Chapter 37

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You had finished recording for the day. You were working on some drawn art when you heard Jack calling for you. You got up and headed out to find him.

"Yeah, Jack?" You called.

"In the kitchen!" You walked out into the kitchen and saw him with an empty food bag. The pups had just eaten up the last of it.

"Think you can go shopping? I haven't recorded at all today." He said. You smiled a nodded.

"I'll just shop online so we don't have to leave the pups unattended. Don't worry about it. I'll go and pick them up at 5:00 so that way you'll be all done by the time I have to leave."

"Works for me!" Jack replied. You chuckled and gave him a quick kiss. 

"You go get your work done. I'll handle the pups." 

"Thanks, sweetheart." He replied, giving you a hug before heading to his recording room. You took the pups out on a walk. You made sure they were all bundled up since they weren't used to walking on cold sidewalks yet.

The pups were super eager to sniff around and see new places. They barked at almost everything. It was adorable to see. People even came up to you asking to pet them. You said yes because you knew the pups should probably get used to meeting other people.

A little girl and her mother came over to you. The mother looked nervous, clearly not wanting to bother you. The girl was about 9 years old. 

"Excuse us, Mam, but my daughter was curious if she could pet the puppies." You smiled.

"Of course she can!" The woman looked relieved and the girl looked super happy. She knelt down and the pups walked up and sniffed her. She giggled. Soon, they were barking happily and jumping into her lap and out of her lap, taking turns having fun with the new person. You cuddled Poppy while Koda headbutted her knee and Sabrina pawed at her other knee. She laughed happily.

"Thank you!" She said. 

"Do you want to know their names?" You asked. She nodded eagerly. "Well, you're holding Poppy. The boy over here is Koda and the last girl is Sabrina." You told her, pointing each of them out. 

"Poppy is so cuddly!" She said.

"Yeah, she is." You agreed.

"Are you raising the three of them for something?" The woman asked.

"No. We're going to train them and I've already started training them, but they're our dogs."

"Our?" She asked.

"Oh, my boyfriend and I. Sean is really sweet and I got the pups for his birthday." You replied.

"Sean?" The woman said. "I heard my eldest daughter mention something about a YouTuber named Sean getting puppies from his girlfriend."

"Does the name (Yt/n) or Jacksepticeye ring a bell, by any chance?" You asked.

"Yes, actually!" The woman replied.

"Well, then you're looking at one of them."

"Oh my gosh! You're (Yt/n)!?" The girl asked.

"Yep. You can call me (Y/n)."

"Can I have a picture with you and the puppies!?" You laughed a bit.

"Sure thing!" You knelt down and you and the little girl gathered the pups as the mother took a photo on her phone.

"My sister is gonna be so jealous!" The little girl said.

"We don't live too far from here and my daughter has been saving up money to go to the next convention you both are going to. I sincerely hope that it isn't disrespectful to ask if you can come and see her?" 

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now