Chapter 57

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You both made it home and you went to tell the world. Jack set everything up while you got the recording ready. You wanted it to be a surprise for Robin too, so you both were editing and posting this one. You looked at the ring. You smiled. It really was beautiful.

(Pretend the purple gem is your favorite color

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(Pretend the purple gem is your favorite color. If your favorite color is blue, then pretend the surrounding blue gems are light green, kinda like Sam. It's supposed to symbolize you as the main gem and Jack as the surrounding gems. That's why they can't be the same color.)

Sean saw you looking at it and he smiled. He hugged you from behind and you looked back at him. You smiled too.

"You really like the one I picked?" He asked.

"It's beautiful, Sean. But, even if I could care less about how the ring looked, I couldn't be happier at the fact that you actually asked me." You said. He smiled.

"Neither can I." He agreed. You both sat down together and started the video. You were putting it on Jack's channel because first off he had more followers and subscribers, but there was also the fact that he was the one that proposed. 

"Hey! How's it going guys? I know I'm starting this video off a bit differently than normal, but there are some things we'd like to tell you all about." Sean started.

"First off, with everything you all have given us we just have to say thank you. All of the stuff coming in our PO boxes is just too much! As you all know, I'm completely better and Sean and I couldn't be happier together." You said.

"The pups are getting bigger and it's nice to have a little bit of a family of our own. There's a lot of things that have been happening and we've been moving forward together. It's really nice to have things be getting so much better. There's a lot to reflect on these past few months. Stuff like getting to hang out with Bryan and Amelia and then games like God of War coming out and of course Detroit Become Human and then the new Spiderman game. It's all just been so much fun and spending so much time together has really made us grow as a couple as well." Sean said.

"Yeah, I agree. It's all been really great lately and I've never felt more at home anywhere else in my life. Which is why I'm very pleased to say this guy had a wonderful question to ask me and I'm overjoyed to say that...I said yes." You said, showing the camera the wedding ring. 

"I've asked (Y/n) to marry me, everyone." Sean said.

"We're finally making it official and we couldn't be happier or more excited." You added.

"Obviously this is a huge step for us, so...heh, who knows what the hell is going to happen from here, but it's nice to know that we'll have each other for all of it and,'s just so great that we can both agree that we actually want this." Sean said, thinking of what to say.

"Yeah, I remember when I used to be just another one of your subscribers." You chuckled. 

"I remember when you first moved in just down the hall of my apartment." Jack said with a smile. "God, that seems like fuckin' ages ago." He commented. 

"Yeah, it really does." You agreed. "I mean, there isn't much left I have to say."

"Well...we could tell them a few stories." Sean suggested.

"About how we got together?" You asked.

"Sure! Actually, let's make this fun." He said. He sent out a tweet asking if people had any couple questions about the two of you. People started replying with questions instantly.

"Let's see...." You hummed. "What happened for you both to get together?" 

"Well! Starting it off at the very beginning!" Jack laughed a bit. ", you wanna tell your side or...?"

"You can say it." You replied.

"Okay, um...where to start...."

"The beginning?" You giggled.

"Yeah, yeah." He said with a grin. "So..what happened on my side was...well, obviously Signe broke up with me. I'm not gonna go into details about that. While I can say it's probably one of the best things that has ever happened to me in a way, it was still not exactly a great point in my life." 

"Understandable." You agreed.

"Anyway, so I dropped off the map for a few days, as most of you know. After that, (Y/n) came to check on me. She took care of me and when I finally came to my sense I realized just how much I had actually come to care about her. I knew it might not have been the best move, but I actually ended up kissing her on the spot." He said, a little embarrassed.

"Now, everyone can relate to having celebrity crushes, so Sean was basically mine. I was mostly shocked at first, but I asked him if he was just doing this because Signe broke up with him. I wasn't rude about it or anything, it's just I think everyone can see my reasoning when it was only a few days after it happened." 

"Yeah, I understood why she asked. At first, it might have been a bit of that. I hate to admit it, but I was pretty lonely, or, well, I FELT very lonely at least. I knew that I cared about her though. It hurt when Signe ended things with me, but...I just felt something when I stopped being an ass and actually came to understand that (Y/n) had come to see if I was okay and was being so nice to me as she tried to help me. It just...did something to me. Besides, can't blame a guy for trying, right?" You chuckled.

"Guilty as charged, Jacky." You teased. He laughed a bit. 

"So yeah, I told her I wanted to find out if what I felt was real and we gave it a shot." 

"Best day of my life aside from what you just asked me now." You said as you both laughed a bit.

"So yeah, that's what happened." Sean said. 

"Next question!" You said. Jack scrolled through his phone with the replies. You were leaving the recording of you both full screen instead of putting the comments up.

"Oh boy." Jack chuckled. "What's the most embarrassing thing you both have done together in front of your friends?"

"I swear they've all spyed on us so many times it's hard to pick just one time." You said. Jack laughed.

"Personally, there was this one time I went to check on (Y/n) on a visit to Mark and the others in LA. She had been a little upset because of this bad dream she'd had, so I had to go make sure she was alright. We kissed in the room, but Mark and Ethan had been listening in and they had teased us about how adorable the picture would look and Ethan or Mark's Twitter. I can't remember which said they would post it." Jack said.

"And then after that, I chased them and ended up tying them together by the wrists back to back with a scarf." You laughed. Jack laughed too.

"I remember that! I still don't know how you did that!" He said.

"Neither do Mark and Ethan." You chuckled making him laugh again. You both kept answering questions until you had been talking for a long time. You both ended the video, saying you'd keep people posted on what was going on with the wedding. After the video was over, Sean kissed you passionately and you both held onto each other tightly as you kissed. When he pulled away.

"Now the world knows that you're gonna be mine forever." He whispered. You smiled.

"And I think I'm going to love belonging to you for the rest of my life and forever more after it."

"I like the sound of that myself."

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