Chapter 18

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"This is gonna be so much fun!" Jack said happily. You smiled. Jack and you were heading to Mark's place for the week. There was a specific reason you were heading over there too. Tyler and Ethan were gonna be there the whole week while a few others would be showing up later. You really enjoyed hanging out with Mark's gang. Tyler and Ethan always made you laugh and Mark was always super hospitable. You both headed out and soon arrived at the airport. 

It took awhile, as expected, but you both got on and sat down next to each other. Sean looked like a giddy child with the big grin on his face. You chuckled. He and Mark had always been great friends ever since they started recording videos with each other. You could understand his excitement.

"Jack, calm down a little. You look like you're about to explode." You chuckled. He blushed, embarrassed. 

"Sorry." He said. You smiled.

"It's fine. I'm glad you're so excited." You said.

"It's always fun hanging out with Mark. I can't wait to get there!" He said. You smiled.

"Me either." You agreed. Soon enough you were taking off and you felt your excitement grow. You really were looking forward to it just as much as Jack. You glanced over and saw him playing games on his phone. You chuckled and pulled out your own phone and started playing music. You smiled as you closed your eyes and soon fell asleep listening to the tunes playing in your ears.

You were sitting with Jack, Mark, Ethan, Tyler, Bob, and Wade near a campfire. You were all laughing and enjoying yourselves. You were holding hands with Jack since your chairs were placed close together. You smiled as Bob and Wade made jokes and poked fun at each other with the others joining in once in a while. You chuckled happily. Suddenly you saw something out of the corner of your eye. You saw a spark from the fire float over to the grass. Soon after it caught fire and you gasped. It was spreading fast. 

"Guys! The fire!" You shouted. They noticed and gasped. You all ran while Tyler and Mark tried to put it out. They failed and ran after all of you. Fires started popping up everywhere. You gasped. Suddenly it was just you and Sean. He looked around, his eyes darting back and forth in a panic. He was trying desperately to find an escape route. He spotted one.

"There! Hurry!" He shouted. You ran after him, your hand still gripping his as he led the way. You were coughing and your eyes were watering from the smoke and heat. It hurt to look anywhere. Every turn was another roaring flame. You trusted Sean to lead you out, but suddenly a tree fell down and you felt his hand pull away. You looked around in terror. You couldn't find him.

"Jack! Jack! Where are you?!" You shouted. No reply. "SEAN!" You screamed.

"(Y/n)!" You heard a faint call. 

"Jack?" You called.

"Over here!" You heard someone shout. You couldn't tell who it was, but you didn't care. You ran toward the sound, dodging flames as you shot forward. You ran blindly through it all. Suddenly the ground turned into cement. You were confused. Had you found a path? No, this was larger than a path. You kept running blindly. Suddenly it just stopped. You screamed as you fell off the edge into a void of nothing but black. 

You woke up with a jolt. You were shaking and your heart was pounding. Jack was asleep next to you. You wanted to wake him up, but you didn't. Something was stopping you. You didn't understand. You could talk to him. He was your boyfriend! What was holding you back? You thought about it. You realized why you didn't want to tell him. You didn't want to speak about it in front of others, but the main reason was you didn't want to burden him with a stupid nightmare. Couldn't you handle something so small on your own? You were strong enough to handle it, weren't you? You couldn't just go crying to him like a child whenever you had a 'bad dream'. That's what you believed at least. While you were thinking you hadn't noticed your hand gripping his and that it had woken him up. He looked over at you and then down at your hands. He looked back up you and saw that you were deep in thought.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now