Chapter 48

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Jack's POV

I kissed her softly. I tried to ignore the aching in my heart. I held her close to me as we kissed. I didn't want to let her go. I had never loved anyone like I had loved her. I loved all my friends and my family and I would do anything for them, but (Y/n)...she was my other half. She was the girl I didn't know I needed. I couldn't just let her go.

Then, her lips fell away and I opened my eyes. I felt so scared. I was shaking pretty bad too. She was limp and her eyes were closed. 

"(Y-Y/n)?" I said softly. She didn't respond. I started crying harder. "(Y-Y/n)!" I shook her slightly, but still nothing. "N-no..." 

"Sean...I'm so sorry." Mark said. I refused to give up.

"No! She's still breathing!" I insisted.

"Sean-" Ethan began, but I wasn't giving in just yet.

"NO!" I shouted, picking her up and holding her in my arms. "She's still alive, damn it! I'm not giving up on her that easily!"

"GUYS!" We all looked toward the street and saw Ashton running toward us at full speed. "People are right behind me! I got a few medics and some cops!" I felt hopeful. I rushed her away from the river and toward where Ashton had come from. We met up with the paramedics and they all looked shocked by her condition.

"We need an ambulance!" One said.

"That would take to long! Call in an airlift!" The woman there radioed for the airlift and the rest of them began tending to her wounds, trying to fix her up as much as possible to stabilize her. I helped any way I could.

"Are you her brother?" The woman helping tend to her asked me.

"N-no, I'm her boyfriend." I replied. She looked at Mark, Ethan, and Ashton.

"And you three?"

"Friends. All of us." Mark replied.

"Well, she's lost a lot of blood, but her heartbeat is still strong enough that she has a chance. We need to get her to the hospital as fast as possible."

" her." I said.

"We'll do everything we can. What are your names?"

"Sean McLoughlin." I answered.

"Mark Fishback." Mark replied.

"Ethan Nestor." Ethan told her.

"Ashton Mondell." She nodded.

"Only one of you can come in the airlift with her."

"Sean can go." Ethan said.

"Alright. Can you tell me how the wound occurred?"

"She was shot as we jumped from the building."

"You jumped from the building?" 

"We only had one way off that roof." Mark explained.

"Well, her bruises and cuts aren't severe, but I can't identify if she has any broken bones or torn tendons. Do any of you know of any other injuries like that?"

"No. Only the cuts and bruises." Ashton replied. We soon heard a helicopter. I looked up and lights shone down on us. It came in for a landing and I went with them as they lifted her into the helicopter. 

"Sean!" I looked back at my friends. "We'll meet you at the hospital!" Mark called.

"Take care of her!" Ethan shouted. I nodded and quickly got into the copter. I sat down and held (Y/n)'s hand as we were taken to the nearest hospital. Her heart monitor made me a little paranoid, but I ignored it as best I could. 

"You two must really care about each other." I looked up and saw a different paramedic there. It was a young man with light brown hair and deep green eyes. I looked back at (Y/n).

"More than anything. She....she's the girl I didn't know I needed. I've never met someone more special."

"I get how you feel. I have a girl like that. I actually began a medic because of her. She almost died of a heart attack once. I wanted to be there for her if it ever happened again, so I joined." He explained. 

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said with a slight chuckle, seemingly remembering it all. "I'm Peter." He said, holding out his hand for me.

"Sean." I replied, shaking it.

"So, what's your plan now, Sean?" He asked. I looked back at (Y/n).

"Stay with her...until I can tell her just how much I want her to stay with me forever. I didn't know if I wanted it until now, but I'm not letting her slip away. I...I love her too much for that." He smiled softly at the two of us.

"We'll save her, Sean. I can promise you that. I won't let you lose her. I'm right her with you." I smiled at him.

"Thank you, Peter."

"Anything for a couple like you two. I understand it. You can count on me, man." I smiled.

"I just hope we have enough time." I said.

"We will." Peter told me. "I can feel it." 

"Yeah." I agreed. "Me too. I'm not giving up on her. Not ever." 

Mark's POV

They were taken away and the three of us went back to the others. I saw that they were all patched up and everyone was okay. Pepper ran up to Ashton and hugged him before kissing him happily. I hurried over to Amy and held her close to me. I was relieved that she was alright.

"Mark! Where's Sean? Where's (Y/n)? Are they okay? Are you hurt? What happened? How did you get out of the building?" She asked.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, Amy." I told her. 

"Sean is fine and so am I. I'm not hurt, don't worry. We fought Cindy and blake on the roof. They both...went down with the building."

" did you all get out?"

"We jumped." I said. There was no point in avoiding it.

"WHAT?!" She exclaimed.

"There was only one way, hon. It's fine, okay? The jump didn't hurt anyone." I said.

"That's good. Wait...where are Sean and (Y/n)?"

"They're on they're way to the hospital." I said.

"W-wait...what? Oh my God, what happened?!" 

"(Y/n) was shot. We didn't realize it until we all got to the riverbank. She needs emergency medical attention. We....don't know if she's going to make it." I said, trying not to cry or get choked up, but that was impossible. Amy looked horrified.

"Oh my God." She breathed. "D-do the others know yet?" She asked.

"No. Come on." I said. We both went over to everyone and I knew I had to tell them. "Guys." 

"Mark!" Tyler said, clearly relieved to see that I was alright.

"Good to see you're in good shape, pal." Bob agreed.

"Guys, (Y/n) might not make it." I said. They all looked stunned as Ethan and Ashton hung their heads sadly.

"W-what?" Wade asked.

"She got shot twice. Sean is with her. They got airlifted together. We...we don't know what's going to happen." I said. They all looked stunned.

"So they're at the hospital?" Bob asked.

"Or on their way." I said.

"What should we do?" Tyler asked.

"I told Sean we'd meet them at the hospital." I replied.

"Then let's go." John said. We all nodded in agreement and I paid the people there with the ambulances to take us to the hospital after them. They took us there in two separate ambulances and I held Amy close, trying to comfort her as much as I could while also wanting her there to comfort me in return. I prayed that (Y/n) would live. She was a great friend and she was a great person. Sean needed her, that much was for sure. We could only hope that our prayers would be answered. Please help her. Please let her live.

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