Chapter 44

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You were sitting in the room, alone. Bruises were over your body and the cuts Blake had given you were already starting to scar. They would be permanent reminders of everything the two of them had done. You knelt there on the bed, alone and hurt. Your body ached and your wrecked shirt was the only thing keeping you warm along with your pants and socks. The cold bit at your skin and you no longer had enough voice to try to scream or call for help.

Tears trickled down your face as you began to lose hope that you would live through this. You missed Sean so much. You wanted him to come and help you, but you also wanted him to run away as far as he could. To stay safe and to try and forget about you so his heart wouldn't ache like yours was. 

"S-Sean..." You whimpered quietly. You hung your head, crying quietly. You would've saved your energy if you had known about what was about to happen. You were going to need it.

Ethan's POV

We went inside and split up, taking different stairways and making sure to stay in at least groups of two. I was with Tyler and Ashton for now. We looked in all of the different rooms and called for (Y/n) quietly. As we were looking, we heard voices. Ashton signaled for us to be silent. We crept up toward the voices. We peeked into the room and I saw a girl with blue hair and a man with black hair. The man was tall and buff and the girl had a slim figure with deep curves outlining her hips.

"So, we have a week before they come here?" The man asked.

"Yes, Blake. I read her phone. It said a week." The girl answered.

"Just checking Cindy. You know I want time to have my fun with that little bitch."

"Did you have fun with her today?" Cindy asked.

"Yeah. She probably still crying from those cuts." Cuts?! I thought worriedly. Ashton tugged at me and Tyler to get moving. I knew he was right. We had to get out of there. We hurried off, but in the dark, I didn't see a lip in the ground and I tripped and fell with a loud thud. I heard their footsteps and Tyler quickly helped me up.

"Something isn't right." Blake said. 

"Go, go, go!" Ashton whispered quickly. We split up as Blake and Cindy started searching around.

"Get your gun. I think our visitors are early." I heard Blake growl. I heard more footsteps and Blake threw something, probably trying to get us to run and reveal ourselves, but we all stayed perfectly still where we were. I heard him huff and he went the other way. I let out the breath I was holding and took my finger off my gun's trigger. We were safe, for now. We had to warn the others to be careful though. With Cindy and Blake searching, they were bound to find someone. It's not like all of us had easy places to hide. Bob would have trouble hiding and so would Wade. Their height alone was a problem. I was the smallest, so I could hide easily, but the others couldn't. I had to get a message to them. I hurried off in a safe direction and hurried to find somebody who could keep passing on the word. If I had known who I was going to find, I would've gotten somebody else first. 

Mark's POV

I heard rushed footsteps on the floor above me. I knew something was wrong. I hurried up there and I carefully looked around. I didn't see anyone, but I heard something in another room. I crept inside with my gun at the ready.  Suddenly someone leaped out, but we both froze. We both took a breath and relaxed. It was just Ashton. 

"Why are you alone?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replied.

"Amy thought she heard something and went to check it out. I stayed to look out for her, but then we lost each other. This place is more complex than I thought."

"Well, We ran into the people who took (Y/n). We had to hide and now Tyler and Ethan are God knows where around here."

"So we're all split up and now whoever is after us is on high alert. Great." I muttered.

"Shh!" Ashton said suddenly. We waited, both tense. "Someone's coming. Quick! Get down! Hide somehow!" He whisper-shouted and we both ducked for cover as quickly and quietly as we could. We waited and someone came into the room. It was not one of our friends. It was a man and he looked dangerous and angry. I was glad my eyes were already adjusted to the dark. He looked around and he got within a foot of where I was hiding under a pile of blankets. He scoffed and left. I pulled myself out from the old blankets and Ashton came out from behind an old tipped over wardrobe.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah." I huffed, trying to calm my rapidly pounding heart. Then, gunshots sounded and the floor above us and I heard a scream.

"That's (Y/n)!"


"And Ethan." Ashton added after we heard him shout.

"Let's go." I said. We hurried up there and followed the sounds. Once we got there, we saw Ethan in a standoff with a girl with blue hair. They both had no weapon, their weapons having been tossed aside, most likely the result of them fighting. Ethan's lip was bleeding and the girl looked like she had been cut on the cheek by something. (Y/n) was shaking, huddled up on the bed in terror with chains around her wrists, restraining her. The girl noticed us and she instantly lashed out. She kicked me in the gut and I doubled over. She pulled out a knife, but Ashton was faster. Kicking her harder and sending her flying backward into the wall. She groaned in pain, dazed. Ethan snatched her knife and quickly used it to break the cuffs that were holding (Y/n) back.

"GO!" He shouted. We all ran, Ashton carrying (Y/n) along as best he could. She was injured so we weren't as fast as we wished we could be.

"GET BACK HERE!" I heard the girl scream in rage. I looked back. She had her gun again.

"GET DOWN!" I yelled. We were able to dodge her shots and get out of her firing range, but all of our shouting and loud sounds had drawn attention. The man was back and he had a gun as well.

"Going somewhere?" He asked with a smirk. The girl appeared behind us. We were trapped. There was nothing any of us could do. Ashton had to help (Y/n), making him with his gun a little less of a threat and I was the only other person still in possession of a gun. Then, a new voice spoke up.

"Get away from my friends."

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