Chapter 3

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You were out and about the next day, just looking around and getting to know the city. You saw a coffee shop and decided to take a look and see what it was like. You walked in and saw that it was a nice little place. It wasn't too busy, but a good amount of people were there. You walked up to a girl there to get a (fav coffee drink). She had green eyes and orange hair. She smiled at you as you ordered. She got the guy in the back that was working too to get it.

"You new in town? I haven't seen you around before." She asked. 

"Yeah, moved in almost a week ago." You replied. She smiled.

"Welcome then! It's nice seeing a new face! I swear I know everybody around here." She chuckled lightheartedly. You giggled. 

"Do you see all these people often?" You asked. She nodded.

"Yeah mostly. A lot of them come in all the time. I don't think some would leave if it wasn't for closing time. Others are good friends of mine or people that I've chatted with over time since, once again, they come here often." She said. "I'm Jane by the way." She said. You smiled.

"I'm (Y/n)." You replied. She smiled and nodded.

"Cool." She said. Then, the bell on the door rang. It was one of those things where someone walks in and the bell jingles. You turned. You were surprised to see it was Jack. Jane chuckled with a grin. "Hey Sean, the usual I'm guessing?" She said. He chuckled. 

"Yep!" He replied. He then spotted you. "Oh! Hey, (Y/n)!" He greeted. 

"Hi, Jack!" You replied. He came up to you. 

"First time coming here?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm guessing you come here often?" You asked.

"I swear he'd marry his coffee." Jane teased. He turned to her.

"Hey! I love coffee, man! I can't help it!" He said. You chuckled. 

The three of you chatted while you and Jack waited for your coffee. After you got it you both waved goodbye to Jane and she waved back. You both walked out. You took a sip and instantly fell in love. You gulped down some more of it. Jack chuckled next to you. "Good right?" He said. You nodded. He smiled. You both walked along enjoying your drinks. You suddenly heard someone playing guitar. 

" you hear that?" You asked. Jack listened. 

"Yeah!" He said. 

"Let's go check it out!" You said hurrying toward the sound. He quickly chased after you. 

"Hey! Wait up!" He called. You turned the corner and saw a man with a guitar trying to make some money off his music. Not many people were paying any attention to him. You felt bad. You looked over at Jack and he looked upset about it as well. You got an idea. You walked up to him and he looked up at you. You smiled. You asked him if he knew a certain song.

"Yeah, I can play that." He said. You smiled. 

"You play, I'll sing." You said. He smiled. He started off and you got ready.

(listen while reading)

You started to sing after he started off. Jack watched you both with interest. You slowly started getting more confident in your singing as people around starting stopping to listen. You started to smile. It slowly grew wider as you kept going. Soon you let the music take you away. You sang louder with joy. The man playing the guitar looked happy and impressed with you. People started clapping along. You smiled. Some of them even joined in on the main lyrics. You soon started adding in little dance moves. Your eyes were closed by now as you got into it and soon all you could hear was the music and your heart pounding seemingly in rhythm with it. You hadn't even noticed that the crowd was slowly growing and getting more into the music fast. You felt so much joy in singing your heart out. Soon the song came to an end. You opened your eyes again as a loud applause sounded off. You were shocked. You'd gathered a big group of people. The man's guitar case was quickly filled with cash.  He looked amazed and so thankful toward you. Jack looked impressed. 

Soon the crowd broke apart going on with their daily lives. The man thanked you for helping him and gave you 30 bucks as payment since you sang too. He then packed up and walked off. You waved goodbye to him with Jack still staring at you. You turned back to him and noticed his stunned expression.

"What?" You asked. 

"Wow. Just wow. You are AMAZING at that!" He said as you two started walking again. You blushed.

"I don't know where it comes from. As far as I know, neither my parents nor my grandparents have amazing singing voices." You said.

"Doesn't matter! Your voice is a fucking gift from God!" Jack said with a chuckle at the end. You smiled. 

"Thanks, Jack. That really means a lot coming from you." You said. He smiled.

"Aww. No problem. I'm only speakin' the truth." He said giving you a playful side hug. You smiled up at him. He might not have been the tallest person, but he was still slightly taller than you. (Idk his height, but whatever he is, you're an inch under that. Short people, congrats! You're taller! Tall people...welcome to our world.) You both walked back to the apartment building and he stopped next to you outside your door. 

"That was nice!" You said. He nodded with a smile.

"Yeah! Maybe you and I could go get some coffee together again some other time?" He offered.

"I'd like that!" You replied.

"Oh, hey, by the way, um, Mark said he'd like to do a video with you and me some time." Jack said. You were surprised.

"Mark? You mean Mark as in Markiplier?" You asked.

"Yeah!" Jack said. You smiled. 

"I'd love that! Usually anytime works for me. You can talk to him and figure out what'd be best if you like! No matter what, I'm in! It sounds fun! I've always loved your videos with him, Wade, and Bob!" You said. Jack smiled.

"Sweet! I'll text ya later about it. See ya around, (Y/n)!" He said and left. 

"Bye Jack!" You said before entering your own apartment. You went onto Youtube to watch another video when you got a text from someone. You picked up your phone. It was your old friend Maya. You smiled and looked at it.

'(Y/n)! You won't believe it! You know how you performed with that guy about half an hour ago? Someone videotaped it and it went VIRAL! Go check it out right now!' It said. You gasped. You quickly searched it up an sure enough. It was there and it already had 200,000 views! You were shocked. You checked your channel. You swore your eyes were going to pop out of your skull. 2,500 subs! You were shocked. This was amazing! You smiled and quickly posted a comment on Facebook telling everybody about what happened. The video views and your subs rose by the minute. You were so happy. You decided to celebrate by posting more artwork on tumbler. You put out another comment to tell everybody and then you decided to celebrate on your own by playing games online with other people. Today was amazing! It just kept getting better. Coffee with Jack, a fun walk, performing with someone, the video going viral, your subs rising so quickly, all of it was amazing. People online even recognized you, mainly because you'd logged in as (Yt/n). You always put that as your name. As you played you kept getting compliments and congratulations. You thanked everyone who said these things and had a good time playing with them. You thought about how this move was going. To put it simply, it was amazing and definitely worth it.

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