Chapter 12

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You, Jack, and Mark did a GMOD map the next day. You and Jack recorded in your own rooms for the reason that you both would be doing both Anti and (alter ego). You got really into it. You had fun with them, but afterward you did your bits for Robin. Jack was doing the same. You laughed like crazy and your eyes looked blood shot. Then you quickly got your stuff. Rachel had given you instructions to make it look real. You got dressed and looked at yourself in the mirror. You grinned. You went back to the camera and started going nuts with the bits. Robin could use the ones he liked. You laughed at it and mocked the viewers. You couldn't do anything big for the first video. It'd get worse as you went on. After you were done Jack came in. He had fake blood on his neck still and his hair was messy. You smiled. Your hair was better than his but you did have a bloody eye. He looked slightly creeped out by your devilish appearance for a second, but he quickly smiled afterward. You got up and walked over to him. 

"Well, that went pretty well." Jack said. You nodded.

"Yeah. That was really fun." You agreed. "Let's go get cleaned up though." You said. He caught your wrist.

"Can't that wait for a second longer?" He asked. You paused. You grinned.

"You can't be serious Jack." You said. He did a quiet little evil laugh. You were pulled back toward him and into a kiss. You kissed back. He broke away a second after you did. You were stunned. Then he was behind you and nipped your neck. You yelped. "SEAN! What the hell?!" You exclaimed. You giggled.

"In case you hadn't noticed (alter ego), I'm Anti~" He growled. You stiffened.

"S-Sean this isn't funny!" You said.

"I'm not trying to be funny." He whispered right in your ear. You shivered. He grinned. "I'm gettin' to ya aren't I?" He asked. You forced yourself to refuse this.

"N-no! S-stop it, Sean! I m-mean it!" You snapped. You were blushing like crazy. He noticed it. 

"Stop lying to yourself. You like this." He said nibbling on your ear. Your heart was beating fast by now. You knew he'd keep going no matter what so you decided to play along. 

"I never said I didn't~" You said. He stopped shocked. You took your chance. You whipped around and faster than lighting you had his hands pinned above him and his back was to the wall. He gasped and looked you up and down frantically.

"H-hey! (Y-Y/n)!" He exclaimed. You grinned.

"It's (alter ego), Anti~" You purred. His face turned red. You grinned and kissed him. He kissed back. You kept him pinned there though. This time, you decided to 'stay in character' full blast. You didn't ask first. You slipped your tongue into his mouth. 

"Mph!" He was obviously startled by this. You grinned smugly in your head. He melted into it. You did too. Your grip on his wrists loosened. Soon your arms were around him and his arms were around you. You both parted for air. He smiled at you. "Woah..." He breathed. You smiled. 

"Come on Jack. Let's go get cleaned up." You said. He nodded. You had an idea. You blushed. No going back! You thought. You walked in with him following. "Can you close the door, Jack?" You asked. He looked confused, but nodded and shut it. You grinned while he wasn't looking. You started to undress. His face was completely red. He covered his eyes. You chuckled. "Don't you wanna take a shower with me? I said we could get cleaned up." You said. He stared at you in shock. 

"I-I-I-I u-uh....w-what?" He asked. You giggled.

"Come on, Sean." You said. He swallowed hard. 

"I-I-I d-don't know. A-are y-you sure?" He asked. You only had your shirt off and he got like this. You rolled your eyes. You walked over to him and he looked extremely nervous. You hugged him staring into his blue eyes. 

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now