Chapter 47

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You tumbled in the water. You didn't even know which way was up. You felt something pulling you a direction you could only assume was up. You broke the surface with a gasp, coughing hard.

"(Y/n)! This way! Hang onto me!" You recognized Sean's voice and you made your best effort to help him pull yourself to shore.

"Guys! Over here!" You saw Ashton, Mark, and Ethan all together on the shore. Ashton was flailing his arms around and they were all shouting to get your attention. You both swam as best you could to get to them. The current was strong, but Sean was fighting it as hard as he could to get you to the others and onto shore. You tried to help him as much as you could, but your energy felt like it as depleting by the second.

"Sean! Grab my arm!" Mark yelled. He did and everyone helped pull the both of you out of the river. You were now soaked, freezing, and exhausted. You heard a loud cracking sound. You turned and saw the building was now engulfed in flames. You all watched with wide eyes and it came collapsing to the ground. It looked like fire and ash was falling from the sky. Sirens could be heard coming as fast as they could. You stared at the destroyed building as all that was left was a large pile of rubble, still burning bright enough to light up the river and the street.

"We did it!" Ethan cheered. 

"We made it out!" Mark agreed. The guys started celebrating and you smiled a little as you stood up, seeing them all hugging happily. You stood up, but a throbbing numbness in your side made you pause and clench your teeth. Your hand right hand raced to your left side. The boys noticed you were standing. 

"(Y/n)! Come on! Join in! We did it! What's wro-...." Sean cut off as he noticed your pained expression. You removed your hand and saw your arm was now covered in blood and your shirt was stained red. You lifted your shirt and you hadn't jumped fast enough. There were two bullet holes in your body. They both went straight through your side, making four total. 

"Oh my God..." Ethan breathed. You looked up at all of them. They all looked pale and horrified, their eyes wide and some already beginning to hold tears.

"(Y-Y/n)..." Sean whimpered, pure terror making his voice sound shrill like a child's would be if they were hiding under the covers from a monster under their bed. You felt dizzy. You couldn't keep your footing. You stumbled and fell, landing hard on your side into the dirt and rocks, all fight you had left leaving your body. "(Y/n)!!" Sean cried out, running over and kneeling down next to you. 

"This isn't happening. This isn't happening!!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Ashton! Get help!" Mark shouted. He ran as fast as he could, screaming for anybody to come and help. Jack lifted you into his lap and brushed your hair out of your face.

"(Y/n), stay with me. It's okay, sweetheart. We're gonna get help for you, okay? You're gonna be okay." He said. He may have been trying to comfort you, but you knew he was trying to convince himself of the same things. You smiled weakly at him.

"Sean...don't cry over me, okay?"

"W-wait, what!? N-no! No, don't you dare say that!"

"I love you so much, Sean. You gave my life a meaning. You made me happier than I ever had been. Keep doing that for the world, okay?"

"N-no! I won't let you leave me, (Y/n)! I'll find a way! I swear!"

"I-I've gotta go, baby. Y-you k-know I can't....s-stay."

"Stop fucking saying that!!" He screamed. Tears streaming out of his eyes and his entire body shaking. 


"No! I'm not letting you die! I can't! I-I c-can't....I can't lose you..." He cried, sounding more broken than ever.

"You aren't. Not...forever..." You told him.

"(Y/n), please.... I love you. I love you more than anything. I can't live without you..."

"Sean," You cupped his cheek, wiping away his tears with your thumb. "You are needed here. Promise me you won't....stop doing what's right. Don't stop....h-helping the world."

"I..." He looked at you for the longest time. "Oh, (Y/n)..." He held you close to him. "I won't. I promise." He whispered. You smiled.

"Remember w-when we met?" You asked. He gave a small breathless laugh.

"H-how could I forget? Y-you c-came to see if I was alright because I was yellin' at the top of my lungs." You chuckled.

"A-and how we had cookies and some drinks together?" 

"H-heh, y-yeah. Y-you looked so beautiful and I-I knew you were going to be a great friend." 

"A-and look at how far we came together..." You said. He smiled, more tears rolling down his face.

"Y-yeah. W-we've come a long way." He said.


"Yeah, love?" 

"C-can you sing for me?" 

"Y-yeah. O-of course. A-anything for you."

"I know you think I got it all figured out, cus I walk around like my head's in the clouds, but I'm just a boy with his heart pouring out of his...head. I wish that you could see the pain that I've seen and all of the time I spent being not me and I hope you know that's it's not always happy in my...head. Cus I...don't know...the perfect road to go down, but I know...I'm trying my best. I'm trying my best to be okay. I'm trying my best, but every day is so hard. And I'm holding my breath. I'm holding my breath till I can say all of the words I want to say from my...heart." You felt your body growing weaker as Jack sang to you. "If you really want to I could let you inside. It's been so long and I've got nothing left to hide. Would you believe me if I told you that I've got flaws. Now it's time to let the curtains unfold and tell all the stories that I didn't want told, yeah. Let it out so I unburden my soul. I won't...stop. Cus I...don't know...the perfect road to go down, but I know...I'm trying my best. I'm trying my best to be okay. I'm trying my best, but every day is so hard. And I'm holding my breath. I'm holding my breath till I can say all of the words I want to say from my...heart."

Mark and Ethan stood behind Jack, looking down at you with broken expression and tears in their eyes. You could feel yourself slipping away. You looked into Sean's beautiful blue eyes. The glimmered in the now fading light of the fire. You could only smile, your heart still wanting to pour out all its love for him. "I-I'm trying my best." He kept singing. "I'm trying my best to be o-okay."

"Sean..." Mark breathed.

"I-I'm trying my best, but e-every day......i-it's so....h-hard." His voice was beginning to break up. 

"Sean..." You whispered, touched by how emotional he was getting and wanting to make it better. He kept going, though.

"And I-I'm holding my breath. I h-holding m-my breath t-till I can say....a-all of the words I w-wanna s-say...f-from my......heart." He was crying hard now, his eyes making rivers as they were shut tight trying to stop them. 

"Sean." You whispered. He opened his eyes.

"P-please, angel...s-stay with me..." You smiled at him, tears in your own eyes.

"I will, Jacky..." You promised him.

"I love you..." You used the last of your strength to lean closer to him.

"I love you too..." You kissed him softly and he kissed back. There was so much love to give. You wanted it to last. You tried to make it last for your broken lover....but you couldn't hold on any longer.

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now