Chapter 23

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You yawned as you woke up the next morning. You looked over and saw Sean sleeping like a baby. You smiled. You got up and went to make the coffee. You hummed a tune of your own as you did and then started making breakfast. Sean soon came out rubbing his eyes with a yawn. He spotted you and smiled. His arms wrapped around you from behind.

"Mornin' my little princess." He said. You chuckled.

"Morning my Irish muffin." You teased back.

"I told ya! I wanna be a cookie!" He said like a child. You laughed a little.

"I know." You said. "Everything is almost ready." You said. You tried to move, but he whined,

"Noooo, I'm not done cuddling you." You chuckled.

"Sean, come on. Let go." You said. He hugged you tighter.

"Noooo. I don't wanna..!" He whined. You chuckled.

"If you do I'll give you a kiss as a reward~" You teased. 

"Hmmm~" He stretched out his 'hmm' as if to tease you. "I dunno~"

"Trust me, it'll be worth it~" You pressed. He grinned.

"Alright..." He said, pretending to be doubtful. You chuckled. You got the food and the coffee. He smiled and you both ate together. Afterward, you began to clean up when you felt a pair of arms pull you back as you set down the dishes. You yelped.

"Sean!" You said. He turned you around and chuckled.

"I recall the promise of a kiss." He said. You sighed with a smile.

"I was getting to it." You said. 

"Not fast enough." He teased. Before you could react he kissed you lovingly. You blushed, but your arms wrapped around him as you both shared it. His arms tightened around your waist as he kissed you. You loved every second of it, as usual. When you were with him it was always the best feeling in the world. It might've sounded cheesy to some people, but you didn't care. He was yours now, and you were his. 

The kiss broke and then he helped you clean up the dishes. After that, you both relaxed together. You soon had to part ways and go record. Jack gave you a kiss on the forehead and you gave him a kiss on the cheek. You went to your recording rooms and started. 

"Okay....everything is is all set up, the camera is good, mic is good, lights are all good, and I should be ready to go!" You said. You hit record and started.

"(Intro) and welcome back to-" You were cut off as your phone rang. You sighed. You grabbed it and picked up. "Hello?" You said.

"Hello (Y/n). You probably don't know who I am, but if I told you that would ruin the surprise."

"What? Excuse me, but I have no idea why you're calling me, who you are, and how you got my number, but no matter what I'm going to respectfully ask you don't call me again." You said.

"I think you'd better listen to me before saying that...."

Jack's POV

"DAMN IT ALL! I was so close!" I yelled as I failed the level....again. This game is gonna drive me INSANE! I thought. Suddenly,

"SEAN!!!" I heard her scream my name. 

"(Y/n)!?" I got up and raced out of my recording room. I burst through her door. She was in the corner, crying and shaking in terror. I ran over to her and dropped to my knees. "(Y/n), are you okay?! What's wrong!?" I asked frantically. 

"S-someone called me...." She whimpered.

"Who?" I asked.

"I don't know, but they said they were gonna kill me!" She cried. I was shocked. I held her tightly. 

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now