Chapter 27

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It was dark. It was cold. You couldn't move. Then, you heard a voice. You were able to force your eyelids to open for a moment. It was a massive blur. You heard a voice, but you couldn't make out who it was. You could barely feel someone giving you a coat and a hat. Then, you were moving. You closed your eyes again, letting your body fall limp. Then, you heard a lot of noise. You opened your eyes a little again and you saw lights passing overhead. You were still moving but you were laying down now. You noticed a person next to you, but you still couldn't make them out. You closed your eyes again and you completely blacked out once again.

You didn't know how much time had passed when you came to, but you knew one thing. You were safe, warm, and still alive. Your body felt tingling, still regaining its feeling back. You let out a small groan. You head hurt pretty bad too. You opened your eye and you hissed slightly as the light above stung your eyes. You blinked a few times, adjusting to the light around you. 

You could now try to focus and take in where you were. You decided you could probably piece together what happened from there. You heard the beep of a heart monitor next to you. I' the hospital? You wondered, confused. How did I get here? Who brought me here? You turned your head and you saw a vase with some flowers in it. 

It was then you felt something in your other hand. You quickly realized someone was holding your hand. You turned and you were shocked. Jack was passed out in a chair next to your bed, but his hand was tightly gripping your own in his sleep. At first, you felt bad, but then it turned to anger. You remembered what he had shouted at you. It still hurt and now you understood what had happened to you. 

You sat up and pulled your hand free. This action caused him to wake up. At first, he just seemed startled. Then, he noticed you were awake. 

"(Y/n)! You're awake!"

"Yeah." You said coldly. He flinched.

"(Y/n)..." He seemed to understand why you had reacted that way. "I'm so sorry." You glanced over at him. He looked incredibly guilty and sad. It made your heart twist slightly. You still cared about him. Sean, still thinking he hadn't done enough, broke down crying and hugging himself. You were stunned. "I-I'm such a fucking ass! I-I never meant to yell! I was just upset and acting on impulse! I wanted to leave so I wouldn't say something I regret and I regret it so much! When you ran away with nothing, I was so afraid something was going to happen to you. I-I was so s-scared... I thought I lost you. I thought I was going to lose you and that scared me so bad. When I found you I felt so guilty and I was even more terrified that you weren't going to make it. I-I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to leave me. I-I know I said for you to find someone who cared, but I've never told a bigger lie in my life! I care about you so much and I don't want to lose you. I love you so much, (Y/n). P-please, forgive me." You felt so bad. You had been acting like an idiot too. You ran off without even thinking of the consequences. You took his hand and he looked at you, stunned. You gave him a smile. You pulled him into your arms and he latched onto you, burying his face into the side of your neck. 

"Shh... it's okay, Sean. I forgive you. I never should've run away. I'm sorry." You told him.

" was my fault. I'm so sorry for yelling at you, (Y/n)." You kissed him. He was a little stunned. You pulled back.

"Shut up and kiss me, you dumbass." You said with a chuckle and a grin. He didn't need to be told twice. He latched onto you, kissing you like his life depended on it. You did the same, your arms quickly wrapping around his neck. You both weren't stopping for anything. As you kissed, his arms suddenly pulled you to the edge of the bed so your legs were dangling over the side. You didn't really care. You just kept kissing him. Then he picked you up. To help him support you, your legs wrapped around his waist. Jack let out out a small groan. You both had to pull away for air a few moments later. You were both panting and Jack set you back down.

"S-sorry." You chuckled.

"Don't be. That was perfect." You told him. He smiled. 

" forgive me?" He asked.

"It's hard to stay mad at you when your crying beside my bed." You said. He blushed a bit. "Sean," He looked you in the eyes. "I love you, okay? I'm sorry for running away. We both did things we aren't proud of. Let's just forget it, okay? It's over." He smiled, relieved.

"Yeah. Okay." He agreed. You both hugged for a few minutes until it was time to see about getting you out of the hospital and getting you home. You had apparently been out for a day and a half. Jack hadn't left your side through any of it.

Once you were cleared, you and Jack went home. He carried you home since you still didn't have any shoes. Luckily, not many people were out, so there weren't that many people around to stare at you both. Once you made it back to the apartment building, Sean let you down. You both headed up to your apartment. You changed into better clothes and Sean took care of everything for you the entire day. You thanked him for being so nice. He said he owed it to you. You didn't agree with that, knowing part of all of this was your own fault. Still, you knew not to argue with him. 

At the end of the day, you both curled up together and you cuddled with one another. You felt happy, warm, and safe in his arms. It was much better than the numbing cold from before. You both had agreed to talk to each other when something was wrong to avoid having something like this happen again. You knew every couple fought, but usually, it didn't end like that. You knew there were going to be more fights, but you were going to do your best to keep them from happening and to keep them from escalating. I'm not going to do that to him again. I just can't. You told yourself as you laid there with him. He was already asleep. You soon grew tired an followed after him, silently promising to do better next time.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now