugh.

"I love you too, Sean." You replied. You both kissed for a long tie, never wanting to let go. "The only thing is, why didn't you ask me sooner, you doofus?" You said. He chuckled.

"I...wanted to wait for the right time." He said. You smiled.

"Well, I think now was perfect." You agreed.

"I love you, (Y/n). We'll stay together, okay? Together forever." He told you.

"Forever." You breathed with a smile as you both stayed there, happy to stay in each other's embrace for as long as you wished.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now