Chapter 24

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You woke up next to Jack. It was nothing unusual. You still felt tired so you didn't even move. You just closed your eyes again. You listened to the soft sounds of his breathing. You smiled a little, your heart swelling with affection for him. You didn't want this to end. You wanted to stay there for hours and hours with him. You knew he was probably going to wake up soon, which made you a little sad, knowing the moment would then have to end. It also made you happy though. Jack was more fun when he was awake anyway.

After a little bit, you finally decided it was time to wake him up. You knew he would probably want to get to work. He was always so serious about that. You began to pepper kisses on his shoulders and his neck. He stirred and he chuckled when he realized what was going on.

"(Y/n), heehee! T-that tickles." He giggled. You pulled back with a smile.

"Good morning to you too, Jack." He smiled.

"And you call me a goofball." He said, his fingers gently combing through your hair. You blushed a bit.

"It's not like you aren't a goofball." You replied, kissing the bridge of his nose. He smiled warmly at you.

"I know." He replied softly before kissing you. The feeling was so addicting for both of you. You just couldn't get enough. Both of you knew this was right. You were right. It was perfect. You both let out small moans as you kissed. When you pulled away, you both hugged tightly, eyes closed as you embraced each other. "I..heh..never thought I'd ever want to act like this around someone. I was never like this with Signe." He said. 

"Maybe that says something about how close you both actually were." You said. 

"I guess so." He agreed. "I never felt like this around her, either." He said with a slight smile. You smiled too.

"I think it's time to get up, Sean." You said.

"Awww! No fair! You got to cuddle me longer!" He whined like a child like he did a lot. 

"We've been like this ever since last night, Jack." You pointed out.

"But you've been awake longer." He countered.

"And I fell asleep first." He paused.

"Touche." He said with a grin. You chuckled. You both got up and you went to make some breakfast. Sean got a coffee and went to go and get ready so he could record. You decided to be nice and make him a plate of bacon so he wouldn't be hungry.

You brought it in for him while he was recording and he smiled. You hugged him from behind his chair and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Girlfriend of the year is right here, guys." Jack said, laughing a little. You smiled into the camera laughing as well and then you said goodbye and you left to go eat your own breakfast. You then got ready and you started working on a song. You were going to post a song video today and then you were going to record like normal. 

As soon as you finished the song and uploaded it, you went to record a game. You decided to record some Subnautica. You loved the game as much as Jack did. You got everything set up and jumped in.

While you were recording, you got attacked by a crab snake. It was one of your favorite areas despite it being deadly. You shrieked and you were able to get away from it. You paused to calm your rapid heartbeat.

While you were trying to relax and, you got a text. You put your phone on silent. You turned back to the camera. 

"Sorry guys. Forgot to put that on silent. Let's keep going!" You said continued to play the game. As soon as you finished, you sent the recording to Robin so he could edit it. You grabbed your phone and headed out. You saw Jack was taking a lunch break. His lunch of some fries and a hot dog made you chuckle. You sat down next to him, snatching a fry. 

"Hey!" He said.

"You'll live." You replied with a playful grin. He chuckled. He got up to get a drink and you got another text. You picked up your phone. It was from an unknown number. You looked at it and your heart stopped for a moment. 

???: 'You can't get rid of me that easily.' You looked at the number again. It was the same number. H-how? You thought, your hands shaking slightly in fear.  Jack was still in the kitchen. You quickly decided to brave texting them back.

You: 'Who are you?' 

There was a tense moment of waiting before they texted back. You quickly read it. You felt terror spreading through your body.

???: 'You will know when I find you.' 

You: 'Leave me alone. Don't text me. Don't call me. Stay away from me, or I'll call the cops.'

???: 'That never works. You and your precious boyfriend are on your own. I WILL find you, (Y/n).' 

You were staring at your screen in horror by this point. W-why? What do they want from me? Who even is this? 

You: 'Why are you doing this?'

???: .....

They didn't respond. You waited, wondering if it was taking them longer. Then, a voice made you jump.

"(Y/n)?" You quickly looked over at Jack. He looked concerned. "Hey, you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost." He said. Should I tell him?

"Uh..." You turned your phone off. "S-sorry, I was just....thinking of something."

"Is it about yesterday?" He asked. You nodded, feeling guilty at lying to him. He hugged you. "It's okay. Whoever that was isn't going to get you. I promise." You hugged back. I don't feel safe here anymore. What am I going to do? What if they're after both of us?  I don't understand. Why is this happening? It was a question that you couldn't answer. Only one person knew the answer, and that person wasn't the one to ask. 

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