Chapter 19

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You had so much fun the first few days. Mark, Ethan, Tyler, Jack, and yourself were by far the best combination. Of course, the more the merrier, but for now this was perfect. You couldn't wait for Christmas Eve. As usual, Mark was doing a Christmas fundraiser. It was going to be AWESOME! 

Still, it was 4 days before Christmas and you were all heading out to have some fun. It was very unexpected, but it turns out you guys got a little bit of white this year. It wasn't much, but it was good enough for one day. You all dressed up warmer and headed out as a group. You all went to the park because DARNIT YOU WERE GONNA HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT! You couldn't wait. You all hurried to build your own forts to protect yourselves. You and Jack got as much snow as possible. You both power worked to make a fort and about 50 snowballs. You were both ready to win this. You and Jack had thought of a good idea and built your fort next to a line of shrubs. It was an easy and safer escape it you absolutely HAD to retreat. But as you both said before you'd even got to the park, 'No retreat! NO SURRENDER!'. You both waited for a signal to start. Suddenly you heard Ethan shriek along with Mark's lunatic laugh. Mark's girlfriend, Amy, was, of course, recording this for all of you. You were all taking turns recording though.

You and Jack quickly hopped out from your fort and pelted Mark since he was out in the open.

"AAH!" He shrieked and dove back to his fort, where Chica was hopping around barking happily. Ethan peeked out from his fort and smiled. 

"Thank you!" He said. You smiled.

"Anytime, Ethan!" You said. You and Jack ran toward Mark and kept petting him. He ran around trying to dodge them. Soon you both retreated to your fort for more snowballs. Meanwhile, Tyler had crept over to it and was waiting to ambush both of you. As soon as you got there, he started throwing snowballs at you both. You shrieked and dodged on that was flying toward your stomach. Jack dodged one aimed at his head. You both nodded and ran the long way around the shrubs. Tyler thought he'd won that one, but you both had other plans. You paused and made more snowballs before running toward him with Jack yelling his battle cry. You both threw them hard and fast at Tyler. He shrieked and ran. You both yelled your victory over him.

"NO RETREAT!" You yelled.

"NO SURRENDER!" Jack finished. You both quickly got more snowballs ready. You had to hurry. Ethan was bound to turn on you any second now. You and Jack were ready for another attack, from the front at least. Suddenly, Mark and Amy attacked from the rear with Ethan recording it. You both shrieked and dove out of the way. You had a single snowball with you. You decided to launch it at Mark. You threw it as hard as you could and it ironically hit him square in the balls. You and Jack laughed harder than ever as he collapsed with a groan.

"Oooooooooooowwwwwww....." He said, laying there in the snow. 

"Nice shot!" Jack said.

"Well fire and run!" You said as you both bolted out of there as Amy started to attack trying to get revenge. You both ran, but you were cut off by Tyler. You reacted fast and pushed Jack into the bushes. Tyler fell for it and ran around the other side. You both stayed hidden there together. You were giggling quietly. What you hadn't noticed was Jack inching closer to you. Suddenly his arms were around you. You turned toward him surprised. You couldn't tell whether he was blushing or his cheeks were red from the cold. You felt your heart start to beat faster. He smiled at you, his blue eyes glowing with love.

"You look so cute right now." He said softly, continuing to bring you both closer together. You stared at him your heart racing. You always got so flustered when he did things like this.

"J-Jack..." You mumbled, embarrassed. Your foreheads touched.

"What's the matter? Ya can't be nervous now, can ya?" He whispered. You looked down shyly. 

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now