Chapter 51

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Jack's POV

I went home after the interview. I had left the pups with John, Pepper, Vicky, and Ashton. All of my friends had gone back home. They couldn't stay forever. I walked into my house and I instantly felt alone. I could feel how empty the place was. I wasn't ready to take the pups back. I wanted to continue bonding with them, but I just couldn't do it.

I went to her recording room and looked around. I didn't want to think about it, but I couldn't leave the room now that I had gone inside. I didn't want to think about what I would do with this stuff if...if my fears came true. I looked around at her things and I picked up the first little mascot she ever got. I fell to my knees. The tears came back hard. I wish you were here. 

I don't know how long I stayed in that room, just looking at her things while holding that little mascot. I suddenly heard the doorbell ring. It was the first thing that brought me back to the present. I put her little mascot back and I went to the door, making sure there was little to no evidence that I had been crying. 

I opened the door and I was blown away by who was standing there. I didn't have any words and my shock factor was through the roof. 

"Hey, Sean. It's...been a while."

"S...Signe?" I couldn't believe it. Why had she of all people come to see me?

"C-can I come in?" I nodded, having no reason to turn her away.

"I don't want to sound rude, but why did you come here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see you. After all, things have been pretty crazy from what I've been hearing and seeing everywhere." I sighed.

"You have no idea." I muttered.

"So, this is your new place?" I looked up.

"Uh, yeah. We have puppies, but since I've been out the past few days, our neighbors are taking care of them."

"Oh yeah! I saw pictures of them! They're so cute!" She said. I chuckled.

"Yeah, they are. (Y/n) got them for my birthday." I said. Her smile wavered a little.

"Oh...right. I forgot about that." I was confused.

"Something wrong, Signe?" 

"What? No, nothing's wrong. Sorry, it's just been a long time since we've talked." I knew there was something bothering her. I still knew her very well. We had dated for years. Is that why it never went anywhere? Because she wasn't right for me? I wondered. I shook it off, pushing the thought aside. I could think about that later, if I wanted to that is.

"Okay, well...would you like a drink or a snack?" I asked, trying to be hospitable. 

"Oh! Sure! That would be nice." She said. We both headed into the kitchen together. I had to admit, it felt weird being this close to her after being with (Y/n). It felt...kinda wrong actually. I decided I would save my questions until after we had both settled in and sat down.

"So, what's been going on with you lately?" I asked, trying to start out small.

"Not much. Just art commisions and all of the usual things." She answered.

"Have you...found anyone else?" I asked, wondering if she had done the same thing I had.

"What?" She asked.

"Did you find a new boyfriend?" I repeated.

"Oh...n-no, actually. I...I haven't really been looking." I raised an eyebrow at this.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I...didn't exactly want to look for a new boyfriend." She said. Okay, something is up.

"Anything you want to tell me, Signe?" I asked.

"What makes you ask that?" She asked.

"Don't play dumb, Signe. I know you. We did date for a few years, after all. Something's bugging you and I want to know what." She looked at me. She sighed.


"What is it?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry for breaking up with you!" She said suddenly I was surprised by this.

"What? What do you mean?" 

"I never wanted to break up with you, Sean. I...I was forced to! I was forced to break up with you by that girl! She was hunting me! She kept telling me she'd end the relationship for me if I didn't and with the things she was doing, I was scared for my life! I had no choice. I'm so sorry for what I did." I had no words. I never thought that she wanted me back. I didn't know what to tell her. I...I didn't love her like that anymore. She wasn't really even that much of a friend now thanks to the way she ended it with me. 

"Uh...well...S-Signe...I-I don't really know what to say-" Out of nowhere she kissed me. I was shocked. I think my astonishment was the only reason that I didn't pull away first. She pulled back and I just stared at her.

"Sean, I want to be something again. With everything that's happened, I don't really see how this isn't a good option." I was stunned and a little upset by that bit.

"Wait...what? What do you mean a good option?"

" of all people know how bad (Y/n)'s condition is. She isn't exactly likely to survive this."

"Are you saying because my girlfriend is on her deathbed that it's okay for you to ask me to date you again!?" I exclaimed.

"Sean, I thought you missed me. Isn't that why you hooked up with (Y/n) in the first place? To replace me?" She asked I was amazed by what she was saying. How blind could she be? It was clear I was happy with (Y/n). Couldn't she see that? It was clear she had been looking at my posts and everything because she knew about the puppies.

" you honestly think I never actually loved her?" I asked. She looked a little surprised.


"Signe, I love (Y/n) more than anything. I'm sorry that you were 'forced' to break up with me, but I'm not leaving (Y/n)."

"You were serious about her?" She asked.

"Yes! Signe, I have never been happier in my life than with (Y/n). I'm sorry if that hurts and I'm sorry you never had the bravery to tell me what was going on with you. You should've come to me instead of giving in. I could've helped you. In fact, none of this might have ever happened if you had just talked to me. (Y/n) might have never been hurt like this and I...I would have nothing to be upset about right now. Neither would you." I told her. She looked really hurt, but there wasn't anything I could do about that.

"I can't believe you moved on so fast." She said.

"Maybe you should've done the same thing. When you broke up with me, I never thought of getting back together. I'm sorry that this is rude to say, but maybe you should've thought this through." She didn't say anything. She only stood there staring at the floor looking hurt. "I think you should go. There's nothing else for you here." She walked back toward the door.

"Bye." It was all she said before she was gone. I sighed.

"I'm sorry, but you ended this yourself."

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