Chapter 33

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You opened your eyes and instantly a huge grin was on your face. Today is the day! It's Sean's birthday! You were about to jump out of bed, but you stopped yourself, not wanting to wake up Jack just yet. You slipped out of bed without waking up your boyfriend and the you quickly scrambled downstairs and into the kitchen. 

You began to cook breakfast in bed for your boyfriend. You hoped he wouldn't wake up before you were done. You made pancakes, bacon, sausage, and you made him a special coffee too. You hummed a you worked on getting it all finished and ready.

You grinned as you finished. You grabbed everything and took it upstairs. You peeked in and you saw him still sleeping soundly. You grew excited. You had the entire day planned out and now you were about to start it. 

You bumped the door open a bit more with your hip since your hands were full. You walked over and set the food down on the nightstnd so you could wake him up. You turned and smiled at him. Time to wake him up.

You leaned over and kissed him on the lips. He groaned a little, but then you felt him kiss back. You pulled away with a smile. His blue eyes shimmered as he smiled at you.

"Heh, goodmorning." He chuckled.

"Goodmorning birthday boy." You replied His smile widened.

"Is that why you woke me up with a-" You put a finger on his lips. You grinned.

"Save the words for later, Jacky." You said and grabbed the plate. He sat up, shocked. He smiled gratefully at you.

"You gonna do this all day, aren't you?"

"Yep. And there's no changing my mind, my Irish muffin." He kissed you.

"You didn't have to do this and you don't have to do anything for me. You know that."

"I know. But need is a different word than want." You replied. He smiled.

"You really are perfect."

"Only in your eyes, silly." You chuckled. You sat down on the bed next to him as he ate. You rested your head on his shoulder and he smiled at you. He ate his food and drank his coffee. Once he was done, you took his plate and cup. 

"I could take the dishes myself." He said. You smiled over your shoulder.

"I'll meet you downstairs, Sean." You replied and left. You put the dishes in the dishwasher and then you went to get one of his gifts. You had gotten him a new hoodie and you'd gotten him a hat too. The hat you had designed online yourself and payed to get it made that way. You loved that you had contancts that were able to work their magic. The hat was red with a blue visor and it had Sam on the front of it with the word 'BOSS' in green over Sam. The hoodie was also specialy made. It was the same color red with a blue hood, black pull strings, and Sam on the front again. This time it had the words 'Speed is Key' on it in green. It also had blue stripes on the sleeves. You knew Jack would love them.

Once Jack made it downstairs, he came into the living room and spotted you on the couch with the neatly wrapped box in your hands. He smiled and came over.

"What did you get?" He asked.

"Find out for yourself." You said, haning him the box. He unwrapped it and opened the box. He pulled out the hat first and he looked touched and thrilled. He put it on and then he took of the hoodie. His smile grew bigger and he looked so happy and thankful. He hugged you.

"Were did you get this?" He asked.

"I designed them myself and I called some contants of mine to help work their magic. You really like them?" You asked.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now