Chapter 4

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Today was the day you'd go and meet Mark, Bob, and Wade. You all were going to play Prop Hunt together. You were so excited. This was going to be AWESOME! You set up your computer and quickly hooked up. Soon enough, you all were on together. You had used your money to get a mic for this. You were so happy when you heard both Mark and Jack's voices.

"Hey!" Mark said.

"Hi." Jack replied.

"What up peoples?" Bob's voice tuned in.

"Hello." Wade said. You smiled.

"You there, (Y/n)?" Jack asked.

"No, I died." You replied. You instantly got laughs from them. Bob did his signature laugh. You smiled. You'd already managed to get them to laugh.

"That was fucking excellent." Jack laughed.

"Yeah, we've already met our peek for the day. Hahaha! Doesn't get better from there." Bob laughed.

"I like her already." Wade said.

"Thank yals, I'm fabulous!" You said with a weird voice. Mark chuckled along with the others and yourself.

"Anyway let's do this!" Bob said. You smiled.

"Yas! Fricken straight into it!" You said.

"Let's do it!" Jack yelled.

"Yeah! But what team, who with who?" Mark said.

"Well since (Y/n) is new she should be with the people that are good at this game. That being me." Bob said.

"Oh yeah, you're soooo great at Prop Hunt." Jack said.

"I am. Thank you." Bob replied, getting laughs from Mark and Wade.

"Well, ladies pick first don't they?" You said somewhat smugly.

"Oh! Hohoho!" Mark said.

"Yeah, guys! Let the lady choose." Jack agreed.

"I don't think that's how it works with games." Wade said.

"Nah that's fine. We can let (Y/n) pick. Don't be an ass, Wade." Bob said. You chuckled.

"I can I make this interesting....." You said. They laughed.

"Pick Mark!" Jack yelled. "Maybe you can actually teach him how to play." Jack joked.

"Hey! If anything I'd be teaching her!" Mark yelled back.

"Well, I think she should go with me since I'm the ladies man." Bob said.

"Oh yeah right Bob!" Wade said.

"Yeah, you're such a ladies person." Jack said sarcastically.

"HEY! EVERYBODY SHUT UP! I need to pick damn it!" You yelled. Everyone went dead silent. You laughed. They laughed too.

"It actually worked, hahahaha!" Jack laughed. You grinned.

"I think I'll go with Mark and Wade." You said.

"Yeah!" Wade yelled.

"Yes! See? We're the ladies people!" Mark said.

"No, you aren't. I just think you two need help to actually win." You said.

"OOOOOHHH!" Jack yelled.

"Burn bitch!" Bob yelled.

"I don't think I wanna be on this team anymore." Mark pouted.

"Ah shut up. You got picked by her, feel confident damn it!" Jack yelled.

"Yeah, Mark we can do this! We'll show that we can win!" Wade said.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now