Chapter 9

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"Run! Run! I'll catch up to you!"

"No! I can't leave you again!"

"You have to get outta here!"

"You are not going to handle this shit on you own, Jack!"

"I'm not going ta lose ya either, (Y/n)!" Gunshots fired close by. "Go! NOW!" The two of you ran and jumped and you felt a sharp sting in your side as you were suddenly plunging into deep waters.

You woke up and sat up. You weren't as scared this time. You were sure you'd been watching too many actions movies lately. You looked at the clock. 11:00 p.m. is what it said. You needed some relief. This was getting to be too much for you. You looked over and saw Jack sound asleep. You sighed. You got up and got dressed. 

"I won't go far, Jacky." You promised. "I just need a hour......or three." You whispered. You didn't want to wake him up. You left a note that you were going to the local bar to relax. You explained what happened on it too to make sure that he didn't think you were just gonna run off and get drunk. With that, you left. You cast one last glance over your shoulder in the direction of the bedroom. You smiled. "I'll be back soon." You said.

Soon you arrived and walked in. It wasn't crowded, but it was pretty full. You were glad that it was honestly. That meant people wouldn't really pay attention to you. You walked up and got a small drink. You looked at the assortment of drink options. You knew it was Ireland, but good lord that was a lot of options. You chuckled. You sat there and soon a man came up to you. You mentally facepalmed. He was obviously drunk. Just play it cool. You thought.

"Hey." He said trying to be smooth.

"Hello." You said with a nod and a smile.

"What's a sexy girl like you doing here this late? Never seen you around here before." He said. You heaved an inward sigh. You were starting to regret coming here. 

"I needed to get away from my place for a little bit." You replied. He looked interested.

"Why's that, hon?" He asked scooting closer. You scooted away.

"I don't need to tell you why. My boyfriend is probably up looking for me by now anyway. I'd better go." You said, but he grabbed you from behind. You gasped and squirmed trying to get out of his grip.

"Boyfriend? You two have a fight or something hon? That's why ya left, isn't it? Well, you could come over to my place hon." He said. You wriggled out of his grip and hurried to the door. He was following close behind. You speed walked down the sidewalk, but he was gaining on you. You threw caution to the wind. You ran. He ran after you. He caught you and shrieked.

"Get the hell off me, freak!" You shouted.

"Stop it hon. I'm stronger than you and you aren't going anywhere, sweetheart." He growled lustfully. You suddenly heard him shout in pain.

"Get off her, fucker!" You recognized that voice instantly.

"Sean!" You shouted. The man still held you tight, but he whipped around as you struggled. Sean was standing there glaring at him. The man was taller and buffer than Jack though. While he was distracted you tried to break free. He put and hand over your mouth and held your arm behind your back.

"Screw off man. You couldn't possibly keep this prize anyway. She wasn't ever really yours." The man growled. You'd gotten sick of this. Try and keep your hand there after this pal. You thought. You opened your mouth as wide as it could go and bit down on his hand, hard. He screamed as you drew blood. His other arm shot away and as soon as his hand pulled you let go and spit out the blood.

"Nasty!" You hissed.

"Why you little shit!" He yelled. You felt your instincts take over. You'd always had them. Your hearing, eyesight, and sense of smell even were sharp and trigger ready. You knew how to fight. Like really fight. You threw a punch at you, but dodged it in the blink of an eye and did an uppercut right in his chin. Before he could recover you launched behind him and grabbed the back of his shirt. You swung him around and slammed him into a wall. He kicked your leg and you yelped. He took the chance to grab you and tossed you out into the road. Luckily no cars had been driving by for a while. You laid there stunned.

"(Y/n)!" Jack yelled. You couldn't see what was happening since you were facing the other way. You could only hear the struggle. You got to your feet, wobbling a little. You saw them fighting. Suddenly he punched Jack in the nose. He screamed in pain as he fell backward. He landed on his ass and you saw that his nose was bleeding. Jack glared up at the man. You swiftly ran behind him.

"Fuck off, ya stupid child. You fight like a five-year-old." He insulted Sean. You were behind him now.

"Really? I'm surprised you didn't say it as like a girl. That's all you boys ever say in fist fights." You said. He whipped around, but you were faster. You stayed behind him and you took out your pocket knife. In less than a second, the blade was at his throat. You were shorter than him, but you had a vice-like grip. You could see the fear in his eyes as your head leaned over his shoulder.

"Back off, bastard, before I make you regret touching me and my boyfriend." You hissed, your voice low and deadly.

"O-okay! P-put the knife away! P-please!" He begged. You let him go.

"I'll do more than that. You can HAVE IT!" You shouted and threw it at him. It stabbed his arm. He screamed in pain. You raced forward and grabbed it. You yanked it out and held it up to his face as tears visibly rolled down it. You glared at him.

"I ever see you doing this to anyone ever again and I promise you that day will be the last day you live outside a prison." You hissed, your voice deadlier than ever. He ran off in terror. You sighed. Suddenly everything started shaking and you collapsed to your knees. The energy you had instantly drained out of you. It was like your superpower. You could fight better than anyone in the heat of the moment, but afterward, you'd need to be carried away from the scene. Jack gasped.

"(Y/n)!" He exclaimed. He was there holding you up in an instant. "Are you alright?! Did he hurt you!?" He panicked. You chuckled.

"I'm fine....just.....drained of energy right now." You said. He sighed in relief. He helped you up, but you nearly fell forward. You were so dizzy and tired. He then gave you a piggyback ride as you both started to head home.

"That was really impressive." He said.

"Really? You weren't.....scared of me?" You asked.

"Well, I wasn't the one gettin' the living shit beat out of himself." Jack said. "But yeah, if it was me that'd be fucking terrifying." Jack admitted.

"I told you.....I can kick ass when I want to." You said, still dizzy. He nodded with a chuckle.

"No kiddin'." He agreed. "I'm glad you're alright. I saw the note and I knew that you'd get into trouble. Bar? This time of night? In Ireland? Yeah, that spells trouble for a beautiful girl like you." Jack said. You nodded.

"Note to self, stay away from bars in Ireland at night." You said. You both chuckled and soon you'd made it home. 

Jack cleaned up his nose as best he could and you both saw that he'd mainly hit upwards and that's what made it bleed. There wouldn't be a very noticeable bruise there then. You both collapsed into bed. He pulled you close and gave you a warm hug. You smiled. You yawned and snuggled into his arms.

"Hang on a sec sweetheart. Don't fall asleep on me yet." He said. You looked up at him and he kissed you. You kissed back. It was soft and sweet. You loved it. You loved him. There wasn't a doubt in your mind that he was the guy for you. You broke it quick.

"I love you, Sean." You said. He smiled and kissed you again. It lasted a moment before he broke it and said,

"I love you too (Y/n)." You both kissed for a while before it got kinda heated. You both decided that was a good place to stop. You both blushed at your make-out session. He pulled you in close and kissed your forehead. You smiled.

"Goodnight, Sean."

"Goodnight, (Y/n). Sweet dreams, love." 

"Sweet dreams." You replied. And curled up in his arms all warm and cozy, they really were.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now