Chapter 55

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You woke up on the couch and looked around. Sean was nowhere in sight. You frowned, wondering where he was. 

"Jack?" You called. No answer. "Maybe he's just recording. I guess he's been a bit more concerned with everything else lately." You concluded. You heard a yip. You looked down and saw Pepper there. You smiled.

"What's up, girl?" You asked. She padded off and you got back into your wheelchair and followed her. She and her other two siblings were sitting at their food dishes. You chuckled. You rolled over to the cupboard. You gave each of them their food and they all ate it happily. You left and thought of what you wanted to do. You thought it would be good to take a shower. There was one issue with that, though. The bathroom was upstairs. There was a bathroom downstairs, but everything you need was upstairs in your room. You sighed. Should I go ask him? You wondered. No, I can't be bothering him constantly. I need to get stronger anyway. You rolled over to the stairs. You sat on the step and folded up the wheelchair. You slowly stood up and gripped the railing. You leaned on it heavily as you slowly made your way up the stairs. 

You were able to get yourself to the top without any help. You were even able to carry your chair up too. It was a slow process, but you made it. You set up your wheelchair again and went to your room. You got clean PJ's and grabbed two towels. One was for your body and the other for your hair. 

You went to the bathroom and started the water. You got undressed and carefully climbed inside, using the wall to steady yourself. You began to wash up until you felt your legs shaking. You whimpered as they began to hurt. You sat down and sighed. Will I ever be the same? I can't even wash up by myself without taking breaks. I don't know how I'm going to do this.

Jack's POV

(Warning! Semi-Mature content ahead. There will be more bold notes when it's over if you wish to skip.)

I kept looking through all of the options before me when I heard the shower start. I closed my abs and turned off my computer before heading upstairs to check it out. I peeked into the bathroom and I could see (Y/n)'s silhouette on the other side of the curtain. She was sitting down. Her legs must've gotten tired. I felt bad for her. I could tell by how she was sitting that something was wrong. I knew she was upset. I got an idea. I knew it was risky, but I had no better options, plus I needed to clean up too anyway. I silently undressed and by the time I was she was standing again. I climbed in and wrapped my arms around her.

"You're really stubborn, you know that?" I asked. 

"S-Sean? W-why did you-?"

"Join you?" I finished. I knew she was blushing as she silently nodded, making sure I couldn't get a good look at her face. "I's time we actually start to be together. Before, we never wanted anything more than kissing and cuddling. Yeah, we've done a bit more heated kisses, but...I love you. I...I want to show it." I told her. She said nothing for a moment. I kissed her neck. "I'll leave if you're uncomfortable with it." I said.

"No." She turned and hugged me. "I don't mind at all." She said with a loving smile. I chuckled. I kissed her strongly as I held her up a little. She let out a small moan at the movement. I grinned.

"Like that?" I asked. She leaned against me and I couldn't help blushing as I looked down at her, taking in what I could of her gorgeous body. 

"S-Sean..." I felt my heart speed up. Something different was happening. I had thought about it many times if I was being honest. I'm a guy, okay? I can't help it. There is some truth to guys always staring, embarrassing as it is sometimes. I kissed her, letting my longing take over. She held onto me, kissing back with the same amount of passion. I pulled away. I looked into her eyes.

"I can't get enough of you." I told her. She blushed, but she smiled at me. 

"Sean," She started. 


"Just kiss me." I had no issues with that. I kissed her again. It was a kiss that claimed every part of her as my own. She's my girl. Ony mine. I thought, getting a little greedy. I gripped her hips and pulled her against me. I couldn't help groaning a little. I heard her giggle into the kiss. I smirked slightly. Damn it. The things she does to me. I thought. i pushed her against the wall. She gasped.

"Trying to spark a reaction, love?" She looked a little nervous.

"W-well...I-I..." I chuckled.

"You're so cute when you stutter." She gave me a playful glare.

"Oh yeah?" She asked. She kissed me again, slipping her tongue into my mouth. 

"Mph!" I was a bit startled. She pulled away and I think my nose bled a little at the hot expression on her face. 

"Well, you're cute when you're flustered. Oh, and..." She leaned in. "Once I'm strong enough, this won't be the only place you kiss me like that. And I don't just mean on the mouth." I could've fainted right then and there.

"U-u-um....I-I..." I couldn't even speak properly. She giggled. 

"Relax, Sean." She said and kissed e again, softer this time. I regained my grip on reality and kissed back, smiling as I did. She sure is something. I can't even believe she's real anymore. How is this even real? I pushed the thoughts away. As long as I was with her, I didn't care.

(End Semi-Mature content)

After the kiss, I began to help her wash up, still giving her royal treatment of course. I massaged her body as well as I helped her clean up. She did the same for me, which felt amazing. I was melting by the end of it. I helped her out and I helped her dry off once we were done as well. She thanked me. 

"Don't thank me. I'd do anything for you. I'll always take care of you, so don't ever hesitate to ask me. Even if I'm recording, I don't care. I will always help you." She smiled at me.

"Thank you, Sean." I knew it was later in the day, so I picked her up and I took her to our room. I gave (Y/n) her laptop so she could stay up and do things if she liked since I was going to go back downstairs and get some work done along with checking on the pups again. I put her wheelchair to the side and her phone was with her to, so if she needed anything she'd just have to send a quick text to me instead of shouting for me. "You do too much for me."

"You're worth it." I replied. She leaned back and relaxed.

"Love you." She said.

"I love you too, sweetheart. Goodnight." I told her and I left the room. I went back downstairs, checked on the pups, and then I went back to my recording room to check on some things. I suddenly got a call. I picked up my phone. I smiled. It was Mark! I answered it happily.

"Hey, Man!" I said.

"Sean! I saw the video! Dude, that's so great! I'm so happy for you! I'm so glad (Y/n)'s alright."

"You and me both." I replied.

"You okay? You seem distracted." I knew he was going to pick up on it.

"Mark...I gotta tell ya something."

"What is it? Is something still wrong with her?" He asked worriedly.

"Heh, uh, no, no not that. It's...something else."

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now