Chapter 54

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You arrived at home and Sean help you out of the car and into the house. He sat you down on the couch and told you he'd be back with the wheelchair. You smiled as the pups hurried over to you. Their excitement was almost too much for you to handle. You held them and pet them happily as the bounced on and off the couch and on and off your lap.

"I'm happy to see you three too!" You laughed. Jack came back inside and you wanted to help him with it, but you knew you couldn't walk yet without his help. He didn't have much trouble though which made you relieved. He came over with a smile and kissed you. You kissed back. It was brief, but you couldn't complain.

"Welcome home, sweetheart." He told you.

"It's good to be back." You agreed. He chuckled.

"I couldn't agree more." Then, the front door opened again. You smiled as you saw Vicky, Pepper, John, and Ashton

"(Y/N)!" They all shouted, hurrying over. Jack let them see you, knowing that they had missed you as well. You all hugged and they all told you how happy they were to see you were okay.

"We were so worried." Pepper said.

"You scared me pretty bad back there." Ashton agreed.

"I only got to visit once. I was so worried when I saw how bad it was." Vicky explained.

"We all didn't know what was going to happen." John said. 

"It's okay guys. I'm fine. I'm sorry for scaring you all."

"It's not your fault. We're just glad you made it." Ashton told you.

"Yeah." Pepper agreed.

"Would you guys like to stay and catch up over snacks and drinks?" You asked. They all happily agreed and you all headed into the kitchen. Sean helped you into your wheelchair and took you into the kitchen with everyone else. They all were a little surprised when they saw it.

" need a wheelchair?" Vicky asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately." Sean said.

"It's okay. I'll be fine. Sean needs to help me around the house every once in a while so I get used to walking again. It's to help me build my strength back up, but I can't make it around on my own yet." You explained. They all nodded understandingly.

"At least it's not forever, right?" John said.

"Yeah." You agreed. You all hung out for a few hours together before they had to leave. You both said goodbye to your friends and once they were gone, you sighed heavily. Sean noticed this.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" He asked.

"It's just how they looked at me."

"What do you mean? They were thrilled to see you!" Jack said.

"After that, Sean." You said. He paused, but then he sighed.

"The wheelchair?"  He asked.

"They all looked so worried. It was like they still thought I wasn't even really alive."

"They're just concerned. They don't want that thought to be real, just like me."

"I'm sorry. It just unsettled me. I don't want people to look at me any differently now."

"Hey," He tilted your chin up so you were looking into his eyes. "When people look at you after this is over, they are going to admire you. They're going to see the strongest girl in the world. You made it. You pushed through. came back to me." He said with a smile. You felt warmed by his words.

"Thanks, Jacky." He kissed your cheek.

"Nothing to it." He replied. You chuckled. 

"I think it's time to let the world know." He nodded. You both went to your recording room. Sean helped you power everything on. You set up the camera while he booted everything up. Once you both were ready you began recording.

"Hey, guys. As you can see, a little someone woke up today and came home with me. I couldn't be happier." Jack started.

"Hey everyone. I'm okay, as you can see. It's nice to be back home. I...I know it must've been scary to hear all of the stories and to know that I was so close to not making it, but I'm here now. I want to tell everyone what happened to me. There aren't going to be any more rumors, because what I'm about to tell you is true. Every word." You promised. Jack sat next to you as you talked into the camera. He added some of his side of the story when appropriate. You both told the entire story together with every detail. Nothing was left out.

"So, now you all know everything we went through." Jack said.

"It wasn't easy and it's harder to hear from the other end, but now you all know the full truth. If you see signs of someone else acting that way, I hope you can get them help before they try anything like what happened to us." You said.

"Let's all try to make sure nobody else goes through this. This is something we have to tackle together." Jack agreed.

"Since you all know everything now, there isn't much left to say. Goodbye, everyone."

"We'll be posting regularly again soon." Jack promised.

"I will be doing 2 videos a week until I'm in a better spot to go back to normal. Thank you all for watching. We'll see you next time." You said and then you ended the video. 

"I'll take care of uploading it. You go rest. You need it." Sean told you. You kissed him. He kissed back after a moment.

"I love you." You said. He smiled.

"I love you too, (Y/n)." You smiled and left. You went out to the living room and pushed yourself onto the couch. You grabbed a blanket and pulled it over yourself. You felt really tired. You closed your eyes and soon enough, you fell asleep. You felt very relaxed as you did. It was nice to finally get some proper peaceful rest.

Jack's POV

I finished uploading the video to her channel and then I went to check on her. She was on the couch, sleeping soundly. I smiled. God, I love her. As I watched over her, I wondered if it was the right time. I stood up from the chair I had sat down in and I went to my recording room. I turned on my computer and I began to look for what I needed. I couldn't deny it any longer. It was time to see if my gut was right.

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