Chapter 36

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"Go get it, you three!" You threw the ball and the pups yipped excitedly, chasing after it as fast as they could. Koda tumbled over the ball and his sister's wrestled to obtain full control of it. You were using a smaller squishier ball for the pups since they weren't big enough for something as big as a tennis ball. You laughed at the silly dogs as you recorded them for your Twitter feed. Once you finished, you posted it with the words 'Our home definitely feels more like home with these three running around! #NewMovingBuddies!' You went over to the pups and pet them and held them when they jumped on you. You cuddled the puppies and showered them with love as you played with them. 

Soon, you heard a laugh behind you. You looked behind you and saw Jack standing behind you with his boots and coat on. You smiled back at him and the puppies eagerly ran up to greet him. Jack happily greeted the pups and gave them all the attention they wanted. You walked over to him and he smiled at you. 

"I see you're giving them their daily snowy exercise." You chuckled.

"I made sure all our of fluffy children were wearing their boots." You told him and he laughed as he looked at the bits of snow gear the pups were wearing. 

"Well, I think it's time you all come inside. I'll look after them. That's all you've been doing and Robin said you're cutting it lose with the videos. He is almost out of your prerecorded ones."

"I've been trying to make sure you could get your work done." You said.

"I'm fine. You haven't played anything in days. We can take turns, you know. Come on. You deserve some time to relax. Go play an easy game for today or do a speedpaint. You love those and you know the fans love your art." Jack advised. You kissed him.

"If you insist." You replied. You all headed inside and Jack stayed with the pups. He fed them and played with them for a little bit before it was time for them all to have a much-needed nap while you went to your recording room and sat down in your chair for the first time in 4 days. You smiled, missing the feeling of being able to record. Sean was right after all. You thought. You got ready to record some Google Fued because you thought you'd be able to get some laughs out of it. 

"(Intro) and welcome to Google Fued! I know a lot of people have done this, but I wanted to play a game that would be a bit more relaxing and would hopefully give me some good laughs. Let's get started! Um...let's start with people." The first one to pop up was 'I think I have'. "Uuumm, okay. Nobody kill me for this, please." You said and typed in 'a pet named steve'. To your shock, it was one of them.



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You laughed. You looked at the camera. After you calmed down, you said,

"Guys, make sure to send this to Mark. That's the best thing I've seen all day. Well, the second best thing." You said, giving them the hint that the best thing was Jack. They're gonna go crazy over that one. 

As you played the game, you saw some pretty hilarious things pop up. You never went down the paths Mark did, but you couldn't help wondering if those answers were there or not for certain questions. It was fun to play it for a while. Once you finished the video, you said goodbye to your viewers and sent the video to Robin.

You walked out of your recording room and you saw the most adorable thing ever on the couch when you did. You saw Jack sleeping while laying on his back. What was adorable was the all three of the pups were sleeping as well and they were sprawled out across him on the blanket that covered Jack. You took a picture and posted it to Twitter and Instagram.

(If anyone could make fanart of that, I would love you forever.)

'My babies are all very tired.' You posted. It got a TON of likes and comments. You saw one comment that made you laugh a little. 

'Jack better enjoy it while it lasts. Pretty soon he won't be able to let the pups lay on top of him. He'll be in too much pain!' You liked the comment and then, you carefully picked up the pups and took them to their kennel one by one. You made sure not to wake them. They stirred a little, but all of them were dead tired. Once they were all safely tucked away in the kennel, you went to wake up Sean.

You knelt down next to the couch and you started gently combing your fingers through his hair, brushing it out of his face. His baby blue eyes opened and he smiled sleepily at you as you cupped his cheek.

"Sleep well, Jacky?" You asked. He chuckled lightly. He kissed your hand, before looking back at you again.

"I don't know how you handle those three. They can wear even me out." He said. You smiled.

"Lots of patience, Jacky."

"In other words, something I don't have." He joked. You chuckled.

"I put them all in the kennel so that way we wouldn't disturb them." He smiled.

"Come here, you little tease." He said. He moved the blanket and you laid down in front of him, cuddling up into his arms. He covered himself with the blanket again along with you. You rested there with him. You suddenly felt him give you exposed neck a little playful peck. He repeated this motion countless times. You hummed, enjoying the feeling it gave you. He smiled.

"Like that?" You nodded. "Good. I want you to feel nice." He said softly.

"I always feel nice around you, Sean." He smiled.

"Love you."

"Love you too, doofus."

"You sure?" He asked jokingly. You chuckled.


"Only fools are positive."

"Well, only a fool like me can be loved by a fool like you."


A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now